The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Double Grape | Strawberry Nuggets | 3 Bears OG | Alien vs Triangle

10 months ago
a year ago
Nutrients 1
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 3 mll
I've nearly finished my set up now, just printing a wall mount for my old fan to save a bit of money then we're ready! My seeds came last week but one of the seeds was alien vs triangle which I wasn't against just not what I had decided on so mephisto were kind enough to get my double grape out to me that should be here tomorrow 😊 I'm gonna soak them all in a fulvic solution of 4ml per litre for 18ish hours then straight into a little hole in the soil with a light sprinkle on top. I've got a humidifier coming Tuesday just in time to raise the humidity in my grow space when I plant them 🌿 I'm hoping they'll all pop but if not mephisto have also kindly put 2 seeds in each of my 1 seed bags and provided 5 freebies so I've go some backups incase including 2 alien vs triangles they didn't say anything about returning so really 10/10 breeder if you ask me 😁 I'm trying 4 plants this time as I've made a makeshift table that has raised my working area above pipes and the built in tube heater enough to have 4 bigger pots comfortably, I'll just have to be on top on my lst but it's definitely manageable I say 😅 I'll be updating this hopefully next Thursday after I see some sprouts 🤞 happy growing everyone 🥦 6/3/2024 Ive just planted my seeds after a 24 hour fulvic acid solution soak, little hole with a light sprinkle of soil with a few sprays of fulvic solution to keep the soil moist. I got a smart humidifier yesterday govee smart lite I think it is, looks pretty good and makes steam a++. I also printed off a wall mount for my fan which seems to be holding steady, done 100% gyroid infill with 4.5 walls in pla+ to be sure it doesn't break and destroy my babies! Other than that I'm all set up, everything is running and I'll be turning my light on tomorrow to give my seeds something to aim towards. 8/3/2024 I can see all 4 seeds looping out of their little holes, strawberry nuggets was absolutely rapid had already popped up yesterday afternoon which was crazy having been less than 24 hours 😳 so now I've got about 13 seeds left for my next 2 grows which is handy 😋 I'll start my first week from when the tiny training leaves come out 🌿 9/3/2024 3 of the 4 have sprouted out now with their cotyledons about 2cm tall, unfortunately it was the taproot I saw coming out the soil for the sour stomper so I turned him round and covered him up. If I don't see him by tomorrow I'll bung another sour stomper seed in 😊 I got some strain stickers from mephisto which look great so I've stuck the to a printed base to act as plant tags 🥦 10/3/2024 3 of my babies are off to the races leaving spur stomper in the dirt, although the sour stomper has emerged it doesn't look great it's a bit deformed and twisty so I soaked another ss seed yesterday and popped that in the same pot to use incase he doesn't straighten himself out and get his hat off 🎩
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
60 %
25 °C
25 °C
25 °C
16 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 3 mll
10th March 2024 All 4 of my seeds are above ground and thriving now, even my sour stomper I was worried about looks to be making a full recovery after I removed his helmet, I did accidentally pull him out when trying to remove the shell but I managed to get him back in. There is another sour stomper seed in the pot though so if it's looking a bit mutated his brother will be along in a couple of days 🥦🥦 I'm pretty happy with my set up at the moment, I've made the best of the space I've got the only thing I could do with is a new grow light. I've got my eye on the mars hydro TS1000 as soon as some funds are free as my little TS600 is only meant for 1-2 plants according to their website 😬 it'll do the job for veg but I will be doing everything in my power to upgrade ready for flower 💪 Happy growing everyone 🎄 11th March 2024 These babies are shooting up, not too leggy and a nice thick set of first leaves developing nicely 🌿 my sour stomper does look like he's improved since yesterday however doesn't seem to have any leaves inside the cotyledons and looks very weasly but unfortunately my other seed hasn't popped yet and hasn't even come out the shell so that may be a dud 🤔 we shall wait and see anyway I may just have to push forward with a stunted seedling til it gets better. I do have some alien vs triangle and freebies if it looks really bad still in a few days 🧐 12th March 2024 Im really happy with the progress 3 of my seedlings have made so far, the strawberry nuggets looks beasty already 😂 however, my sour stomper has grown a bit and looks healthier but is showing no signs of first true leaves coming not even a flicker of a leaf in its center it's very worrying. His brother also failed to germinate and is somewhere in the pot disappointing me from under the soil. I do really want to do a 4 plant run still though so I've added an Alien vs Triangle seed to soak for 24 hours before planting that also in a last ditch effort to have my 4th plant in the running not too far behind the others. I would really appreciate any experience anyone has with only cotydelons being present for way too long without any further growth showing cause I'm a bit sad really to possibly lose the sour stomper everyone loves the smoke 😢
Grow Questions
MrGreen92started grow question a year ago
This plant was stunted at the start after he couldn't get his hat off, but now looks pretty healthy however it's been 3 days of just cotydelons and absolutely no sign of the first true leaves. Have you had this before and did it recover to eventually grow true leaves?
