05/10/24. Going into week 2
Bro. Pablo. This thing will not stop tryin to be the tallest in the room. She wants to tower over everything.
No food. Just water. Humidity between 55-60. Light is on full blast 100% and like 20 up. This thing can’t get enough. I don’t get it. 2 weeks old and 5 inches. So much stem. Node spacing seems fine-ish though. I’ve seen other people growing this and they aren’t insanely tall. It’s funny. The stems so long that I don’t know how it’s standing straight. I’m dumbfounded. Yeah. Nothing else to say right now. Thanks for dropping by. Better update next time I hope.
@Hattiwatti, but they mostly have guy type names. Like Pablo here. I know it’s named after Escobar and I get it lol. It’s just funny cuz we want the plants to be girls. So, I’ll call her Pablita instead