05/24/24. Going into week 4
Ah, Pablita, my sanity. What can I say.. this girl is the only one of the babies that’s been keeping me from giving up on all that I have in veg currently. I’m having so many issues with the other 2 girls and I can’t really figure out why. Pablita isn’t having any issues, which I’m happy about, but it seems as if the other 2 are she would be as well. So, either the others are ass holes or she’s just resistant af.
Anyhow, have given her a very light feed today and a topping a few days ago.
Dimmed the light to 70% and raised it a bit for the other 2’s sake. Already seeing longer noding because of it which doesn’t make me happy, but seemed to slow down whatever’s going on with the others.
It’s been getting much hotter than I’d like. Temperature has been ranging between 75 and 85. Humidity between 55-62%
Think that covers it for now. Cross your fingers that Pablita stays as happy as she is.
@Hattiwatti, but they mostly have guy type names. Like Pablo here. I know it’s named after Escobar and I get it lol. It’s just funny cuz we want the plants to be girls. So, I’ll call her Pablita instead