Leaves. Too few
Leaves. Other
1 like
LSchnabelanswered grow question a year ago
I have had this happen a few times and unfortunately it always ended up as a runt. They did always make an effort to grow but was always behind a great deal. If you are trying to keep an even canopy in the growing area then this little girl will fall short. I did try one time and grow it with the rest of the seeds germinated at the same time just to see. By the end of the grow it was just a few decent buds but nothing else. I hope this helps.
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
5.08 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
60 %
25 °C
25 °C
25 °C
16 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 3 mll
Unfortunately my original Sour Stomper seedling hasn't had any sign of growing its first leaves, even though it looks healthy it just isn't getting anywhere so I'm probably gonna keep it in a pot on the windowsill to see what it becomes 🧐 I did unfortunately knock my hygrometer down and it fell squashed him and tore a leaf, still looks ok and at least I know now to not have the hygrometer there 👍 The second Sour Stomper seed didn't germinate unfortunately so I put in an Alien vs Triangle that popped up yesterday luckily and is looking very healthy 😁 unfortunately it is a week behind the others which is gonna annoy the shit out of me but better than being a plant down I suppose 🌿🌿🌿🌿 22th edit 😂 fucken druggo 22nd March 2024 Double Grape is an absolute monster, fastest growing I've seen, looks at least a week older than the others 😁 Strawberry Nuggets unfortunately has been drowned by my stupidity, I thought he was thirsty, he was not. I've got a cheap moisture meter but I'm gonna invest in a better one to avoid this. Just needs a couple of days to dry a bit and hopefully be back to growing and not looking sad 🙄 3 Bears OG is kinda in the middle of being great but also struggling a tiny bit, looks a bit deformed but the new leaves coming looks good. He's pretty much the middle child, doing well but because his older brother is bigger and his younger brothers are getting the attention he doesn't need to try that hard
Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
60 %
25 °C
25 °C
25 °C
16 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 3 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.5 mll
All my plants are at different stages of their journey, I think I'm gonna try and set up a different area I can use to dry them when the time comes as it's seems very likely they'll all be done at different times 🧐 Double Grape is just extremely beasty compared to the others, even compared to the biggest of my last crop he's still a giant so I expect he's gonna be a handful to manage lst in preflowering 💪 Strawberry Nuggets is still looking a bit sad, he briefly looked good as the medium had dried out then looked down again, I've given him a bit of water so I'll just have to monitor him. I reckon his roots may be drowning or suffocating from compacted soil who knows 🤷 3 Bears OG looks pretty normal other than some mutated leaves he's just plodding along looking like a normal sized little seedling 🍁 Alien vs Triangle has made some great progress, it's almost taller than the stunted strawberry Nuggets so at least if he catches up to the nuggets he'll have a mate to finish with while the 2 older brothers are drying elsewhere 🌿 That's all for now, my grow space seems to be all set to be used as is permanently. All I want is a TS1000 mars hydro led and a better oscillating fan that's quieter 🤔 I might try a screen of green on my next crop we'll see how well I manage with 4 plants in my 100cm x 80cm space 🙄 happy growing everyone 🌿🌿 30th March 2024 My new mars hydro Ts1000 came today 😁😁 looks really nice, is a bit heavier and the cables were a bit all over the place on top due to being able to remove the ballast you unfortunately get a metre of extra power cable that sits on top if you don't remove the ballast 🙄 but it doesn't matter too much I'm just happy to have an upgrade and some free stickers 😄 Everyone is doing well, even the strawberry Nuggets is growing, he's just very short and sad looking, probably root issues but I'm not about to uproot him to check so I will just hope for the best 🌿 I've started them on a low recommended dose of my terra aquatica nutrients so I'm sure they'll be blowing up soon especially with my new light 💪💪 Happy growing everyone, have a great 4 day weekend 😁
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Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
a year ago
7 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
55 %
20 °C
23 °C
21 °C
16 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 2 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.5 mll
