2.24.2024: Start of week 5 from seed. Started to flower last week. Nothing done today. Still no nutes given, still scared to defoliate. Plant is 15.5 inches tall and looks healthy. Light is 11 inches from the top and at 75% power, 112 watts. I'm clearly no expert and i'm sure there's something i should be doing(feeding) but she's chugging along.
2.25.2024: Day 37 from seed. Watered 64oz at 6.3ph. Bud development is slower then her tent mate. Perhaps thats due to her bushy stature and foliage. Still seeing solid upward growth each day. Hopefully she turns on the jets this week. Still no auxillary nutes given. Finally worked up the nerve to take off 8 fan leaves. Really opened the plant up. Hopefully i don't pay the price!
2.26.2024: Day 38. Small bit of upward growth. No negative affects from the defoliation yesterday. Will feed tomorrow for the first time at 1/4 strength nutes from the fox farm trio and maybe some calmag.
2.27.2024: Day 39 from seed. Finally fed the plant, albeit small amounts. Foxfam trio at 1/4 strength of the week 5 doses plus calmag. 64oz of the solution at 6.5ph.
2.28.2024: Day 40 from seed, 36 from sprout. Nothing doing today. Maybe a 1/4 inch of upward growth? Stuck around 19.5 inches in total height. Light at 75% power 11inches from the top.
2.29.2024: Day 41. 96oz of ph 6.5ph. Upward growth has stalled at 19.75 inches. Added a few handfuls of Ocean Forrest as i noticed the soil level has compacted a bit. Will add pics later today once she perks up a bit.
3.1.2024: End of week 6, day 42 from seed. Small bit of upward growth, now up to 21 inches. Besides some lite defoliation, i've let the plant do its thing. Since its my first time i figured the only goal is just to get to harvest. Lots of learnings thus far. FFOF probably isn't ideal but its working. Some burnt leaf tips, probably some nitrogen toxicity, but otherwise we're doing well. Will definately look to LST more and sooner next time around.
@Heretic, i'm shooting from the hip here but i'd guess somewhere in the 375-450 range. At the time of this response, i'm at 12 inches from top of the plant at 50% power or 75 watts. if you check the light's specs, 50% power at 12 inches should be somewhere in the 400 ppfd range.
I really appreciate your grow diary!! I'm on first grow and alos using the xs1500pro and everything was great but I also notcied the white tips around week 4/5. I've searched high and low for other users with this light. Right now I have it at top of the tent on 100% so about 30 inches away from tallest plant. I did have it about 18 inches on 80% but definitely had some light stress going on. I would like to run a couple few plants at different stages so that is why I'm testing the light where it is. I've noticed several users of this light reporting white or yellow tips on top growth. I'm also running 20/4