The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Ayahuasca Purple Indoor Scrog Spring Barneys Farm

Approved by Barney's Farm
7 months ago
a year ago
Finally getting around to popping this. I almost did this as my first grow but opted for the Galxay instead. Doing this alongside 00 Blueberry, should be a nice combo. Going to be a 10-12 week veg then move to flower tent. Soaked overnight about a day then direct sowed into 5 gallon fabric pots with the veg soil mix I posted a picture of the ratios i used if you can read it. I have my soil mix kind of mapped out on my other diaries but I feel like everyone kind of has their own things they like when making their growing medium. Decided to make my own bio/char this time as i had some hardwood charcoal and made a regular batch of boogie brew to charge it. Then followed the next few days with sole liquid kelp and Buddha bloom. I sowed them last saturday and thought I wasn't going to get some to sprout as it got very cold all of a sudden and my tents got down to low 60's at night they almost tool the whole week to sprout but eventually all the seeds for this round came up and are looking perfectly healthy and ready for life.
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
19 L
127 cm
First week going smoothly. Shes already growing fast and praying. Innoculated pot with compost tea
1 like
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
19 L
127 cm
Was away unexpectedly for 3 days this week. I didn't have much time to prepare the plants and watered them all before i left. I dimmed the lights and turned the fans down some too. All seemed to do the trick. Luckily they all looked better than when I left them. The mom plants started to take over the light and a few of the new seedling look slightly stunted from it. I'm not to worried though they should bounce back fine. Part of it seems to be just the genetics as well. Seedlings got a light dose of liquid kelp and a tiny amount of residual bloom feed from watering my big plants.
Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
19 L
127 cm
AP is looking beautiful. I'm amazed how big she is already. I defiantly need to top her this week. I think being on the right she got some extra love from my other light so i decided to move her to the left and let my other plants catch up. Big beautiful fan leaves, and vigorous new growth. Shes going be a nice plant I can already tell.
Week 4. Vegetation
a year ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
19 L
127 cm
Shes getting big quick. Nice bug broad green leaves. Counting 10 fingers in some. I topped the main shoot at the begging of the week. Shes around 2 feet tall now. Noticed some of the leave tips a little yellow from under-watering but nothing to worry about. Gave her some cal-mag and some liquid kelp. May do some lower trimming this week and get a few clones.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
a year ago
76.2 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
19 L
127 cm
Nutrients 2
Liquid Seaweed - Blue Planet Nutrients
Liquid Seaweed 5.21 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 3.91 mll
Shes looking beautiful, and loving life. Giant fan leaves, rich green color, and my first 11 finger leaves. The spot where I topped last week has healed and the new shoots are pushing out. Shes already pretty tall so I will have to keep an eye on her height while shes vegging these last 4-5 weeks. Light does of liquid kelp and cal mag. Around 1 gallon every two days. And regular water every other watering.
Week 6. Vegetation
a year ago
76.2 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
19 L
127 cm
Nutrients 2
Liquid Seaweed - Blue Planet Nutrients
Liquid Seaweed 5.21 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 3.91 mll
Didn't get a bunch of photos this week, but she is doing great. Topped all the tops one more time to control the height and made some more room in my tent and put in the middle between the two lights to give more room to spread out. Top dressed with some dry amendments mixed into worm castings and potting mix. Also fed a morel spore slurry I made.
Week 7. Vegetation
10 months ago
76.2 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
19 L
127 cm
Nutrients 2
Liquid fish 3.91 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 3.91 mll
Got busy this week and wasn't able to give them all the attention they needed. They dried down a little and got a slightly too acidic feeding. I gave a top dressing of warm castings from my worm bin to help with some fungus gnats by adding some nematodes. They got a little fish hydrolysate and very low dose of buddha bloom to get them ready for flower In a few weeks. Cleaned the tent up and made some more room for them to spread out.