Another week done! Seen massive growth from everyone this week, even Strawberry Nuggets is giving it a good go even if he's going through some shit 🍓 Double Grape is the clear leader, an absolute beast, I had to start lst with him before he flowers 🍇 3 Bears OG is a contender that's for sure, he's almost ready for a bit of yoga 🐻 Following closely behind at the back is Alien vs Triangle, which is a week behind everyone else but looking like he's gonna close the gap between him and nuggets 🏁👽 Not much to do now other than a bit of LST, the stress is behind me now, even with strawberry nuggets looking like a floppy banana peel I have faith he will pull through, especially with the power of Icarus hanging above them it almost looks like a proper grow room 💪 3rd April 2024 After even more lst for my Double Grape today which is an absolute monster, I think I might try my hand at cloning and make a monster cannabonsai 🤔 I trimmed off some lower leaves that were touching the soil to avoid any mould or pests. Then took a look at my sad failing Strawberry Nuggets and trimmed a few big leaves off which were blocking 4 new bud sites that were trying their best to get through but with it being so low and bushy there was no space for anything new, it has grown a bit since yesterday as well but I did make the mistake of feeding her more cause I'm a softy but then felt the pot which was rather heavy compared to my Grape that's been on the light side since the start so there may be a lesson there 🤔 My Alien vs Triangle is booming, already taller than Nuggets and just has spontaneous growth out of nowhere, really has me matching up times and dates on pictures thinking I messed up but since the new light this and 3 Bears OG has been off the the races 😁 6th April 2024 I've been struggling with temperature and humidity this week and thought my humidifier was turning on randomly or my wife was blasting the heating every day, but as I discovered before I went to bed yesterday my extractor fan was blowing nothing out the vents because my carbon filter was blocked up. Tip for new growers. If you need to use a humidifier in your grow space, use RO, deionised or distilled water in your humidifier so you don't have to bash the shit out of your carbon filter with a hammer to free it up 👍 All good now, got some decent airflow and a new prefilter sleeve on, luckily my work buys bulk deionised water I can buy 25 litres of for £7 which isn't bad otherwise they have a large RO system I can probably just fill up from for free 😊 what a hassle 😅
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
a year ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
55 %
20 °C
25 °C
25 °C
16 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 2 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.5 mll
Another week of ups and downs, my carbon filter got blocked with minerals and shit by my humidifier so I'm gonna get some deionized water from work to remedy this when I need to use the humidifier again 👍 my TS1000 is at 75% and 30cm away which seems to be doing the job 🧐 other than that my setup is doing what I need the only thing I would want is a new oscillating fan as mine sounds a bit creaky after 24h running 🤔 Double Grape is just an absolute monster, looks 6 weeks old and has just started preflowering, at least a week ahead of everyone else but I've managed to keep the canopy even for now but it's only a matter of time before he shoots up 🍇 Strawberry Nuggets has been stunted for a while now, although growth has been made everything is very stocky and close together. I managed to pull a few bud sites free from the mound of leaves and removed a few fan leaves that were blocking everything new 🙄 yesterday he looked pretty chipper so I done my best at some lst today and just have to hope for the best 3 Bears OG is looking good, just a normal little weed plant, looked a bit over watered then looked underwatered but he's looking better now. Hasn't responded very well to lst got abnormal growth all over the place but he'll be alright by the end of the week 💪 Alien vs Triangle is coming for 3 Bears, almost if not bigger than him now even though he's 6 days behind everyone. Definitely bigger than my Nuggets but it seems that Nuggets is a tricky plant to grow from what I've seen 🤔 Happy growing everyone 🌿
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
a year ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
50 %
20 °C
25 °C
25 °C
16 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 2 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.7 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.4 mll
It has been a pretty normal week, everyone is growing up nicely 💪 the humidity has been a bit low but I don't want to use my humidifier until I get some ro or di water from my work that I keep forgetting about 🧐 other thing is my lst does need more practice 🙄 Alien vs Triangle and 3 Bears OG were in a bit of a mess, so I've tried again to even things out 🌿 Strawberry Nuggets seems to slowly be responding to training but has just started flowering to I'll have to pull a little every day so it doesn't get crowded 🎄🎄 Double Grape is still double the size of the rest, well in to flower and letting off some good smells 🍇 Hope everyone has a great week 🌿🌿
