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Maine outdoor 2024

2 months ago
Room Type
weeks 1-2, 6-23
weeks 11-24
weeks 4
Grow medium
76 L
Pot Size
5.68 L
Grow Conditions
Week 14
16 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
6+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
masterofsmeagol masterofsmeagol
6 months ago
7/18 I'll make this week a six day week to get back on track since i didn't last week. Rhis has been INCREDIBLY challenging for me to be away from my plants for this long. It will be six days. I'm leaving early to come home and water. We are supposed to get thunderstorms. Not sure if we did but it's only 11am. All pics so far are ones sent to me this morning. It rained a little bit yesterday. I have a lot to do in the garden. I need to assess Amy damage. Probably water (depending on weather), defoliate and hunt pillars. I may decide to spray and I may not. Depends what I see. Plants are getting big though. I'll need to add the second set of supports. I'm hoping I come back and find inch long buds like I did last time with those mendo breath that flowered super early two years ago. I just want to see my girls and take a big deep breath of their smelly goodness. I need to check for deficiencies as well as i usually started nutes by now. Tomorrow morning I'll do a video when I get back. UPDATE: AROUND 7 O'CLOCK MY INTUITION OR AS I CALL IT "MY SPIDY SENSE" STARTED TINGLING. IT HAD BEEN EARLIER BIT I IGNORED IT. I PLANNED FOR TWO THUNDERSTORMS WE GOT HERE AND WERE SUPPISED TO GET AT MY GROW BIT DIDN'T GET. I FIGURED THE GIRLS WOULD BE OKAY BUT I COULD FEEL THEIR PAIN. I COULDNT REALLY TELL THROUGH THE CAMERA IF IF THEY WERE DROOPING BAD SO I HAD DAD GO LOOK. HE DIDNT RESPOND WHICH PISSED ME OFF. I TOLD HIM THIS MORNING TO KEEP A VERY CLOSE EYE ON THEM AND IF NEEDED TO WATER THEM. NOT WANTING TO ASK TO MUCH OR I WOULDVE JUST SAID DO IT. HE WATERED EACH PLANT A HALF GALLON AND SPLIT A GALLON WITH THE 10 GAL AND THE 5 AND 50 GALLON SEEDLING CONTAINERS. I'M GLAD I CAUGHT THIS. I NEED TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF WATER. AT LEAST I HOPFULLY WONT COME HOME TO DROOPING PLANTS. THAT WOULD BE A KICK IN THE NUTS. I'M NOT GOING ON VACATION DURING GROWING SEASON AGAIN. I CANT WAIT TO SEE MY GARDEN. 7/19 Came home to the plants looking okay but very light and needing water. All expected storms missed us so what I planned for water wasn't enough. Plus they are much larger. DAD WATERED ALL CLONES WITH A HALF GALLON OF WATER AND THEN I GOT BACK AROUND 10ish AND GAVE THE PLANTS ANOTHER FULL HALF GALLON. THE GMOs ARE DEFINATELY WATER HOGS. I've noticed some interior leaves fading so I'll start nutes soon. Saw some pillar damage (and the pillar in a picture dad sent) and went hunting. I caught 11 caterpillars!!! Three different species. A big green one that rolled into a ball. Yellow and green normal moth larvae and an inch worm the color of an earth worm! I found no eggs though. I took a video, but I'll have to wait to upload it. Luckily, my intuition is on point, and I have family that will help me. All it takes is a day of this heat advisory over 100f weather and the wind to dry my bags right out! I don't want to over water, but 10% is 2 gallons in the 20s. I'm upping the water to a gallon a plant. The event horizons seem to be a little further in flower and don't seem to be using AS much water. I'll play it by ear. I was going to spray bt but having caught double digit pillars I think I'll hold off and do what I'm doing. I can always spray later if needed. 7/20 Checked my plants late and noticed they were light and starting to droop. I had one gallon mixed up so I gave to what was worse. They seemed like they would be OK until after my wife's doctor's appointment. I got back and EVERYTHING but one event horizon were starting to droop and light as a feather. This was after I gave them half a gallon yesterday afternoon and dad gave them a half gallon the late night before. The plants are just too big and with this heat they need more water. I mixed 8 more gallons amd gave each plant a full gallon. Used another gallon earlier in the morning so a total of 9 gallons was used on the garden today. I defoliated what I could. I noticed a hole in my cage as well. A lathe broke and it left a small hole for an animal to crawl through. I found a small lathe and got the drill and went around and repaired the cage. I have a lot more to do. Some serious defoliation. I need to start nutes and I need to add the second supports which is a trellis. That way I can LST. The cages kinda hold everything close together but once the supports are added things while be spread out much better. Much more room this year. I need to switch the plant in the 10 with the flowering event horizon to better utilize space. Dad says these are the best looking plants I've grown. I don't know if I agree but the are really thick. Could just be the strain. I'm certainly not complaining. Things look good. If I can hunt pests myself I'd rather do that than spray chemicals. Got a few more pillars and jpn beetles. Took a video but it won't upload until tomorrow. 