
Opium - Divine Seeds

3 days ago
weeks 4-5
weeks 4-5, 7
weeks 5
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 10
16 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
Natrona Natrona
3 months ago
*****DIVINE SEEDS ***** *****OPIUM***** Sponsored grow ***DIVINE SEEDS ***** Week 10 6/9-15 Opium Loves the outside. She is tall and lanky, towering over the other outside girls: Fractal, Lemon Cake and Drizzle. All are showing yellowing leaves so everyone is now getting nutrients with feedings. I saw a Japanese beetle on my Lemon Cake and some small holes in the leaves so I added 1/2 tsp neem to the feed solution 6/12. Also started using fish & kelp. I'm still watering 1 gal per plant when I feed 2x/week. With the heat and humidity, I water daily but do not feed daily. Nutrients: TPS1 15ml/gal @4 gal =60ml Signal 1.5 ml Cal mag 10ml @4 gal Recharge ½ tsp/gal =10ml Kelp & fish GS plant foods 1/4c /gal @ 4 gal =1c Neem ½ tsp (for Japanses beetles)  Ph5.7  PPM 1260  Solution Temp 85  Outside temp 92f *****OPIUM***** ============ Germination April 6. Vegetation Week 1 water only Week 2 water only Week 3 added recharge and TPS1 increased ppm to 570. Week 4 continues with recharge and TPS1. I added Fox Cal mag increasing ppm to 685 - 805. Week 5 TPS1 9ml/gal Recharge 5 ml/gal Fox Cal-mag 5 ml/gal Week 6 5/12-19 Moved outside in 5 gal air pots receiving rain and well water. Week 7 5/19-25 Since I was in Colorado last week, I feel very behind on my diaries. Opium received only rainwater for the last 2 weeks. She is 38 inches and has huge leaves. Some have 13 fronds on one leaf. She is taller than the cage support by 2 feet. I removed the peony cage support because Opium phenotype is tall and lanky. Sativa structure all the way. Week 8 5/26-6-1 Fractal And Opium from Divine Seeds love the natural rain and sunshine evidenced by vigorous growth. Opium is over 52 inches tall and her crown is above my eye level so you may not get anymore top views Week 9 6/2-6/8 Now at the start of week 9, my outside gals, except L. Cake are now in flower. One of the last top view photos 6/2 of Opium shows flowers forming. She is over 6 feet tall. From the side view photo of Opium last week to the photos take 6/3 show a growth spurt compared to the zinnia in the flower stand behind Opium. This is the first week I’ve had to add nutrients to her feeding. Some lower leaves were yellow. Since I’ve been using amended soil, this indicates Opium is a heavy feeder. Nutrients in soils are used up and she is starting to use her own food sources 5 gallons well water TPS1 60ml used 1 gallon per plant =12ml Cal-Mag 25ml used 1 gallon per plant =5ml Recharge 5ml used 1 gallon per plant =1ml Signal 1.25ml PPM 1414, PH 6.93, Temp 82.5 Week 9 6/2-6/8 Now at the start of week 9, my outside gals, except L. Cake are now in flower. One of the last top view photos 6/2 of Opium shows flowers forming. She is over 6 feet tall. From the side view photo of Opium last week to the photos take 6/3 show a growth spurt compared to the zinnia in the flower stand behind Opium. This is the first week I’ve had to add nutrients to her feeding. Some lower leaves were yellow. Since I’ve been using amended soil, this indicates Opium is a heavy feeder. Nutrients in soils are used up and she is starting to use her own food sources 5 gallons well water TPS1 60ml used 1 gallon per plant =12ml Cal-Mag 25ml used 1 gallon per plant =5ml Recharge 5ml used 1 gallon per plant =1ml Signal 1.25ml PPM 1414, PH 6.93, Temp 82.5 Note I do not have to PH adjust my well water. However, our city water comes out of the tap at 8.2 ph so I must PH down using the hose or my inside grows, They love the natural rain and sunshine evidenced by vigorous growth. Thank you @DivineSeeds Thanks for the visits, likes and comments, I appreciate all the plant love💚. Have fun & love what you grow 💚 Sending you good vibes of love, light, and healing 💫 💫Natrona 💫 DIVINE SEEDS ***OPIUM*** Harvest:1000 g/m2 Divine Seeds developed Opium as a new champion strain, unprecedently powerful and loaded with unbelievable quantities of resin. Certainly, no average genetic base could be behind such brilliant parameters! Several Afghani Indica landraces, recognized as most potent and resinous, were bred together with a mighty Brazilian Sativa which Opium inherits its bright berry taste from. Then a great deal of work followed aiming for the highest THC level and endurability as well as a branchy structure that would provide maximal yields. Now we can proudly title Opium the best Indica you could dream of growing! Indoors these plants mostly stay mid-height (1.5 m), reaching up to 2.0 m out of doors. Depending on your height limitations, Opium flourishes universally in grow boxes, balconies, green houses and terraces. Due to its Afghani parentage, this strain can stand hot weather if provided enough water and some shadow. Responds well to any training techniques: ScroG and SoG, LST, topping and FIM, supercropping. The start of blooming is marked with a rush of growth, when plants stretch almost 1.4x. Expect heavy colas that often require additional supports. Whilst ripening, Opium gives off a pungent earthy stench with fruity and berry undertones, also a bit of pine. Ready for outdoor harvesting in October. The stoning psychedelic impact of Opium is like being hypnotized (unless you’ve had too much, then it feels more like a blackout). Stone-lovers will appreciate every minute with Opium: its spicy taste immerses your mind into daydreaming, while the body rests flat. Recreation with this psychedelic Indica means silent tripping from one insight to another. Mighty enough to kill chronical pains, Opium is also medically efficient against insomnia, nausea, appetite disorders, muscle spasms, headaches, irritation, fatigue, panic attacks, epilepsy. Best consumed at night time, the effects keep going for up to 4 hours. Equipment and nutrients Pots: 5gallon Air pots Soil Fox Farm Happy Frog Amended with worm castings, dolomite lime and mychorihiza Recharge Seeds provided by Divine Seeds Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Opium Feminized Seeds Opium - Divine Seeds breeding company
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Pollito94week 10
is beautiful
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DivineSeedsweek 0
Sour_Dweek 0
Best wishes on the new grow! I have this strain going as well. 😀
@Natrona, the Auto Moon Rock turned out to be a mutant, I'm gonna give her to my next door neighbor for his grow closet just to see how she ends up turning out. I'll start something else since it's still early on in my grow. 😉
@Sour_D, i 👀. You have several Divines going. I have to wait to start my autos.
