07/30/24. Going into week 5 flower
So.. we’ve regained a ton of green near buds and at leaf bases on out. Meanwhile, with trying to correct this fucken ph, and not feeding base nutrition, yellowing is showing up in different areas. You’ll notice throughout the pictures. Based on such, I gave a light feeding and hoping to stop THAT progression. (Insert sigh here)
Bad news is I’m pretty sure she will be very stunted. The sizes of the buds show such.
Good news is.. they seem to be starting to grow again AND there’s a bunch of white hairs popping up all over now. Poor girl.
She is stated to be 90% sativa and a 71 day girl. We’re on I think day 35 so she does still have quite a long way to go even entering week 5 flower. I’m hoping all this time can be used well to get her at least somewhere near where she should be.
I can’t say exactly what the plan is going forward. This is going to be me watching her responses and just trying to do whatever seems to be helping. At this time it has been no feeding and a light feed as well as very dim light
🤞 🍀
@Hattiwatti, but they mostly have guy type names. Like Pablo here. I know it’s named after Escobar and I get it lol. It’s just funny cuz we want the plants to be girls. So, I’ll call her Pablita instead