This week has been good, adjusted the lighting height to 18 and just got the brightness slowly turned up to about 50 % these girls have not needed much water as they are seedlings in a big pot! So i gotta be careful i dont over water! I gave em a root drench with the bushdoctor kangaroots so hopefully these roots will start growing strong and healthy! Much love happy growing
I could harvest now but i wanna be a little patient, they say a 10 to 12 week time from seed to harvest! When I checked the trichomes, it was showing me she needs a few more days! Im looking for at least 10% amber caps. Hopefully im not wrong lol
Well done on this harvest, buds look great 👌💚
How did you find using advanced nutrients?
I use them and love them, always given me a decent end product 💚
Great diary well done 🙌💚
@MistaMcFly, I've heard that organic / living soil has a better taste/smoke exp.
I have never done one yet but after my next auto run with advanced nutrients I'll be doing an organic run to see.
Love the progress and again we'll done with your grows they look happy and healthy 😁✌️💚
@pifflestikkz, Thank you!!! I loved using advanced nutrients, how ever I did notice my organic soil harvest, the flower tasted a bit better. But over all love advanced nutrients and so did the plant! Thank you for support 🙏 🙌