@Sour_D, thanks, best grow 💚 to your as well.
Hattiwattiweek 0
God luck 🍀
@Hattiwatti, thanks for the plant 💚 👍👨‍🌾👩‍🌾
Sour_Dweek 4
She looks super healthy 😍
Krisisweek 4
Good luck with your grow & the contest 🙂
@Krisis, thanks for the plant 💚 👍and visiting my corner of Grow Diaries. My ladies and I appreciate the attention. 💚
StarLorrweek 0
Them Opium are poppin all over the continents😳😄 Happy Growing! And good luck in Divine Seeds contest!👊🏻😎
@StarLorr, when I applied @DivineSeeds, I asked for Overdose auto but got Opium photo. Hope opium is heavy hitter as they say. The picture with trichomes is over the top. I hope I can replicate it
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Kommissar_aDweek 6
Hi, the long christmas tree like shaped plant looks a lttle stretchy. 😊 Is it the phenotype or lack of sun? Second option sounds like bs because they look fat and vital. 🤗 Very nice colours. Keep up the good work! Thanks and best wishes from GER. edit: now i see what probably happenend. The same as what i have recognised with some of my girls: when you put them from inside to outside they stretch more or less. It stops after some sunny . Interesting. I thought I might be because of the little change in day lenght. But it could also be the spectrum of the lamps or so. Greets.
@Kommissar_aD, Hi @Kommissar_aD, this is my first time growing Divine Seeds Opium so I don't have reference for growth habits. Imma say it the genetics. I had them in a 4x4x6.5" with the lights 24 inches or more above them prior to putting outside. Our daylight is about 14.5 hours gradually increasing until July-August then the plants will flip to flower 🌼
Mrs_Larimarweek 5
They look superstrong, welldone
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you @Mrs_Larimar for visiting my corner of GD. Your kind words offer encouragement.
StarLorrweek 4
Steady growth! Nice👊🏻😃
@StarLorr, she's gonna be tall glamor girl 👧
MedicineMakerweek 6
Looking happy and healthy! 😀 It sounds like a promising medicinal strain. Keep up the great work and best of luck my friend! 👊
Sour_Dweek 5
That's a happy girl! 😍
StarLorrweek 3
Looking good👊🏻😃
Hologramweek 3
Opium sounds and is looking great! 😇👍 My Opium must wait a little longer, but she will join the game soon😎👏 Good luck, growsistren 🙏
StarLorrweek 6
Your grows look so promising. Nice!👊🏼😎
@StarLorr, @StarLorr, I'm beginning to thing outside grows are easier than my tent grows.
StarLorrweek 9
Your Opium is a peeping-tom😄 Joke aside what a beauty. Your outdoor grows always start flowering in June?
@StarLorr, yes from our dining room, she can definitely peep 👀 in😄
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@StarLorr, 😄
KnightRiderweek 7
Looking nice healthy and strong bud 👊👊👊
@KnightRider, Thanks 😎👀💚
XII_XII_MrGreenweek 14
Everyone do the Sundance🎵🕺🌞
@XII_XII_MrGreen, She loves the outside and she has to be there. She won't fit in the tent.
StarLorrweek 14
Nice main cola!😻
@StarLorr, 🙏💚 and she's still growing.
trustno1week 14
Nice plant, Ultra cute supervisor 😍
@trustno1, Thanks for the visit. 😻 she is a
PHx91week 12
This is an awesome outdoor grow! nice :)
@PHx91, Thanks buddy. Thanks for visiting my corner of grow Diaries @PHx91. I appreciate the plant love. I like the summer grows however I have to be careful of mold issues with the high temps and humidity. These ladies are vigorous and so far, resist everything except Japanese beetles.