I've seem to run into an issue. Noticed leaves were turning yellow quickly at the bottom of the plant which is usually and indication of nitrogen deficiency.. Also spotted signs of calmag deficiency as well as nutrient burn via burnt leaf tips.
So, what's the issue? Best guess is a PH issue. The plant can't uptake nutrients properly because the PH of my water is not right.
I decided to re-calibrate my PH pen and its seems that I've had pretty significant PH drift. Since re-calibrating I've been using much less PH down. Hopefully subsequent waterings will fix the PH issue.
I got pretty worried about the rapid change in the plant, so I brewed up some compost tea and fed her with it. Also fed a full cup of craft blend and worm castings and will feed her some myco tomorrow. I'm hoping the issue won't persist because I still have like 8 weeks left on her.
Other than that, she seems okay. Her growth is still good and her calyx are really starting to form and develop trichs. You can see that she is also turning purple which I'm super excited about.
See you next week!
Wow buddy!! super nice buds
What an amazing grow so far - good job and well done 🤝
Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱
Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩🌾