
Tropi cherry, gelato 41, and runtz muffin first run

3 months ago
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 3
Grow medium
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
2.84 L
Grow Conditions
Week 8
12 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
BlazingAngel420 BlazingAngel420
5 months ago
Boy oh boy look at these babies grow I'm studying them more and more to ensure they are happy. I've notice that gelato 41 is producing bud spots like thats what it was ment for. Tropi cherry is coming along but not as fast as G41, and runtz muffin im a little disappointed in but i believe that is my fault for im still new and have only grown 1 plant prior to these 3. It also doesnt help i had to cut the vegitation cycle by 2 weeks as well. and further more I was at least able to give 2 clones away, the rest were still good but couldn't find them homes so i had to throw them away. Next time I'll have all the room they need and can't wait to make mother plants of my favorites.
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Grow Questions
BlazingAngel420started grow question 6 months ago
When would be a good time to trim the bottom portion of my plants, and could I possibly clone the bottom ones so I'm not throwing them away? I have clonex cloning gel and my grow Bible tells me to use honey to dress the wound as well what works best for you guys?
MindFlowers68answered grow question 6 months ago
Around week 4 should be good to grab a few clones, but the longer you can wait the better quality clones you will have. You don't have to really worry about sealing the cuts after you trim either. I wait to cut the lower stuff until I start to see it decline in health or it's just so shaded out that it's just more in the way than anything. If you are going to top the plant around week 4-5 would be a good time to top it, nad you may be able to get a nice clne from it
millerman543answered grow question 6 months ago
If you’re referring to the plants in your diary on a profile I wouldn’t be defoliating for a while. Leaves are where the plants gets its energy from and that being said I say it’s best to leave them on for a good while. Until the plant gets to the point of for instance, one large fan leaf is blocking the light to 4 other ones, then that’s when I would cut that leaf off to get 4x the light energy if that makes sense. As for wounds I just make a nice clean sharp cut and the plant heals its self well. When it comes to cutting off lower branches it may take a day to recover but it will recover fast. And when it comes to taking clones I just did this to my grow, wait until just before you start flower assuming you have photoperiods, and then I cut off any small branches that will give popcorn or larf buds so the plant will divert its energy to the main tops. And when selecting a food clone it’s better to use one more towards the top that gets a little light a nice healthy one. I just threw away about 30 branches I could have cloned but I kept some that I liked. Also I defoliate just before flower promoting air flow through the plant good for a number of things. And then once more after stretch to keep the energy going to those tops. Hope this helps a bit good luck brother and let them thangs grow

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MindFlowers68commentedweek 36 months ago
oh okay, you already topped. If you wait until right before you flip to flower you should have some nice clones to grab since you topped eary she will bush out nice and give you lots of clones
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
@BlazingAngel420, yeah I think 5 is a good number. Either way, you are doing good. once you grow a few you will get a better understanding quick on how they respond, and how to react. You are on the right track
BlazingAngel420commented6 months ago
@MindFlowers68, the cannabis grow Bible was saying i could top at like 3 tiers but many others said 5 or more so I chose 5 tiers and I'm really hoping I FIM'D the 2 I did correctly🤞.
MindFlowers68commentedweek 36 months ago
I would grow these out a few more weeks before trimming anything personally. They are doing nice
BlazingAngel420commented6 months ago
@MindFlowers68, thank you I'm eager to do it, but I don't want to be quick to the draw on it and end up with disastrous outcomes. I'm going to wait at least until week 6-8 and see if they are ready. Thank you for your input it helped ease my trigger fingers haha.
Hou_Stonecommentedweek 27 months ago
Good luck mate ! 😻👆 💙
BlazingAngel420commented7 months ago
@Hou_Stone, thanks my dude much appreciated 👽🍀