A lot has happened this week. Since this is my first grow and I am trying to learn as much as possible, I decided to try topping one of the plants and just go for LST on the other.
So I topped the Sour Ripper on day #16, by the way: It was already showing its sex at that point, so i guess its already preflowering after 2 weeks. I was worried that I was too late to top, but i was waiting for more nodes to develop. I also lowered the distance from the canopy to the lamp to ~40 cm.
I had to leave town for three days and when I came back I saw that the topping had taken it pretty well and some serious growth was noticeable. The two new main branches are developing.
The Zombie Kush, on the other hand, grew very little vertically but spread out quite a bit.
On day #21 /# 22 I started LST on both plants. I was quite nervous but I am quite happy with the results so far. I spread the branches of the Ripper flat in all directions, its looking like a totally different plant now.
The Zombie Kush was harder to figure out how to bend it down, as the internodal space is really small with this one. So i just bent the main stem down and removed fan leaves that were blocking the light. I accidentally broke another branch, but i think she will be fine.
I think I could have started the LST earlier, but it is what it is and I think it still looks promising and they seem to be doing quite well.
However, I am still on the fence, if it is a good idea to grow two plants in this small tent.
I think you got more than one thing going on with this plant. Definitely a rootzone problem, either overwatering or pH. Address this first before playing with your nutes, they may be linked.
Danke für den Tipp. Ich hab es jetzt erst gelesen, aber de Lampe ohnehin schon gesenkt, allerdings eher auf 45cm Abstand. Sieht bislang ganz gut aus. Meinst du, ich sollte noch runter?