Week 8. Vegetation
10 months ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
19 L
127 cm
Nutrients 4
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 3.91 mll
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 6.25 mll
Boogie Boost - Boogie Brew
Boogie Boost 6.25 mll
I was wondering what was casing the slight leave burn issues and concluded that they just dried out a little too much. I bought platters to make my life easier when cleaning up my runout. I watered in everything nice and gave all my veg plants/moms a top dressing of gia green 4-4-4, pure protein, rock dust and worm castings. They also got a feeding of compost tea: Thinking about it i should have added some of the neem meal as fungus gnats are back despite letting them dry and and watering with the mosquito dunks in my water reservoir. I added worm castings from my bun hoping the nematodes would take care of the larvae but i think i just gave them more area to live. I forgot to put stick traps out one day so that didn't help but they are really bit too bad that I'm worried about it. My flower tent is unaffected. Only 1 more week of veg in the veg tent then I will be switching the new plants to the flower tent. I'm thinking i may only need another 2 weeks of veg to let the 2 plants fill out each 4x4 section. I also upgraded to grassroots 65 gallon pots each from the 30 gallons i have now. Both plants got a slight lollipop and removal of low suckers and some of the larger fan leaves removed to make eat for the new tops that are large enough.
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
10 months ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
189 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
Gs liquid kelp 1.321 mll
Buddha Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Buddha Bloom 1 mll
Mykos - Xtreme Gardening
Mykos 0.33 mll
The new photoperiods were happy to get transplanted today. They were starting to get a little stressed on the top growth. Some tacoing and color fading. I had to let them dry back a but because I watered too much to many days in a row and fungus gnats getting a little lit of hand. It always happens when I need to too dress and they get thirsty. They both got transplanted into 50-gallon pots. I ordered the grassroots 65-gallon pots but they got delayed in shipping so i decided to just get some other pots instead of waiting to transplant because they girls were begging for more space in the root-zone and canopy. I topped all the tops i could and defoliated the bottom and crossing and stuff in the center or covering new shoots. I decided to try the elastic net again as i am not very good at getting the nylon stuff in the roll straight and taught by myself. If i need to do a second layer I think i can manage m to string a whole 8 foot length across the tent but they shouldn't stretch too much and i don't think i will need it. Not sure how I managed the to get the liberty under the net. It went much smoother this time.But right after i told myself i might not actually snap anything i split one of the stems! Lol but i put some tape shell be okay. It was the blueberry.After getting the old 30 gallons out and cleaning the tent top to bottom and all the equipment/fans. Used 99 alcohol diluted down a little then peroxide. Took about 3-4 hours. I re-evaluated the fan set up and added one in the center and far side. The 50-gallons got filled with soil I mixed up a little while ago in containers when i started the plants and is nice and ready. 5 gallon bucketed it down from outside. I had separate veg/ flower mix. I put 20 gallons of the flower mix in the bottom 10 gallons of the on top of that and 15 gallons on top of re-used soil from old runs that has been baking for a whole that i re amended with neem seed meal, humic acid, worm castings and gia green 4-4-4 right before planting. I used mykos in the water and some around the rootball. Water in with about 2 gallons each. They were very thirsty when i transplanted and they started to perk up and could see the green coming back to the leave tips.
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
10 months ago
55.88 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
189 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 1
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
After transplanting spreading the limbs out last week the plants have adjusted well. Kind of broke the golden rule of not doing two things at once and i did 3 lol. Defoliated transplanted and somewhat of a high stress train all in one day but they took it well. I wanted to flip to flower at the end of the veg week, but the plants need just a few more days to recover. I watered in with 1 1/2 gallons at transplant and waited 4-5 days before watering again, but after I did all the green came back to the tips of he leaves where it was starting to look yellow and stressed. I can't seem to keep the gnats down while keeping the water level the plants like without leaf tip discoloration. Maybe the soil is just to rich and needs the extra water to keep the plants ppms happy. Going to do water only this run. But will still add a few ml per gallon of cal mag as it also does a good job at lowering my ph to the right level. I don't like to ph down my whole water res because depending on what plants im watering i need the ph to be high to buffer out the acidness of the buddha bloom. I bought some fresh mosquito bits and dunks because i had some laying around they house but unsure how old they were and their effectiveness as i still have gnats and was being cheap by using what i had sitting around, which made sense but i don't think they are working. I worked the bits into the top layer of soil using my hand to try and eliminate any eggs and gnats with physical abrasion then misted the top layer to activate it. Then added a dunk into the water res. I have a feeling the fresh ones might work a little better.
