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The Big Green Ones+10 TUTORIALS

Approved by Zamnesia Seeds
6 years ago
HAZELBEAM Light Emitting Diodes/300W
HAZELBEAM Light Emitting Diodes/300W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
20 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
20 hrs
20 °C
70 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 2
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
Hi, Today i was thinking about my next grow and met the Decision to Start With Bruce Banner3 from Zamnesia. This will be my first Photoperiod indoors. Ive been reading that the should topped and trained very Early. Bruce Banner should be a potent and big Yielding Strain. I will use Organic Fertilisers from Mr.B GREEN TREES. A Company in Chico California. Those Fertilisers were a Gift for a Winning Diary.. Thank you Monday, Nov.6th Into Lukewarm Water for up to 24 Hours Tuesday, Nov.7th The Seeds already popped and show life, Thats nice. now a little longer under a new Kitchensponge for dark and humid Thursday, Nov. 8th. Today the seeds went into the Soil. The next day they will get a solution from Aloe and Azospirillium brasiliensis. Sunday, Nov.11th Welcome to the World, they looking out of the soil. got a little Azo/Aloemix I named her after sprouting #1 She-Hulk #2-Betty Ross #3 Caeria These are Names of important Women around Hulk Monday, Nov.12th. SheHulk and BettyRoss broke the Soil Yesterday. Caeria is still in another Dimension^^ but i think tonight she will find the Entrance into our Dimension All Girls get daily Aloe and Azopirillium (10 ml) Tuesday, Nov.13th They moved into another Growspace for "lil ones" BettyRoss and SheHulk look fine they got 10ml Aloe-Azodrink Caeria is still in another Dimension, i helped her alittle to come out of soil, but she is very weak Thursday, Nov. 15th Iam not quite sure about Caeria, i will see Tomorrow SheHulk and BettyRoss doing very nice . they got 20ml Of Aloe/ Azospirillium mix today Saturday, Nov. 17th. Caeria did not make it, so the 2 remaining Ladies will have enough Space later in the Growbox. They are growing very good and looking nicegreen and Healthy SheHulk is alittle stronger/bigger than BettyRoss ( hahaha), but Both are looking very Promising. They will get a hard Training( recommended) but not yet. Ichanged the Lights from 2x26 W, to true100W Widespectrum LED. We will see. I got to watch the Temperatures because of the new Setup oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GERMINATING-GUIDE Put the seeds into a glasswith some luke warm water, let it stand for up to 24 hours After the Seeds soaked, Put them between a big Teabag, and cover it with a new clean Kitchensponge. pur water on it until evrything is wet . Put it onto a warm place, and keep it warm and HUmid, Roots hate Light. after1-5 Days the Seeds crack, and toots show up, now you can plant her ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Infos from Zamnesia: Zamnesia Seeds - Bruce Banner 3: The Super-Potent Upper Strain The mighty Bruce Banner #3 already made waves in Colorado, where the strain is so popular that second-rate imitations are making it difficult to find the real deal. Combining potent OG Kush genetics with those of Rez’s famous Strawberry Diesel, it didn’t take long for cannabis enthusiasts to flock to BB#3. Many Cannabis Cup awards soon followed, with 1st place for “Most Potent Strain” at the 2013 HTCC representing just one accolade. The mainly sativa-leaning hybrid (65% sativa) grows into a plant with fluorescent green buds, which occasionally feature purple shades running through them. She will develop compact, spiky nugs with a thick and frosty coat of resin. Manicuring Bruce’s buds is easy since they have few leaves when plucked from their long-running colas. Contrasting the green shades are the orange-coloured pistils that wrap around the buds, giving the plant a beautiful appearance with many shades of green, red, purple, and orange. Bruce Banner #3 is not too difficult to grow, but we wouldn’t necessarily recommend her to new growers. Indoors, the plant normally reaches a height of 120–150cm. She can really benefit from topping early and often to encourage new growth. She makes a particularly good option in a ScrOG, allowing you to max out your yields. Likewise, the strain may need a little longer to mature than a typical OG Kush, taking around 63–70 days to flower—but that’s nothing too unusual for a sativa. Bruce Banner #3 will reward you with exceptional harvests. Indoor yields of 400g/m² and up to 900g/plant outdoors are possible! Connoisseurs fortunate enough to get hold of a true BB#3 are in for a treat. Her citrusy, berry flavour is refreshing and smooth like a mouth-watering strawberry smoothie, rounded out with notes of pine and earth. You can also taste some subtle Kush notes when you smoke her. Bruce Banner #3 is a massively potent strain that, on average, measures 20% in THC, with some phenos clocking in at 27% for true superhero potency! One hit may be enough for you to feel the strain’s massive amount of cannabinoids rush through your body, smashing lethargy and procrastination with her green fist. Energising and inspiring, she will make you feel pumped up and ready to take on the world! This is an excellent strain for working and doing all sorts of activities where you want a boost. Better still, she will lift you up to new levels of creativity, while relaxing both the body and mind! Bruce Banner #3 by Zamnesia Seeds is a sensational heavy-hitter that is redefining the meaning of wake and bake. Her enormous potency, sensational “upper” high, and great flavour profile make her a strain absolutely worth growing.
Grow Questions
Mrs_Larimarstarted grow question 6 years ago
Hi all Herbalists. Do you have a Organic Reciepe for Rootdevelopment=?/ Rootboosting. Until now i added nothing extra . But Roots are the Key for aHealthy Plant and Nice Flowers, so pls show me some awsone Stuff. Greetings
Plant. Twisted
Athosanswered grow question 6 years ago
Aloe vera, enough said. Works as a rooting agent for clones and if you mix aloe vera gel (natural) with watering, works for seedlings too.
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
5 cm
20 hrs
20 °C
70 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 2
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
Sunday Here we are in Week 2, SheHulk and BettyRoss are doing fine, growing very good drinking 30 ml Aloe/Azospirilliummix a Day This will be my first Photoperiod Strain indoors and Iam a little nervous, they will be topped, fimmed and some LST in the end. I hope they did not hear it. But that has time until node 4 is showing up. Until now it was a nice Trip, a little sad , that the 3rd Seed(caeria) dont wanted to enter our Dimension Thursday The HUlks are growing very vigor. Big Stems, large leaves and Mean Green She HUlk and Betty Ross, drinking around 100ml. Everything is nice In their 3rd week i will start to give them My "Kelpmix" Friday, Nov.23rd. Today i raised the Light and put them onto a Heatmat, the Temps were only around 20 degree Celsius. They are looking good, developing Leaves ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo INFO_________ Azospirilium Brasiliensis: Azospirillum, a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria closely associated with grasses. Azospirillum Bacteria is a Gram negative motile bacteria belonging to the order Rhodospirillales, associated with roots of monocots, including important crops, such as wheat, corn and rice. Azospirillum contains 109/gm spores of Azospirillum species. This Azospirillum bacterium fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants in non-symbiotic manner that can replace 50-90% of the nitrogen fertilizer required by plants. Azospirillum is an eco-friendly liquid biological fertilizer formulation containing bacteria, Azospirillum which contain large amount of lipid granules, which enters the cortical cells of the root and fix up atmospheric nitrogen and also produces biologically active substances like vitamins, nicotinic acid, in dole acetic acid, gibberellins etc and helps in better retention of flowers and enhances the plant growth. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
7 cm
20 hrs
20 °C
70 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 3
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
Kelpmix 30 mll
Sunday Week 3 Begins/Day 15 Girls are in 3l Airpot filled with Biobizz allmix, they are under 100 W LED And again a new Week. The Girls doing fine, ive burnt them a little with the LIght( new Lights). They are totally different, as if those are different strains, we will see in the FUture I Rised the Lights again, Tomorrow they will get a nice Drink for getting biig and mean and Green, I call it Kelpmix Its amix of Aloe, Calcium, Magnesium, Silicea, Spirulina and Molasses Monday The Girls grow very dense alot of leaves, they are "dwarfing" i rised the Lights again, to make them stretch. Normally i wanted to top them but they are dwarfing to much. This is a new Growspace with new Lights and i burnt the Girls in the Early weeks ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GUIDE-How to mix my own " SUPERSOIL"_ Basic Reciepe 3 Parts of Compostsoil 3 Parts of Peatmoss 2 Parts of Perlite 1,5 Parts of vermiculite Mix all well together Compostsoil contents a lot of living Microorganisms, Bacterias , Fluvin-Huminacid etc. Great Basic Peatmoss, Is acting like a Swamp, Keeping the humidity in the Soil Perlite, makes it fluffy Vermiculite, stabilizes the PH You can add more , this Basic reciepe is well to every Plant even very sensitive Strains ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