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Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
a year ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
25 °C
25 °C
16 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 2 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.7 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.4 mll
Last week of growth was mainly focused on flowering, not alot of height gained but they're all in Bloom now 🌿 there has been a couple of issues with my Double Grape having deficiency and my Alien vs Triangle looks to of had nitrogen toxicity but that seems to have resolved itself now I've lowered the nutes a bit 🤔 Strawberry Nuggets is still very dense and pretty much impossible to lst anymore but hopefully if she has a stretch that will give more space between the bud sites. Alien vs Triangle is looking a lot better now and is about the same size as 3 Bears OG but with a messier canopy. 3 Bears OG is looking and smelling very nice and is nearly in full flower. Double Grape has got some stinky funky smelling buds that I can't wait to try, getting frosty already and is double the size of everyone else, already well in to flower wouldn't surprise me if it was done in 4 weeks 😁 thats all for now anyway, happy growing everyone 24th April 2024 Quick update. I'm very happy with how these are coming along, the smells coming off of the Double Grape and 3 Bears OG are insane 🤤 really hope I dry and cure these right cause I wanna taste that smell 😂 Now I may be seeing things but I'm sure underneath my hairy strawberry nuggets lies some pink buds which is gonna look really sweet when she's in full bloom 😍 it's gonna look cool anyway with the structure of the plant, I'll be keeping a close eye on her, I bet it's just the lighting making it look pink underneath but I can hope 🍓
Grow Questions
MrGreen92started grow question a year ago
My Double Grape is showing signs of what looks like a nitrogen deficiency. My Ph is 7, temps 25c, humidity 40% and watering 1l every 3rd day. Does anyone know if I can increase my nitrogen my adding more of either micro, grow or bloom from the terra tripart range?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Feeding. Deficiences
Krisisanswered grow question a year ago
With the way the yellow/pale is moving I would say it looks more like potassium than nitrogen to me. You don’t need any other product aside from what you have. You can increase the bloom nutes a bit. I definitely wouldn’t start increasing the amount of nitrogen you’re using in flower though. it seems like you’re already using pretty much correct ratios as is so I’d increase just gradually in the bloom nutes and see how she responds
Week 8. Flowering
a year ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
25 °C
20 °C
16 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 2 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.7 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.4 mll
Another week closer to harvest 😁 all the buds are developing nicely and there's not really alot for me to do other than water them every 3rd day. I've had this week off so it's seemed really slow for growth when I check on them every couple of hours but I just have to repeatedly look at my previous weeks to know I'm getting somewhere Double Grape is still looking at least 2 weeks ahead of everyone else, I can't help but pinch the buds cause the smell is so very fruity 😁 she has had quite a few lower leaves yellow and either which I've removed and the rest are light green with some red between, I've upped the watering and nutes so will just see how it goes 3 Bears OG is also filling out nicely now, got a lovely melony smell coming from the buds and the canopy is even enough for my liking after removing a few lower bud sites Strawberry Nuggets is starting to stretch now, still very compact with everything but I stretch and tuck what I can and have removed a few bits here and there to create a bit of air flow. I can definitely see pink coming through on all the buds now so that'll look really nice in a few weeks 😁 Alien vs Triangle is now the second biggest in the space even though he's a week younger he's really put the effort in 💪 after a bit of toxicity I've found a balance and he's recovered. I've cut off a few scragglers to give the top buds a boost and I'll need to do some defoliation at some point cause he's a bushy boy That's all for now, good luck everyone 🍀 Update 4th May I set up my LetPot system yesterday which with 1 dripper per plant gave 100ml per minute which is easy to create a schedule for based on that. However, it didn't seem like 1 dripper per plant was enough so I've given each plant 2 so the water is more evenly distributed 🌿 so far the LetPot kit I got is working well, the app is easier to use and set up and looks nice and tidy in my grow space 😊
Grow Questions
MrGreen92started grow question a year ago
Is 1 dripper enough per plant?
