I was wondering what was casing the slight leave burn issues and concluded that they just dried out a little too much. I bought platters to make my life easier when cleaning up my runout. I watered in everything nice and gave all my veg plants/moms a top dressing of gia green 4-4-4, pure protein, rock dust and worm castings. They also got a feeding of compost tea: Thinking about it i should have added some of the neem meal as fungus gnats are back despite letting them dry and and watering with the mosquito dunks in my water reservoir. I added worm castings from my bun hoping the nematodes would take care of the larvae but i think i just gave them more area to live. I forgot to put stick traps out one day so that didn't help but they are really bit too bad that I'm worried about it. My flower tent is unaffected. Only 1 more week of veg in the veg tent then I will be switching the new plants to the flower tent. I'm thinking i may only need another 2 weeks of veg to let the 2 plants fill out each 4x4 section. I also upgraded to grassroots 65 gallon pots each from the 30 gallons i have now.
Both plants got a slight lollipop and removal of low suckers and some of the larger fan leaves removed to make eat for the new tops that are large enough.
@LadyKiller, Thank you so much. sorry for the late response! I was surprised that she was my favorite plant of this run so far as she is looking so healthy!