3 weeks flowering. This week I had a big problem. All plants have some male flowers. Does anyone has an idea how this come? I can only thing of one reason. Can someone confirm my suspicion? The day starts at 7am and ends at 7pm. But the third or fourth night of flowering, the lamp was still burning around 11pm. I think my automatic lightclock hadn't turn off the lights. Immediately I turned the light off. Since then I control the light everyday and this has not happened again, and therefore this happened only 1 time. Could this the reason be of the male flowers? I can easily remove the male flowers. And NO new male flowers have appeared since I removed them. Almost in every armpit, of the three to fourth oldest side branches of the plant, appeared 2 male flowers. Half of the time the plants were outside. They were inside in the early morning and when temperatures were lower than 25°C. Plants haven't grown much last week (the tallest (#3) : + 10cm = 110cm ; the smallest is 95cm). I think the plants show some shortage on fertilizer (lower leaves look a bit yellowish, some bladestems have some purpleish), I was planning to give some Plagron Green Sensation (high on P + K). Or does someone have a better idea? Sorry but it seems 'paragraph space' doesn't work....
Usually the situation you described will not cause hermaphroditism by itself.It requires a combination of stress factors.If you got them all in time you should be ok though.
@DaGrowQueen, I am very pleased with your comment. I try my best, and it's very nice to hear from other people that they too enjoy my diary, as I do making it. Keep up the good work yourself. Wish you a happy grow !
@CANNASIM, . The greenhouse will be crowded with sweet peppers in some weeks.
These ladies will be placed under HPS light indoor. But with temperatures above 25°C I'll put them outside in the sun.
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Thx, indeed thrips (googled it, and you're right).
It was the weakest of all plants, and because it was nr.13 (will not fit well in my flowerroom), I removed the plant. From now on 12 plants to go 😉.
I saw no poop on the plant. But I do saw some black spots on the peppers standing close to the plants. When I push on it, some black smurry came out, probably the poop you mentioned....💩
wow excellent content, have you found the royal cookies a pleasure to grow? I got some germinating next week, but I'm putting them up against th seeds French cookies in a cookie bake off lol! Your diary is awesome keep up the excellent work!
@JUNGLE_B4RNS,Final week in the greenhouse, I'll start flowering indoor under HPS and outdoor. I hope they will grow not much longer than the height RQS says .....