Setup. Substrates
Feeding. Automatic systems
Feeding. Schedule
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question a year ago
Depends on the dripper.. if not distributed well enough in a larger pot, it can be an issue. On far side, after an irrigation, go investigate how deep you have to ppke down at far edge before you feel moisture. That will give a good idea of what proportion of the substrate is getting moisture. if soilless, with less consistent runoff going through entirety, may need to reduce concentration a bit -- observe and react. Just be on look out for early hints of overfeeding. i use five gallon pots tha ar about 11.5" wide at the top and 10" wide at bottom and 11" tall. I use the emitters that spray out in 8 directions. I have the pressure to give about a 4" diameter. I use 2 per pot and overlap them as evenly as i can. The 2 dryes points are at intersection of the two circles of water.. top 1/2-1" can remain dry in that small spot on each side of pot, but overall.. fairly consistent and haven't had issues in 2 years now. Not saying this is minimum, but just 1 data point to consider as you go forward. If it works, it works. That's the most important thing.
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
25 °C
20 °C
16 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.7 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.4 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.1 mll
Another week down 🌿 they're all looking really healthy and are all on the same feed now. I've setup my LetPot system with 2 drippers each but I'm gonna upgrade to 360° stakes. They all smell and look great, strawberry Nuggets is starting to show it's purple more and more 😊 all I have to do now is keep the reservoir topped up and trim off any dead leaves I see til harvest time 🍁 11th May 2024 Its been a good week of flowering, my Alien vs Triangle is well on its way to catch up to everyone 😊 I'm hopefully gonna harvest these before months end as I'm going on holiday at the beginning on next month which is the worst time really because I'm either gonna have to harvest a week before or as soon as I'm back 🙄 I've tested my drip irrigation system for a week which worked nicely so I can use that if I don't harvest. I was just gonna use this for the rest of the grow but I quite like watering and tending to each plant instead of just topping up a reservoir 🌿
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
25 °C
20 °C
16 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.7 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.4 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.1 mll
Another week of growth done! 👍 Not alot happened last week, just some ripening and more orange pistils 🍁 Double Grape, Strawberry Nuggets and 3 Bears OG all look to be at the same stage. I would've liked a bit more height from my nuggets but I think that's all she's gonna give me 🍓 Alien vs Triangle is catching up nicely, I'm hoping to harvest these before the end of the month or most likely after I'm back from holiday 🤔 That's all for now, happy growing everyone 🎄
1 like
Week 11. Flowering
10 months ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
25 °C
20 °C
16 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.7 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.4 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.1 mll
Another week done 😊 we're in the last few weeks before harvest now! My 3 oldest plants are definitely ready. Leaves are yellowing, pistils are amber, trichomes are cloudy and they're drinking less 🧐 My Alien vs Triangle that's 6 days behind everyone is starting to fatten up nicely and will be ready to chop in 3 weeks time when I'm back from my holiday. It is gonna be a bit of a late harvest for my oldest 3 but unfortunately that's just how the time scale lined up my bad 🙄
Week 12. Flowering
10 months ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
25 °C
20 °C
16 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
FinalPart - Terra Aquatica
FinalPart 5 mll
I'm in to the final weeks of the grow now 😊 I've switched everyone on to 5ml of final part for their last 2 weeks and will be setting up my drip irrigation system ready to run next week when I'm on holiday so hopefully that'll carry them through til chop Everyone's looking pretty much ready to harvest, Double Grape has been ready for a week now but he'll have to wait! In these final couple of weeks I hope strawberry Nuggets and 3 Bears OG will ripen up nicely and Alien vs Triangle will pack on some weight 31st May After much faffing around with my drip irrigation system I'm not happy with it at all. My drippers are emitting the same amount after much tossing about. I've decided to give them a good feed today before I leave for a week tomorrow and then feed them every 3rd day through the drip irrigation system until I see runoff on the camera 🧐 I don't like it, but this is better than the upside down Dr pepper bottle spikes I used last time 😂
1 comment
Week 14. Harvest
10 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Strawberry Nuggets was quite a difficult one to get any training done with, you've really gotta get in there with the wires and give them a good old yank otherwise you'll just end up with a little Christmas tree 😂 I'm not sure moving my light away or training earlier would have helped but I'm happy with the results anyway. I got a pink pheno that I'm sure will look lovely when it's cured 😊 overall no problems just hard to lst
