Hi there growers!
Day 7 of flower.
She's in Cruise Control mode, way forward, it's the happiest of them all. She also received a Top Dress of Diatomaceous earth earlier in the week, in the middle of the week Mycorrhizae, these watered with root stimulator plus enzymes and the last one only water.Soon she will receive a Top dress for flowering, I don't want any interruption due to lack of nutrients.
We'll continue next week, happy growing!
@Exotic_Gardener, Il problema che ho pochissimo tempo da dedicare alle bimbe.Queste ultime 2 settimane ero in ferie allora ok,ma di solito sono solo il fine settimana a casa. Comunque cerco di fare del mio meglio
@BudBoutique,Thnks!๐ Very appreciate stopping by my diaries and comment. This girls is a heavy feeder and gives big dense nugz, Iยดm very impressed with this size of buds in day 21.