Chelsea emerged today and looks quite happy. I'll plant her tomorrow.
Charlotte is doing well for a 3-day old...loving life.
Charlene doubled in size since her first feeding yesterday...she likes the nutes.
I've decided to try a 20/4 light cycle for this crop to see if it helps with keeping my foliage intact a little longer through the, I want my average tent temps about 4-5 degrees cooler this time to see how much it helps with terpene production/preservation. I will continue supplementing with 4 Exhale bags in an effort to keep PPM's above 1300, even when the exhaust is running..that and the addition of silica in their diet should help mitigate the higher temps they'll experience from time to's a very mild winter thus far, so it's hard to maintain consistent temps. I'll veg them at 24/0 until I'm seeing pistils poppin on the majority of them, then change to 20/4.
Chelsea was planted today, so that's 3, I say again, 3 x C4's growing!
Ch arlene - is such a showoff..she's determined to set world records
Ch arlotte - is happy to be out from under her dome in the bright blue 'sunshine'😎
Ch elsea - is just happy to be alive..she had a brush with death today..almost dried out..😴
I fed Charlene about 32oz of ph'd water with early veg nutes and foliar fed them both. Just ph'd water for Charlotte.
Just gave Charlene about 16oz of ph'd water today, foliar fed and rotated her. I just wet Charlotte's soil with ph'd water and foliar fed her.
I fed Charlene 32oz of ph'd water with full strength veg nutes and moved some lights much closer to the canopy today. I just gave Charlotte plain ph'd water and foliar fed her.
D-day (Daylight)
I put them into overdrive and kicked on the 1500w light at about 30" and left the blues on them at 8" to 12" and all the cool white side lights...grow babies grow.
I don't think Chelsea is gonna make it...😞
Best way bud, I've never seen point of faffing about , I stick seeds either straight in starter pot or root it cube ,always works unless seed is a dud . Good luck n happy growing bud
@OutForReal, Cool, ya, I'm sure hoping out of the two that I've got growing that I get at least one with those delicious strawberry-colored buds! It bushes-up really well when FIM'd and exposed to a lot of 450nm blue light.👍