Week 11. Vegetation
10 months ago
55.88 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
189 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 1
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Went back though and counted the weeks and somehow got a week behind on my diairy. It worked out anyway because I changed the light schedule last night and they received 18 hours of dark in transition. She is just ended week 11 today
Week 12. Flowering
9 months ago
66.04 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
60 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
189 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 1
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
First week of 12/12 and looks to have stretched around 4 inches. The canopy is completely filled and all the suckers are forming tops of their own. I will have to get in for a slight defoliation this week i think to keep the canopy even and all the tips receiving close to the same amount if light. The feeder roots have already reached the edge of the 50-gallon pots. I'm amazed with the root growth seeing them pop up through the top of the soil. I got rid of the fungus gnats for now. It took think what helped was 1/8 parts peroxide to water in one of the waterings along with the diatomaceous earth and pine shaving mulch on top of a dressing of neem seed meal and more mosquito bits and sticky traps on top. After 4 days my sticky traps are completely clean wish is a relief to see. Had yytwo waterings this week spaced out evenly, though they are starting to deplete the moister quicker now that they are bigger and in the middle of stretch.
Week 13. Flowering
9 months ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
300 PPM
60 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
189 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
She is transitioning into flower nicely. The canopy has stretched almost a foot the last two weeks and looks to have slowed down. I did a defoliation followed by a watering and the next day the plants were praying. Couldn't even tell i took half a buckets worth of foliage out. The structure of this plant is really nice. Some of the branches that got layed out and came up through the net resemble mini Christmas tree cannabis plants themselves. Its weird that it seems like my indica plants stretch more in flower than the sativas i have grown so far. Maybe to high temps for the indica? They seem to be happy though. Taking a picture of the trunk yesterday really put into perspective to me how large these plants are!
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
9 months ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
300 PPM
60 %
20 °C
20 °C
22 °C
189 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 3
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
Buddha Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Buddha Bloom 0.793 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.528 mll
Stretching has stopped and buds are in full development. The plants got a ton of foliage since last weeks defoliation so I went in for a another one but slightly more aggressive this time to expose as many budsites as possible and also an attempt to get the humidity down in my tent. Its been getting up to 70 percent st night an i have been running my dehumidifier in my lung room on its night cycle. This has been raising my night temps slightly. Buds are stacking densely and already covered in trichomes. Smell is starting to come in as well. So far kind of sour and fruity. I expect the buds to bulk up quite a but this week. I did end up giving a little liquid nutes just to make sure I'm not depriving the buds of needed food. Forgot to re sticky trap the plants for a day or two and the gnats came back! Had to top dress with a little more DE to knock them down a bit. I like to give the plants extra silica during flower anyway for trichome development. Took quite a bit of material off when deflliating i need to invest in a juicer!
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
9 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1200 PPM
58 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
189 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 8
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
Unsulfered Blackstrap Molasses 1.321 mll
Honey 0.264 mll
Smelling delicious in the tent this week. The buds seem kind of small for week 4 but the are very terpy and frosty. I fed the boogie brew 1/2 cup each to 5 gallon of water brewed about 20 hours and fed full strength then followed by a container of my normal water with cal mag. Also fed some coconut eater and rock dust to mellow out the ph of one of the feedings. Also been giving molasses and a tiny bit of honey. The plants seems the be taking everything i give them. But i think this will be the last week of bloom nuts or anything else other than cal mag and molasses. Still no purple yet which was expecting to see some already. Maybe too warm?
Week 16. Flowering
8 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1200 PPM
58 %
20 °C
20 °C
22 °C
189 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 2
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.528 mll
Basalt - BuildASoil
Basalt 1.3 mll
Went back to just plain water this week with a little cal mag. Still drinking a bunch. Trying to go for 4 days between watering but the soil is drying out before then. Each time getting 3-5 gallons of water. One watering had a little runoff from me going to fast, but for the most part drinking it all up. Watering within 1-2 " hours of the lights on. They are running 4:30pm-4:30am to beat the heat of the day. Very hot and humid this week. Was hard to control the humidity. Nighttime temps at 72.Gnats seem to be under control. I top dressed with more mosquito dunks and some basalt rock dust as i wanted to add some to the soil but just got some. The smell on her is incredible. Its very tropical pineapple. Reminds me of my pineberries. Is kind of sour and astringent not exactly skunky but has some gas/hash to it. Still no purple though IDK whats up with that. And the buds dont look the biggest yet but its also a massive plant and still lots of white hairs.Buds seems to be fairly dense though. Seems to be a longer than 8 weeker. Hoping the color shows. Maybe once it fades it will go purple instead of yellows and orangey reds.
Week 17. Flowering
8 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1200 PPM
58 %
20 °C
20 °C
22 °C
189 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 2
Molasses 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.528 mll
Buds are getting heavy. I had to tie a few branches up from falling over. The trichomes are heavy and the buds are dense. Water only with some cal mag and Molasses. The plants are starting to show signs of fading. Also Starting to see some of the purples come in. Smells are amazing. Has a tropical/pineapple vibe.
