Continuing to water 1-1.5 gallons every other day, and giving a gallon of recharge once a week. Pruning lower leaves as they begin to look sad from lack of light. I’ve moved my light up as high as I can without modifying the clasps or the fan at all. If she keeps stretching like she’s been, I’ll have to consider moving stuff around. Lucky for me I am not seeing any light burn on the highest parts yet. Fingers crossed that keeps holding.
Speaking of stretch, she’s grown over eight inches in a week. Holy crap! I hope she stops soon and starts flowering up! I’d rather avoid having to dismantle stuff to get the light up. Fortunately she seems to have handled my accident with the light early in flower without incident.
My environment has been dialed in much better. I no longer have been running a heater at all, and am running a dehumidifier on continuous operation in my lung room (aka the basement). Things are staying nice and stable, even the humidity overnight is staying constant which is good.
Get that humidity up to atleast 60% for the seedling 🌱 stage .. then into veg try to keep her between 50-58% and when you get into flower try to get your RH below 50% .. Goodluck I wish youba successful first grow! Welcome to the growing fam. If you have any questions il helobyou the best I can .. ✌️