7/21 It was definately a good idea to up the watering amounts. If not they'd probably be dead. They are growing at a significant rate. Some seem to be in early flower. I have damage from pillars but considering how many I've caught from hunting im still on the fence about spraying. I probably still should. I went through abd manually removed as many as possible. When I went over this morning I checked the weight of every plant. Every plant was noticeable lighter than after I had watered them yesterday. That kinda suprised me. My water hogs were actually significantly lighter. We haven't been getting rain either. I'm going to have to water every day. I think a gallon a plant should be enough. 10% is 2 gallons though. I'd rather understand water than over water but I'd like to get it so I'm not watering every day. Or every other day which I'm sure is what will happen. I'm planning on having to water tomorrow. I'm still going to mull over whether I should apply the BT tonight or not. I probably should. They aren't a problem now but further in flowering they wreck havoc on flowers. Eating and shitting and spreading mold every where they go. There's no way I got all of them. I keep saying it but never do it but I should get netting. That would basically solve this problem. Oh, didn't get a chance to upload the video I made. I'll do it tomm. UPDATE: THAT "SPIDEY SENSE" STARTED TINGLING AGAIN SO I DROVE TO INSPECT MY PLANTS. ITS BEEN SUNNY AND HIGH 80S/90. ALMOST ALL PLANTS WERE DROOPING. SOME WERENT FEATHER LIGHT BUT THEY WERE LIGHT AND DROOPING. THE WIND WAS WHIPPING AND WHEN IT DOES THAT IT DRIES THOSE BAGS OUT QUICK. INTERESTING ENOUGH THE EVENT HORIZON THATS IN THECMIDDLE OF THE CAGE SURROUNDED ON ALL SIDES ABDCPROTECTED FROM THE WIND STILL HAS WEIGHT. IT LOOKED A LITTLE DROOPY BUT DOESNT GETCTHE WIND THE OTHERS DUE. IM WONDERING IF I COULD BE OVER WATERING THAT ONE PLANT WITH THE FREQUENCY OF WATERING. THE SOIL WAS DUSTY AND DRY BUT WHEN I STUCK MY FINGER IN SOME DIRT STUCK TO IT SO I DIDNT WATER THAT ONE PLANT. I MIXED UP EIGHT GALLONS OF WATER AND GAVECEVERYTHING A GALLON. I GAVE A HALF GALLON TO THE PLABT IN THE 10 AND BRIEFLY HIT THE CONTAINER PLANTS. THE REMAINING HALF GALLON WAS ADDED TO THE PLANTSCTHAT ARE USING THE MOST WATER. GMOS WERE USING MORE THAN ANYTHING BUT THAT SHERB PIE AND TOASTED TOFFY SEEM TO HAVE CAUGHT UP. LOOKED FIR PILLARS BUT COULDNT FIND ANY. ILL UPDATE TOMORROW. IM WONDERING IF I SHOULD GO FOR A GALLON AND A HALF EVERY TWO DAYS OR A GALLON A DAY DURING THIS HOT WEATHER. LUCKILY I CAN KEEP AN EYE OUT AND FIGURE IT OUT. I HAVEXA COUPLE PLANTS THAT ARE TRANSITIONING TO FLOWER. EXCITING TIMES! OH AND AFTER WATERING THE GIRLS PICKED THEMSELVES RIGHT BACK UP. I KNOW ITS NOT IDEAL BUT ITS BETTER TO UNDER WATER THAN OVER WATER. I STILL HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT FUSARIUM. 7/22 Much cooler day. It's 74 at 9:40 bit it was 60 earlier this morning. With the cooler weather I'm hoping I won't have to water as often. I think I hadn't been giving them enough water at a time for the conditions. I'm not going to water again until all bags are super light. That's what I had been doing but I don't want my plants getting to the drooping phase. Luckily I check on them multiple times a day and I've got the cams. I caught approx half a dozen inch worms this morning. I'm wondering if I should still spray. If I'm catching this many there has to be more. I'm not removing the damaged leaves if they aren't bad so it's hard to tell if it's new damage. It was extremely windy yesterday. I assume that is what helped dry the bags put so much. I already doubled the water intake so I don't want to do anything else until I see how this turns out. I figure I'll have to water tomorrow. We are getting some rain in the next few days but not much. 7/23 This will be the last entry for this week so I can get back on track. If you've been following along you'd see that I had pretty much doubled my watering amount due to it not lasting until next watering. I take the weather reports I to account. They have really been passing me off lately. On vacation we were supposed to get two large storms at my grow. We got ZERO rain amd it just followed me to my vacation (where the weather WAS supposed to be sunny) and poured some of the heaviest shert rain I've seen. Now after I over watered my plants (just a litttle) I found out the weather changed. Today, tomorrow and Wednesday we were supposed to get TINY amounts of rain. It totaled like .35in for the 3 days. I'm thinking cool. Instead it get changed last minute to supposably get an inch of rain JUST today. It was sheet rain earlier but it has totally stopped raining. The GMOs aren't really over-watered (too bad at least) and look normal. Nothing looks BAD. I can just tell by the weight that some of these girls are overwatered. That's OK though. If we get any wind (which we should) it will dry those bags out quick. With the gmos and that sherb pie it would be very hard to overwatercto the point where it hurts the plant. I just need to realize the GMO'S just use more water. They are asparagusing right up. Event horizon is in early flower. Everytime I go to my grow I'm able to kill multiple pests. I got at least 5 moth larvae, a couple moths, couple leafhoppers and I missed this giant grasshopper that had been going to town chomping leaves. I think it's time to start nutes. I also think I'm going to spray either BT or captain Jack's after this rain. I don't need pillars come flower. Since I can SEE multiple pests it might be best to use something broader like spinosad but we will see how it goes. I also need to switch a couple plants for better room, defoliate and add the trellis and second set of supports. The first support kinda keeps the branches together so I need to lst and tie down branches to open up the plant.
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 9 months ago
First time using led to hold plants until outdoors. I have only veg switch on. Bright blue with white. I read you can use both switches from the start. Should I? Clones are hardening well. I don't want to burn them. I'm using Tatu 1000 grow light. Clones in 1 gal soil for
SCAR17sanswered grow question 6 months ago
It doesn’t matter. Just keep it on longer than 12.
SCAR17sanswered grow question 6 months ago
It doesn’t matter. Just keep it on longer than 12.
Krisisanswered grow question 9 months ago “Has nothing to do with leaf shape or size that is dictated more by light intensity and the distance from light source , the plant creates bigger leaves when there is less light available in order to catch more of the scarce photons passing through the chloryphyll” You were saying?
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 6 months ago
Have any of you successfully used umbrellas to shelter plants from hard rain? I can get a good deal on umbrellas () and could theoretically attach them to the garden poles attached to grade stakes. I'll have to check the size of the umbrellas but figured I'd ask.
BusyBeeFarmeranswered grow question 6 months ago
No, and I wouldn't recommend it because umbrellas are not designed to withstand high wind speeds and could end up damaging your plants if they get blown away. My best experience has been with a clear tarp stretched over wooden posts and a frame. It requires some DIY skills, but it's more durable if you use a good-quality tarp and it's also cost-effective.😊
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 5 months ago
For those of you that have used fungicides organocide plant Dr specifically how much of the mixed product do you use? Specifically for leaf septoria? I do a foliar spray and a root drench. The first time I used between a qtr and 1/2 gallon on the on I treated today I used + .5
Leaves. Other
m0useanswered grow question 3 months ago
from their webpage, seems applying it as a soil drench with the leftovers is fine. IDK if I fully trust their product breakdowns into harmless P and K but who knows. Plant Doctor Application for Medical Marijuana: Please note – we have not personally tested on medical marijuana, however, these are the recommendations we’ve received from growers, so you may follow application directions at your own risk. Downy / Powdery Mildew: Foliar Application: Cure Mildew: 1-2 TBSP per gallon weekly for mildew until clear then prevention. Prevention: ½ tsp per gallon weekly Soil Drench Cure Mildew: 3 tsp per gallon weekly for 3 weeks or until mildew clears. Must be used separately in reservoir for 1 day (no other nutrients), because plant doctor will increase PPM and EC (electrical conductivity) of water. Drain reservoir and continue with normal feeding program. Prevention: ½ tsp per gallon weekly Fusarium: Soil Drench 3½ tsp per gallon weekly for 3 weeks or until it clears then prevention ½ tsp per gallon weekly. Must be used separately in reservoir for 1 day (no other nutrients), because plant doctor will increase PPM and EC (electrical conductivity) of water. Drain reservoir and continue with normal feeding program. Plant Doctor will not harm beneficial bacteria or mycorrhizae fungi. It is formulated to target only pathogenic fungi.

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masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 58 months ago
I've gotten 150 views on this diary but not one "like". Come on growmies you can do better than that!