7 cm
20 hrs
20 °C
70 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 3
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
HULKMIX 30 mll
Sunday I pushed the BLUE BUTTON for stronger Vegetationlight Today i transplanted the Girls into my Soilmix and 20 L Airpots. I hope they have better conditions now and the development explodes. They ae looking Nice and Green and Healthy. They are looking so different, i think i got 2 different Strains, but we will see. Friday Today the Girls got their first" HULKMIX" for getting green and mean Its a mix of Silicea, Calcium, Kelp, Magnesium, Aloe, Molasses and Azospirillium The Girls decided to grow again, after Transplaning them into big Pots (20 l) And they are totally different... nearly impossible to be the same strain but we will see ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GUIDE-How to prepare "HULKMIX" Icall it " Hulkmix", its a benefical drink for the Girls, It contains a Lot of good stuff for EVERY ORGANISM!!! It contains: This is the Amount for 3 Liters Aloe /fresh or as Juice Azospirillium 1 Tsp Calcium 1 Tablespoon Magnesium 4-6 Pills Silicea 1 Tablespoon Molasses 1 Tablespoon Spirulina 6 pills Macha, 1tsp mix it with water and blend evrything, Then filter it through a screen and fill up with water up to3 liters I fill it in Glassbottles, after filtering
Grow Questions
Mrs_Larimarstarted grow question 6 years ago
Hi, The Temperatures are very low in my Growbox around 19degree celsius. how do you rise the Temps? Its my first Year indoors and Winter is coming and going to be colder. Heater=? heatmats who has experience in good Tools
Techniques. Defoliation
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 6 years ago
Id invest in a small heater, check temps while lights are on and see if the grow room is warm enough and then set it to trigger on either off and on the whole day if needed or just in the evening before lights shut off. Try to avoid the 60 degree range as pm thrives at that temp. If youve got good intake and exhaust the heater can be outside the tent. *if grow room is away from your living space like shed etc....put in a smoke alarm. 😊💚✌️
Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
7 cm
20 hrs
20 °C
70 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 3
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
HULKMIX 30 mll
Monday Yesterday a new Week started for the HULKLADIES I took lower branches and topped and fimmed . Need a clear line for training. Girls grow nicely and look healthy Thursday Again fimmed and Topped....................No Nutrients added until now oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GUIDE-How to mix Neemoilsolution, Pest Control You need Spraybottle Water Neemoil Dishwahingsoap Fill in water in your Bottle Fill in some drops of Neemoil ( 1Teaspoon) Add some dishwashigsoap, so you can mix water and oil Shake well Ready Neemoilsoution is organic solution for alot of Pests, like Thrips, Gnats, Plantlice etc...... Using only in vegetative Stage, because it tastes very bad.
Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
65 %
20 °C
3 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 3
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
HULKMIX 30 mll
Sunday Another Week for the Girls Topped and Fimmed again. No Nutrients added Tuesday Hulkmix for the Ladies,Fimmed again Thursday SheHulk grows some 4-Leavers in her previous Node allLeaves have 4 Fingers, and they are crumbled Betty Ross is doing fine and looks more than ever like another Strain.Ive been reading that there are 3 Phenotypes of Bruce Banner#3
Week 7. Vegetation
6 years ago
15 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
19 °C
20 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 3
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
HULKMIX 30 mll
On Sunday Week 7 Started. I switched to 12/12 Monday They got Hulkmix and Water, Still thinking about installing the Heater, Temperatures are around 19 degree if Lights are off. No Nutrients until now. Wednesday They got some Water Thursday Fotoshooting, They grow vigor and Nice Saturday They got Space to spread now. One disturbing plant moved out. Temperatures are better from 20 to 22 degree thats ok AZOSPIRILLIUM works very good, No Nutrients added up to now
Week 8. Vegetation
6 years ago
22 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
19 °C
20 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 3
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
HULKMIX 30 mll
Sunday, Dec.30th. Girls are Growing very nice. They are looking happy and Green . NO NUTRIENTS added up to here. She Hulk has big rough darkgreen leaves and begins to smell . BettyRoss has smaller lighter and softer Leaves and smells different. Iam still courious if its the same Strain, we will see in the End The Girls got their HULKmix ( Algae/ aloe/ molasses/silicea/ magnesia/ calcium). And its nice to see how good AZOSPIRILLIUM works. Monday, Dec.31th. Today i supercropped the Ladies, after multiple topping in the weeks before. On SheHulk were Defoilated and Fimmed and Supercropped. One Branch snapped, but i think it will mend. BettyRoss, just got an Supercropping and Defoilating, because she has already alot of Colas After this I watered them and put them back into Growbox. Tuesday, Jan.1st. 2019 One Day after Supercropping and Defoilating the Girls look great, just look at the Pics. They got another Hulkmix today SheHulk grows Vigor, i just have to get her Canopy even. BettyRoss has a great structure and a nice evenCanopy Thursday, Jan.3rd. Yesterday Topped SheHulk again. Betty Ross no specials. Today the got Water, they start to get thirsty, both looking healthy and Nice
1 comment
Week 9. Vegetation
6 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
19 °C
20 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 3
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
HULKMIX 30 mll
Sunday, Jan. 6th. Today i cleaned the Box and lowered the Plants. Yesterday they´ve got Hulkmix and Water. Still NO NUTRIENTS added. Girls look Fresh and Healthy Green Monday Its so disappointing. She Hulk is a " He".... i was on the search for preflowers and found "balls". No Sign of Flowers. BettyRoss seems to be a Lady ( I hope so) Tuesday SheHUlk shows since today female Flowers its a Hermie.... iam thinking what i should do Wednesday I removed all pollensacs of SheHulk, and put her back into the Growbox. I added some Soil and watered them. BettyRoss shows some preflowers Thursday No big News,i always look for pollensacs
Week 10. Vegetation
6 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
19 °C
20 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 3
Mr.B GREENTREES Azospirillium 2 mll
aloe 10 mll
HULKMIX 30 mll
Week 10 for the Bruce Banner#3 Last Week Shehulk figured out to be a Hermie, i took away the pollensacs and get her back into the Growbox( after2 Days thinking what to do with her/him) Yesterday i Did some LST on both and decided no more training now just let them grow, from now on. They were watered Yesterday Too. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GUIDE- How to make Cannaoil Cannaoil is the basic of many reciepes if you do eatables, drikables , icecream, Skincream etc......good to know how to do it I use 25-30 gram Dry Weed per 500 ml oil I take Grapeseedoil, or sesameoil . I use larger amounts because its easier to do I dont decarboxilate.. because that happens automaticaly Ok 25 -30 gram not carboxilated weed 500 ml oil Big Pot Laseristol for heatcontrol Kitchenscreen Pour your Oil in a cookingpot, add the weed Put it into the oven and watch the temperature , it should be between 94 and 120 degree Celsius As sonn as you reached 90 degree C , count the Time 90 minutes later your cannaoil is ready Store it cool and dark, you can store it for years this way
Week 11. Flowering
6 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 2