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Spent 89 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I was on holiday last week so unfortunately I had to rely on a smart drip irrigation system. I used the letpot system which I'm sure would be great if I didn't end up messing with the drippers last minute 🙄 Unfortunately only my Alien vs Triangle and 3 Bears OG were sufficiently watered through the week which cost my Strawberry Nuggets alot of the moisture out of the sugar leaves 😮‍💨 my Double Grape seemed to survive it but I'll have to see if that cost me some terps 🙄 Overall I'll be getting some better drip emmiters and trying something different if I'm foolish enough to time my harvest date with a holiday again ☺️ After flooding all pots with flash clean for 2 days and allowing them to get some moisture back I chopped them down. All look good with no mold or rot so I'll hope for the best. After overdrying my bud last time I'm using my humidifier underneath my plants which is sectioned off with plywood so any humidity will leak through the edges after being blown by the fan I set up lower. My humidifier is set to keep the humidity at 60% and the temperature this week is 16c so I'm hoping for as long a dry as possible. I'll post some harvest updates ones I've dried, trimmed and weighed 😊 Thank you all for checking out my diary 🌿
Week 14. Harvest
10 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
My favourite to grow was Double Grape. What an absolute beast from start to finish 💪 smells absolutely amazing with giant frosty buds. Towards the end she needed support to hold up her massive nugs and also looked amazing with a nice purple fade 😁 I'll definitely be running this again next crop
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Spent 89 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I was on holiday last week so unfortunately I had to rely on a smart drip irrigation system. I used the letpot system which I'm sure would be great if I didn't end up messing with the drippers last minute 🙄 Unfortunately only my Alien vs Triangle and 3 Bears OG were sufficiently watered through the week which cost my Strawberry Nuggets alot of the moisture out of the sugar leaves 😮‍💨 my Double Grape seemed to survive it but I'll have to see if that cost me some terps 🙄 Overall I'll be getting some better drip emmiters and trying something different if I'm foolish enough to time my harvest date with a holiday again ☺️ After flooding all pots with flash clean for 2 days and allowing them to get some moisture back I chopped them down. All look good with no mold or rot so I'll hope for the best. After overdrying my bud last time I'm using my humidifier underneath my plants which is sectioned off with plywood so any humidity will leak through the edges after being blown by the fan I set up lower. My humidifier is set to keep the humidity at 60% and the temperature this week is 16c so I'm hoping for as long a dry as possible. I'll post some harvest updates ones I've dried, trimmed and weighed 😊 Thank you all for checking out my diary 🌿
Week 14. Harvest
10 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
3 Bears OG struggled a bit in the beginning with me over watering him and doing some terrible lst but eventually I sorted him out and out come some very stinky fruity buds 😁 although he's the second smallest one of the nuggets on it is the biggest of all looks to be at least half an ounce so hopefully it doesn't mess up when drying. Overall a lovely manageable little strain I may run this again if I don't do 2 Grape walker kush, Double Grape and Alien vs Triangle 🤔
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Spent 89 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I was on holiday last week so unfortunately I had to rely on a smart drip irrigation system. I used the letpot system which I'm sure would be great if I didn't end up messing with the drippers last minute 🙄 Unfortunately only my Alien vs Triangle and 3 Bears OG were sufficiently watered through the week which cost my Strawberry Nuggets alot of the moisture out of the sugar leaves 😮‍💨 my Double Grape seemed to survive it but I'll have to see if that cost me some terps 🙄 Overall I'll be getting some better drip emmiters and trying something different if I'm foolish enough to time my harvest date with a holiday again ☺️ After flooding all pots with flash clean for 2 days and allowing them to get some moisture back I chopped them down. All look good with no mold or rot so I'll hope for the best. After overdrying my bud last time I'm using my humidifier underneath my plants which is sectioned off with plywood so any humidity will leak through the edges after being blown by the fan I set up lower. My humidifier is set to keep the humidity at 60% and the temperature this week is 16c so I'm hoping for as long a dry as possible. I'll post some harvest updates ones I've dried, trimmed and weighed 😊 Thank you all for checking out my diary 🌿
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Week 14. Harvest
10 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
My Alien vs Triangle was a beautiful frosty giant that caught up to my beasty Double Grape. Definitely the frostiest not a weed smell I've smelt before so will be interested to try it once cured 🤔 he was planted 6 days before everyone else after my sour stomper failed I had to make a call and chuck this bean in and the result was amazing. I'm definitely considering doing another one of these but I do want that sour stomper in the mix now I think about it...
