I got back from my vacation and my plants were wilting even worse. Soil was still drenched. I knew something was off because the water should not have kicked in yet since I set it to 72hours and I had only been gone about 60 hours. I checked my water timer and I noticed the the manual switch was turned on. I turned that off and changed the timer too every 24 hours for 10 minutes. The plants recovered several days later. I also noticed my exhaust was on almost constantly since I installed it and I noticed I had my humidity settings were too low. It's rainy season here and unfortunately my exhaust was stuck in a feedback loop. Water turns on humidity rises. Fan turns on but then it pulls cold humid air into the greenhouse and humidity never drops because it is raining inside. I set the humidity controller to 90% with a 5 point differential. I am buying a humidity monitor so I can better calibrate the bluebird. I might have too just deal with higher humidity because I don't have enough electricity run to the greenhouse to power a dehumidifier. Hopefully I can avoid mold if I just maintain good airflow inside the greenhouse. If anyone has any suggestions on lowering humidity without exhaust or a dehum please let me know. My plants are showing buds but they are delayed for sure. I believe it is because of the huge temperature swings on the low end from last week. I have tomatoes and some other plants I started from seed growing and I might start including them in this diary. It's a good place for me too keep track of everything. I also got a 42 gallon compost tumbler and I am planning on starting a worm bin in the greenhouse as well. I am hoping the composter will generate some heat soo my heater doesn't have too work so hard. If it works I might start trench composting as well too generate even more heat.