aloe 10 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Sunday 20th, Week 11 started Monday Today i start counting Flower, They are well to see. The Girls moved to a warmer Place into a Tent The hole Vegetation Phase was without Fertilisers.They showed no Defiencies, Looking Green and Healthy Iam thinking about adding some flowering Products She Hulk showed no more Male Pollensacks, BettyRoss decided to go in Flower Thursday The Girls grow denser and the Flowers fill. They got Water, on Weekend iam gonna start with Fertilisers Saturday Girls got their FIRST FEEDING in this grow
Week 12. Flowering
6 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 2
aloe 10 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Sunday , welcome to Week 12, Week 2 of flowering The Girls are in 20 l Airpots and into my own Soilmix. This is my First Indoor Photoperiod-Grow Yesterday they Got THE FIRST FEEDING 2ml/l Algabloom SheHulk and Betty Ross look happy. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GUIDE-How to make Cannasugar......Simple Reciepe NGREDIENTS 4 grams cannabis 150g granulated sugar 160ml high-proof alcohol HARDWARE Medium-sized mixing bowl Parchment paper Ovenproof dish Wooden spoon Sieve Metal spoon Storage container INSTRUCTIONS Preparation time: Approx. 45 minutes 1. Using a grinder, coarsely grind up your favourite cannabis strain. Line a baking tray with baking paper and evenly spread the ground weed. Bake for about 35–40 minutes at 120°C. Do not go any higher with the temperature. 2. Take the decarboxylated weed out of the oven. Place in a jar and fill the jar with alcohol until your weed is covered. Tightly screw the lid on the jar. Reduce oven heat to 93°C. 3. To speed up the extraction, shake the jar every 5 minutes for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, use a cheesecloth or coffee filter and strain the liquid into a clean bowl. 4. Take the sugar and add to your filtered alcohol solution. Pour the solution into a glass baking dish. Bake at 93°C and stir frequently. Your cannabis sugar is ready when it has a golden colour and all the alcohol has evaporated. Comment; i found that reciepe, today ( harvest day), i did not test it until now but i will, i will write my comments how it works as soon as i made the test Update To CANNASUGAR!!!! well like every time there are easier ways to get to the Point I put the Decarboxialted grinded weed into a Pyrex and the Pyrex into a pot with water and let the mix reducing for half an hour( watch it!!!!) Then i take 2/3 Cup of the ready, cooled and Filtered solution and put it into 4 Cups of Sugar. The Sugar is into a big bowl ( the sugar should look like wet sand- and keep his structure) Altogether in the Oven and watch it drying, stiring around. Ready!!!!
Week 13. Flowering
6 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 2
aloe 10 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Sunday Hello and welcome to the Hulk-ladies, we are in 3rd Week of Flower now They are sitting in 20L Airpots, filled with my Soilmix The Girls had it to dry the last Week. I got to watch them better. Today they were Watered. I use Feritliser 2ml/l one Time in the Week SheHulk grows and Flowers totally different to her Sister. Betty Ross shows alot of flowertops and stacking up vertical. SheHulks flowers are close together and getting thicker Saturday Today they got some Alga- Bloom and Water They are smelling and Buds are building.Now Iam sure that these are 2 different Strains. The Flower is completely different. What do you think @Zami_official
Week 14. Flowering
6 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 2
aloe 10 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Sunday Hello an Welcome to the Hulkgirls. We are in Week 4 of Flowering. Girls sit in 20l Airpots, filled with my own Soilmix They get 1 times a Week Fertilised Water (2ml /l) Inbetween only water. In comparison to my previous Photoperiodgrow, the Girls are slow. But i will give them all the Time they need Wednesday Both got 1l water Saturday They got some water and Blooming-fertiliser 2ml/l SheHulk starts to get frosty and sticky, Betty Rossses Flowers stacking up, but are thin and Fluffy as she just starts to flower at all, Its like @Butrus said: Betty will take longer Time than SheHulk Iam estaminating 2-3 more weeks for SheHulk and Minmum 5 more Weeks to BettyRoss. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GUIDE- Coconutoil... easy For some edibles is cocnutoil better ( chocolate), here my easy Reciepe to prepare cocnutoil 35-50 grams weed decarboxylated 500 ml Coconutoil Big Pot Lasserpistol for Temperaturecontrol Kitchenscreen put your coconutoil and the weed in a big pot, put it ito oven on 110 degree Control by laserpistol the Temperatures should be between 94 and 120 degree Celsius Let it into the oven for 90 minutes after reaching the right Temperature Filtering and refill in your jars You can store it for Years Reciepes for Edibles will follow
Week 15. Flowering
6 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