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Spent 89 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size

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I was on holiday last week so unfortunately I had to rely on a smart drip irrigation system. I used the letpot system which I'm sure would be great if I didn't end up messing with the drippers last minute 🙄 Unfortunately only my Alien vs Triangle and 3 Bears OG were sufficiently watered through the week which cost my Strawberry Nuggets alot of the moisture out of the sugar leaves 😮‍💨 my Double Grape seemed to survive it but I'll have to see if that cost me some terps 🙄 Overall I'll be getting some better drip emmiters and trying something different if I'm foolish enough to time my harvest date with a holiday again ☺️ After flooding all pots with flash clean for 2 days and allowing them to get some moisture back I chopped them down. All look good with no mold or rot so I'll hope for the best. After overdrying my bud last time I'm using my humidifier underneath my plants which is sectioned off with plywood so any humidity will leak through the edges after being blown by the fan I set up lower. My humidifier is set to keep the humidity at 60% and the temperature this week is 16c so I'm hoping for as long a dry as possible. I'll post some harvest updates ones I've dried, trimmed and weighed 😊 Thank you all for checking out my diary 🌿


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Green_Man_420commentedweek 0a year ago
Good luck and happy growing bro
MMSC16commentedweek 1110 months ago
A beautiful nook filled with beautiful work! Excited to see the yield and trim!
MrGreen92commented10 months ago
@MMSC16, Thank you 🙏 I'm gonna have to run them in to week 13 because of a poorly timed holiday so they'll be nice and faded by then 🍁
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gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 4a year ago
Plants look well. Glad they pushed through for you. Have to give this Auto breeder a go.
MrGreen92commenteda year ago
@gottagrowsometime, Thank you 💪 yeah they're starting to to really take off now apart from my strawberry nuggets which is still a floppy mess 👎
Philhsycommentedweek 3a year ago
Good luck mate 💚🌱
Lemonhazelovercommentedweek 0a year ago
Happy germination and good luck buddy ☘️
VitaMancommentedweek 149 months ago
Your plants look great. Looking forward to the DoubleGrape smoke report 🙂 I had a LetPot system which caused many problems including a drought. I returned it twice. Finally got a 250gph pump and a bunch of tubing and emitters from Homedepot. Should have gone that way from the beginning. Live and learn.
MrGreen92commented9 months ago
@VitaMan, Thank you for the info man 👍 I'll definitely be doing a similar setup if I need to leave them unattended again 😊 didn't even think of just using a smart plug timer that'll be easy then just need a decent pump and better emmiters 😁
VitaMancommented9 months ago
@MrGreen92, I grow on hydroton so my nutes are not timed, it is continuous drip. I have an Intermittent timer running the drainage pump for a few minutes every 20 minutes. I am making modifications after this grow, such as using a different type of emitters, a manifold, etc. I might have to put an intermittent timer on the irrigation pump, we'll see. Here's what the Intermittent pump looks like:
MrGreen92commented9 months ago
@VitaMan, Thank you man 😁 I only wish I was there for their last week so they didn't suffer I do need to set up something more permanent just in case, do you have a way of controlling your pump wirelessly or is it on a timer? My Double Grape is in its grove bag now after being dried to 12% at 55% humidity and 20 degrees average so I just gotta not open the bag for as long as I can resist 😂
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 9a year ago
Coming along
MrGreen92commenteda year ago
@gottagrowsometime, nearly there, hopefully harvest by the end of the month
MMSC16commentedweek 1410 months ago
Some nice Senescence there!
MMSC16commentedweek 1210 months ago
Lovely looking family here mate, can't wait to see these bulked out buds! Great work
the end.
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