F30- Going well. Just installed a fourth circulating fan, two on top, two underneath. Had a couple spots of PM earlier this week, not planning to spray unless more appears. Hoping airflow and defol minimize any further issues. Will really dig in tomorrow when I have time.
F32- Shit is fucked but not really. Still battling PM. It's very minimal in occurance and for some reason only on the top leaves in general, with plenty of airflow and light. Will continue to defol and check the lower leaves. Sprayed with Dr Zymes again and still it came back a day later. Will spray the Doc again tomorrow.
-Another fuck, the stockier OG hermed hard. Plucked probably about 15-20 pollen sacks only on lower half of the plant. Not too worried about a bit of pollination, but just another stressor in life. Can't wait for that vacation to Santa Barbara after harvest.
sickk you are doing huge pots as well I haven't found a bunch of us lol 😂 I started at 20 gallon and now at 65 gallon. really nice grow dude! and frosty buds! 😋
@MindFlowers68, Yo thanks homie! This is such an easy and drama free way to grow for me lol. Still new to all this and always learning! Happy growing homie