Week 2!
4-23 Day 9! Sunday is the new week.
Only lady not to take a fall, oopsie.
Slow and steady wins the race!
Roots show on bottom of 6inch pot. x plant to final home next 5-6 days.
Pushing node 3, plain PH 6.0 water. ( Its like I feel I HAVE to PH it. Even though I know its not HAVE.) oof
Thanks for checking in, see you soon! 😁
Day 11 x-plant to 3gal pot!!
Went just fine, but I deff wont do again, before day 14 min.
First time using HP Pro mix, and I did 3 gallon scoops. Didnt Fill the pots. lol
Was in a hurry so maybe she will stretch a little and I can add some more. Either way is fine!
Ok so 3 gal pot, HP Pro mix, 7 tbs BAS craft blend, 1 cup worm poo and 1 tbs Mykos.
Also sprinkled Mykos on rootball and x-plant hole.
watered in with Recharge and 5ml kelp air bubbled 36hrs. ( But only used around 300-500 mls per plant)
PH to 6.1.
@Sour_D, Many thanks! I had a lot going on and the girls got a little janky.😙
Full attention and coming along now!😁
Looking forward, to your 5 cent bubble gum!😂😎😜