aloe 10 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Week 15... and No End in sight maybe 3 more Weeks for SheHulk, and 5 more for BettyRoss Sunday Hello to my Diary with the Hulkladies They are sitting in 20L Airpots filled with my own Soilmix They get around 2l of water per Week and one Time a week Fertiliser 2ml/l They could need Stronger Light She Hulk starts to get Frosty BettyRoss needs much more Time , she got many Budsites, who need to get dense and filled. Wednesday Drinking 1 l Water every other Day Every second Watering they get Fertiliser 2ml/l SheHulks Flowers begin to stack up, smelling very Strong, Betty Ross doing well ,and i really want to know wich strain it is... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GUIDE-" Green Gin" This is Medication, I use not carboxylated fresh Weed. So you have a high dosage of Benefits without getting to high. I use Sugarleaves or small regular leaves I put the leaves in ablender, fill in enough alcohol ( Gin Vodka, Rum) to cover the leaves, i blend the leaves with the Gin Let it stand overnight in the fridge Next day filtering by Kitchenscreen , and refill in your alcohol bottle, You will get a very green fluid. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Week 16. Flowering
6 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
aloe 10 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Sunday A new Week for the Hulkgirls They are sitting in 20 l Airpots filled with my own Soilmix They get water every other Day and were fed every second Watering 2ml/l Buds are Maturating and stacking up They got Water and Fertiliser today Everything is fine Tuesday Today they got Water Thursday Water and fertiliser They look nice and green. Flowers stacking up and SheHulk is very Gluey oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cannabis Fruit Bread Ingredients: - ½ cup of Infused Copconutoil ( see in Week 14) - Finely ground marijuana (decarboxylate first) - Fruit (such as 3 ripe bananas) - 1 cup of sugar - 2 cups of all-purpose flour - ½ cup of full fat milk - 2 eggs - 1/2 tsp of vanilla essence - 1 tsp of baking soda Instructions: 1. Beat together the Infused Coconutoil, eggs, milk and sugar in a bowl. 2. Once properly mixed, add in the finely ground marijuana, baking soda, and vanilla essence. 3. Continue to beat the mixture whilst slowly adding in your flour. 4. Add in your fruit, and continue to beat the mixture until the fruit is evenly spread throughout. 5. Place the mixture into a greased bread pan. 6. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius and bake the loaf for one hour. 7. Enjoy! I tested it today i took 3 very ripe Bananas, its very Yummy!!!!!
Week 17. Vegetation
6 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
aloe 10 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Sunday Week 17 For Betty Ross Now she is alone in the Tent, and gets all the LIght she wants. She stacks up every Day Buds gettin longer and fatter. but total different to her Sister But its very nice She got a lot of colas and iam courious how she will end Well stay tuned!!!! Wednesday Betty Ross is going insane, Buds are browing and fatten up......they smell like apricot, very sweet and yummy Friday She drinks a lot around 1 l per Day, today She got a feeding 2ml/l She smells fruity and flowery, delicious ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Anyhow, i cant add another Week , so i add it here oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sunday Week 18 A new Week for Betty Ross She sits in a 20l Airpot filled with my Soilmix NO FEEDING during the vegetative Stage was necessary In Flowering she gets 2ml/ l alga bloom evry second watering ( 2 times a week) She is smelly and Buds are still swelling, i will post later more pictures ( natural Light) Her smell is very Fruity and Flowery-just lovely oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i cant add another week so here begins....... Week 19 Could not add a week last Week so we are in 19 BettyRoss sits in 20 l Airpots, filled with my Soilmix During Vegetation, NO NUTRIENTS NEEDED, During flower 2ml/l algabloom BettyRoss is nearly done, Hairs are mostly Brown , But still producing white Hairs, all Trichomes are cloudy Gonna cut her down the next Days....... Monday Today I harvested Betty Ross, she has wonderful long sticky and Smelly Budsites. Iam very courious how she will taste after curing
Week 17. Harvest
6 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Lovely strain with wonderful fat, dense Buds .I wont blame the Company for a "small"Harverst. I think i let them dry to much when i switched the growlocation of them. Sticky Gluey and wonderful smelling big fat Buds. I had no Popcorn or "Waste", a Handfull of Sugarleaves and another Handfull bigger Leaves. Other Plant is still growing March 18th, harvested the other Plant. She gave us a nice bunch of long Fluffy Flowers. Totally different in look. But after smoking both its clear. Its the same Strain After Smoking her, i added one more Star...
