I’ve been adding 1 teaspoon per gallon of cal mag to every watering this week. I also fed Recharge one day as normal and added cal mag then as well. I’ve been keeping the ph of waterings between 6.3-6.6 this week to encourage calcium uptake. It’s probably anecdotal and/or normal development but the buds seem to be growing a ton this week.
I’m leaving the lower canopy leaves that are getting spotty or droopy as the plant gets closer to senescence. They’ll eventually fade out as “fall” advances. I’ve decided to leave the light intensity at level 9 (out of 10) for the rest of the grow since the top leaves were damaged and I don’t want to add more stress at this point. Buds look pretty darn good still and are fattening up nicely so the plan seems good so far. Let me know if this is too cautious and I should crank ‘em back up.
Get that humidity up to atleast 60% for the seedling 🌱 stage .. then into veg try to keep her between 50-58% and when you get into flower try to get your RH below 50% .. Goodluck I wish youba successful first grow! Welcome to the growing fam. If you have any questions il helobyou the best I can .. ✌️