
First Grow - Pluto Cut Auto R F3

5 months ago
Germination Method
Peat Pellet
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 7%
Pluto Cut Autoflower R F3
Avg. success
ETHOS Genetics - 92%
Pluto Cut Autoflower R F3 - 95%
Commented by
PDreer PDreer
7 months ago
This is my first grow so any advice or critique is welcome. Started seeds in shot glass then planted into jiffy pellet that was already in the final pot with the liner removed. I work from home and my desk is next to my tent so I water frequently. Planted the seeds 1-4 starting with biggest root to smallest. 2 & 3 sprouted 1st with 1 not far behind at around 24 hours or so. 4 just sprouted today on day 5 so I may have a runt on my hands or may need to soak seed longer next time. Day 7 from seed: uploaded updated pics. Still not sure how I should be watering these but they look ok so far so I'll just keep going until they don't.
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taprootArmycommentedweek 07 months ago
good luck with your first grow. My experience is that watering frequently is a bad thing for cannabis. I also did it it for the first days and early on it was ok, but you want to change quickly to a watering shedule where the surface is dry for a longer period of time and the roots take water from deeper areas of your pot. Im my opinion/experience the plants need a little bit of dry stress after a couple of days to encourage roots to grow deeper.
taprootArmycommented7 months ago
@PDreer, I dont know. sorry I only just saw that you are mostly using coco coir. I have no experience with that. forget what I said 😨 However, in general, my experience is: better too dry than too wet
PDreercommented7 months ago
I am only watering to runoff at least 2 inches away every 4 to 5 hours. Then during my off time it gets no water for ten hours give or take a couple daily. I have self feeding pots but that won't work until the roots reach the bottom. Is ten hours daily without water enough? It's usually dry when I check it.
jwh_herocommentedweek 27 months ago
Great start! Good luck, bro!
PDreercommented7 months ago
@jwh_hero, thank you very much trying to keep the noob nervousness to a minimum right now lol
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 85 months ago
GL wit your grow 1st one
PDreercommented5 months ago
@gottagrowsometime, thank you very much. I haven't been able to update recently so I just dropped the last few weeks worth of pics. Eagerly awaiting the results of this first grow and so far they look pretty good from what I've been told by more experienced growers.