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Spent 120 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
117 g
Bud wet weight per plant
47.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Earthy, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I did not give them a lot of attention( sorry Girls) they had to move into a small Tent with a poor Light, after a few Weeks. And i think ive let them dry out, so they stayed small. But i was totally surprised today, while Harvesting her SheHulk gave me very dense big Buds. Lovely Girl!!!. The other Plant is still growing. To the Feeding: I used my own Soilmix and they got A Drink with Azospirillium during the Vegetation Stage. They got Benefical things like, Magnesium, Aloe, Silicea, Spirulina, Calcium, Magnesium and Molasses. In Flowering Time i used Alga Bloom from Plagron, but only 2ml/l every Day Harvesting was very easy, I got big fat Buds and no Popcorn!!! AHandfull of Sugarleaves and a Handfull of bigger Leaves. I will make "green Gin" and some cannasugar of it. Very economic Plant I surely will grow her again, and give her better conditions Smokereport SheHulk. Well she Hits very hard. You have a very Stoned Feeling. Body is heavy . Very good against Sleepingproblems and Pain. She tastes wonderful Today on March 18th I harvested Betty Ross. She is smelly and very Sticky... very courious how she will taste after curing Smokingreport to BettyRoss, I always was wondering about her different looks. but now its confirmed , that its the same Strain. Same High, a little fresher taste. But she hits hard, defenately no daysmoke.I will prepare edibles from Sugarleaves WEEK 1 - Info AZOSPIRILLIUM WEEK 2 - GUIDE-How to Germinate Successful WEEK 3 -GUIDE- Mix your own SUPERSOIL WEEK 4 -GUIDE- "Hulkmix" WEEK 5 -GUIDE- Pestcontrol, how to prepare Neemoilsolution WEEK 10-GUIDE- Canna Infused Grapeseedoil WEEK 12-GUIDE- How to prepare CANNASUGAR WEEK 14- GUIDE-Infused Coconutoil WEEK 15- GUIDE- How tp prepare " Green Gin" WEEK 16-GUIDE-Canna Fruitbread0
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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 96 years ago
Hard to say. I llikeautomatics very much . you have to start very well with them and dont mess it in the first stage, after that they are so easy. But if you do 3 things right with automatics,its easy going, they just grow, And they are very economic, fast, and less waste. With a photoperiodic you can allow to do more mistakes, you can trim cut, bend mainline ..... and sent them to flower if you think its the right time i dont know what i like more. If you have lightleaks, i would recommend automatics. they dont care about it
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 76 years ago
its an humidifier, thy best of luck for u2
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 176 years ago
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 16 years ago
Its funny , a few dys ago i asked for Rootdevelopment-Help, and Today my package from Trimbag_Company arrived. And there were Fertilisers and Bacterias inside...Azospirrilium Brasiliens........ just googled and very happy to have it Thank you Kenneth!!!
MarcXLcommentedweek 106 years ago
Am I right that these BB#3 are identical to Hulkberry? I often wondered how many strains of RQS and Zamnesia are nearly the same. Sometime i think RQS delivers most Zamnesia non-automatic female strains. Kalini Asia seems to be Purple Queen Larry Bird Kush seems to be Green Gelato White Berry seems to be Fruit Spirit
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, would be interesting to see if someone maybe did a "full" analysis of the current companies catalogues and compare them to eachother
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@MarcXL, I know that They work together, and Zambeza is a"daughter" of RQS. And yes I think its common . the only way to find it out is to look into . there you see the Ancestors of the Strains
MaryJaneUSAcommentedweek 176 years ago
They’re so green.... awesome!