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 254 months ago
Wow, nice! This looks fantastic. Happy that I looked at your page. I just started 2 new diaries come by if you have time over, would be fun. 👨🏽‍🌾🤩
masterofsmeagolcommented4 months ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, I will man. I need to finish processing and take pictures of finished product and do the harvest reports but I will stop by my friend!
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Grow_Shack_Kevcommentedweek 224 months ago
Blow the dew off of them with a leaf blower or blow dryer on cool setting and it will prevent powdery mildew from forming. Really helps to prevent it
masterofsmeagolcommented4 months ago
@Grow_Shack_Kev, I shake them every morning before I hit them with the leaf blower. I got a battery powered and it works great! I do have p.m. on that big gmo in the middle but I've been treating it. That will either get a Cervantes wash or go to concentrates.
Ghrimcommentedweek 205 months ago
GREAT outdoor grow!! Good luck and happy growing 🌱
masterofsmeagolcommented5 months ago
@Ghrim, hey, thanks growmie! It's a tough climate but I work hard and try to do my best with it. It feels good when someone recognizes the hard work put in. I appreciate the positive vibes.🙏 Happy growing!
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masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 19 months ago
I've tried to start this diary numerous times. The site was down once. It took all the information I had used and went back to anearlier point and I had to start again.
Blaarcommentedweek 185 months ago
slick man, outdoor farm setup.
Blaarcommented5 months ago
@masterofsmeagol, dream space. and probably some dope toke. 😍😋
masterofsmeagolcommented5 months ago
@@Blaar, thanks growmie!
Suemchencommentedweek 175 months ago
Nice looking plants you have 🤗
masterofsmeagolcommented5 months ago
@Suemchen, thank you!
masterofsmeagolcommented5 months ago
@Suemchen, Thank you!
BigBudGuycommentedweek 136 months ago
I am not seeing any pistils. Nice garden!
BigBudGuycommented6 months ago
@masterofsmeagol, I see them now. They are clones so they are already sexed and will show hairs periodically during veg. It is not an indication they have started to flower. Best of luck getting them to the finish line.
masterofsmeagolcommented6 months ago
@BigBudGuy, go to last week. I took pictures but it's progressed a lot since then. With all the rain it's been hard to stay current with pics.
KushPartycommentedweek 185 months ago
Looks awesome
masterofsmeagolcommented5 months ago
@@KushParty, Thank you!
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 185 months ago
Hello, nice to see your page! Good luck with everything! If you have any time to spare please come by my page I just started a new journal!!🙌🏼
masterofsmeagolcommented5 months ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, Thank you! I'll swing over and say high.
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Northern_Entcommentedweek 136 months ago
Separation anxiety can be quite real for cannabis growers. Cheers, and good luck. Plants will be fine for a week as long as they’re watered.
masterofsmeagolcommented6 months ago
@Northern_Ent, Thank you. I already have an anxiety disorder so this just compounds it. I monitor over my cams and dad's FaceTime. They've been fine every other time I've come here. I still worry though. Thank you for the words of encouragement! Makes it easier to relax!
groencommentedweek 117 months ago
Watching along :) wishing you best of luck
masterofsmeagolcommented7 months ago
@groen, thanks bud! I appreciate that!
Northern_Entcommentedweek 107 months ago
Good luck in the heat. Not that it’s been a thing this year, but in high heat I find that misting the air during peak sun helps take the edge off the heat with evaporative cooling (swamp cooler) and spraying the black grow bags (or shading them) helps keep the roots cool. Also potassium silicate keeps the stems tough. Good luck.
masterofsmeagolcommented7 months ago
@Northern_Ent, Thanks! Luckily hey made it through the heat with no problems!
yOlzzzcommentedweek 97 months ago
Bon courage mon pote ça a l'air bien !! Bon courage pour la suite !! Je suis ton journal à partir de maintenant !
masterofsmeagolcommented7 months ago
@yOlzzz, Thank you! Happy growing my friend!
TurbineJunkiecommentedweek 68 months ago
Good luck with the grow! Seems like a good start to me!
masterofsmeagolcommented8 months ago
@@TurbineJunkie, thanks bro!
JamesBarrecommentedweek 254 months ago
Magnifique variété mon pote 👍😌
Organic_Gcommentedweek 234 months ago
Whats up Growmie, nice Grow keep up the good work 👌🏽🍀 check out mine, maybe you got some tipps 🙏🏽 don‘t forget to Like & follow if you like my organic grows 💯
KushPartycommentedweek 185 months ago
Looks awesome
KushPartycommentedweek 185 months ago
Looks awesome
Ghrimcommentedweek 185 months ago
Amazing plants!!! Happy growing 🌱