Week 18. Flowering
8 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1200 PPM
58 %
20 °C
20 °C
22 °C
189 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 2
Molasses 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.528 mll
The trichomes are really dense and getting heavy. A lot of the branches are tipping over. I tied a few up last week but misplaced my plant tie and just been keeping an eye on her. I'm so close to harvest i really don't want to mess around in there. i know im going to get covered in trichomes and sticky and mess up the potency by touching everything. There is still goo airflow and the budsare not too thick so im not worried about rot.purplenis finally starting to show. It looks really cool under all the trichome heads
Week 19. Flowering
8 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
55 %
20 °C
20 °C
22 °C
189 L
25.4 cm
Last week of flower she finish and faded amazingly. Completely covered in glistening trichomes. I watered 4 days before cutting her down and she was thirsty the day before but let it go to help with possibly boosting the resin production at the end. The canopy depth is nearly 2 feet the branches stretched a lot and the node spacing was kind of spread out but there are nice buds going up the whole length of the stems. They got so long and top heavy they topped over the last two weeks but i kept the humidity down and they all finished fine. I was also able to fish the buds through the net without much trouble which was a relive and will make setting up the next run much easier . I love how the smell turned out. Its a mix of Berries grape pineapple mango and grapefruit. Its quite complex. I never really had anything that smells like it before. I am super excites to smoke this.
Week 20. Harvest
7 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Waiting for a little cure time to review
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Spent 135 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
577 g
Bud wet weight per plant
577 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Euphoric
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Stress, Pain
Medical effects
Tropical, Fruity, Citrus

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I was able to get a really nice dry on the buds despite my automations changing up on me. Started right at 14 days was my second day of trimming and managed to get it done in 6-7 hours myself. Then the following day I spent another 6 hours just pressing rosing and doing some tests. My hand actually felt like i broke it, lol. Was able to get se pretty good dry sift but not a huge amount around 5 grams that yielded 2.5 grams of rosin. I went back and refrose the trim and got another 5 grams of kief and ressd it into another 2 grams of rosin.I think i should get some better trays and maybe start looking into making water hash. The yield was slightly leas than i thought it was going to be but that might be partly from them flopping over so much but the canopy depth in places was around 12-18 inches if even nicely nicely dense buds. It was also easier to trim than expected. The flower pressed out almost as good as the hash. Around 20 percent yeild. 10 grams at a time seems to work the best in my press but slightly better yeild with 5 grams press.


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Todzillacommentedweek 159 months ago
I’m at 90/80 lights off/on 60/55rh and I’m showing purple about a week from where you are at now Best of luck with your grow.
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@Todzilla, Guessing mine is maybe longer flowering and has more of the Thai in it. Thank you. same for you, thanks for checking it out.
Jacks_Potcommentedweek 139 months ago
Growing strong in here 👍 Have a great flowering cycle 👊
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@Jacks_Pot, Thanks, buddy. Happy growing! Appreciate the stoke. 👋
Hattiwatticommentedweek 0a year ago
Happy growing 🙏
MindFlowers68commented10 months ago
@Hattiwatti, Thank you!
High_And_Hydrocommentedweek 0a year ago
Good luck and happy growing☘️🌱💚
MindFlowers68commented10 months ago
@High_And_Hydro, Thank you!
Regenwurmcommentedweek 159 months ago
Welcome to the junhle
MindFlowers68commented8 months ago
@Regenwurm, hahaha Thanks !
Jjthejetplane79commentedweek 139 months ago
You'll love this strain, super potent and fat thick buds. This stuff is killer man and great job! Looks perfect 👌🏽
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@Jjthejetplane79, sweeet. I need a nice potent indica for the stash right now. It's going to hit the spot for sure. Thank you!
justsomedude420commentedweek 910 months ago
Looking very good! Huge yield potential 💪
MindFlowers68commented10 months ago
@@justsomedude420, Thanks man. I was pretty stoked to get them spread out at that height. Gotta time to flip to flower just right.
DevilDicecommentedweek 206 months ago
Really nice grow mate :D
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
@DevilDice, Thanks for checking it out! Happy growing =]
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cheech87commentedweek 198 months ago
Das sieht wircklich gut aus 😍🤤🤤
MindFlowers68commented8 months ago
@cheech87, Thank you!! 😀
Regenwurmcommentedweek 207 months ago
Nice one
the end.
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