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@MaryJaneUSA, Its the Azospirillium.. great stuff check it out.... and the soilmix together
Silverback_Guerillacommentedweek 176 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar - I didn't notice it at first because your buds are so beautiful, but you could enter Photo #5 in the Naked Buds contest..we see the tiniest bit of your cleavage!😲👍
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@Silverback_Guerilla, iagree thats the Human perception. Everyone sees something different .
Silverback_Guerillacommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, I saw your buds first in the photo, and my wife saw your nails first..I think it is probably just the horny single men who noticed your cleavage first!😁 Congrats on another batch of delicious looking buds!
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@Silverback_Guerilla, haha true words... and agree just to see a little of something promising can be more " sexy" than the whole picture.... ive seen it after i posted the pic and i dont care its totally ok for me
vovaTHEKUSHMASTERcommentedweek 176 years ago
Well done!
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@vovaTHEKUSHMASTER, Thy ....I could have made it better, i know that
Spacemancommentedweek 176 years ago
Nice Nails 😏 & buds 👽
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@@Spaceman, thy ... yes they reflect my personality^^
Experimentgreencommentedweek 176 years ago
Mrs. L these turned out beautifully. They truly are the she hulks.💚 unbelievably gorgeous green color, almost blue green like ocean buds. Love the nail job too.✌️
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen,oumaan these are gorgeous plants mean and Green, insane colour i think its from the AZOSPIRILLIUM, iam very proud of this diary, not the flowers, but i put alot of work in it with new reciepes, seen it=? and yes i love my nails too^^
BigDaddyKcommentedweek 66 years ago
All you need is music and it could be a nightclub !!
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@BigDaddyK, there is music^^my lil HEMPCLUB loool
Experimentgreencommentedweek 66 years ago
Omg! Lol i love this weeks last photo with the smoke and the lights! Next up on the band stage Lady Larimar and the She Hulks! 💚💚💚
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen,hahaha you are right someone ( i think it was Beef wellington) called it " sexy Jazz club" yeah it looks very cool , thats true
Butruscommentedweek 126 years ago
Wow, girls look really nice, healthy and especially Betty Ross has so many bud sites...just awesome! 👍
KrautFabrikcommentedweek 126 years ago
They are looking awesome 😎👍
Budcrackcommentedweek 116 years ago
Looking Good Mrs! 😉
Drgreenfuncommentedweek 46 years ago
yh i added another LED to my room and it lifted the temp by 3 degrees put me just in the sweat spot.
Butruscommentedweek 146 years ago
Hey heey, look at that SheHulk, someone is getting frosty, huh? 😃 I guess BettyRoss needs to put the energy to more bud sites so it will take a bit longer to mature but I'm sure both will be awesome in the end 👍 Happy growing @Mrs_Larimar!
green_leafcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Hey Lari! Your girls looks very amazing! I think i wanna get a bruce banner too on the next time...
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@Butrus,i hope so... but all first times are hard ( so they say) its my first indoor photoperiod, next one will be better
TheWeedMancommentedweek 46 years ago
Ehhhh nice work :)
TheWeedMancommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, maybe try growing in Coco Coir..? I had slower growth in soil .. when I changed over to coco either I got very lucky or it’s amazing at rapid growth ..! No worries tho like you said .. it can veg a long time :)
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@@TheWeedMan,naaa not really, they are small and looking like tatantulas. but i dont care because they are photoperiods, they hve alot time to grow.but if i look at my cookies with 4 weeks( ttears)......
Philindicuscommentedweek 166 years ago
Great grow. Checked out your fruit bread recipe.About how much finely ground weed do you recommend?
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@Philindicus, i wont take to much because you already got infused cocoil in the dough personally me don ttake grounded weed. its heavy enough
CaptainJimmyStonedcommentedweek 26 years ago
Best of luck with the photoperiod! Let’s hope that this, at the end of the harvest will become the diary of the month ^^^
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@CaptainJimmyStoned, we will see there are a lot of very good growers here
the end.
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