
Purple Cookie Kush & Gelato #420 - First legal Grow 🥦

7 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 12
12 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
11+ conditions after
Commented by
Maple Maple
20 days ago
It was very warm this week. As a result, it was also warmer in the tent than we would have liked. We haven't fertilized this week and won't do so next week either. The plants are still shedding leaves. The leaves first turn yellow and then dry out or are shed. We are already looking forward to the harvest. It will probably be ready in 1-2 weeks. The smell is currently very strong. Sometimes there was a distinct smell of grass next to the tent. Today we replaced the Phonic Trap hose between the activated charcoal filter and the exhaust air with a normal hose. This will hopefully ease the problem somewhat. Even though it's no longer illegal, we don't want our apartment to smell of grass. We definitely need a better carbon filter for the next run.
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Grow Questions
Maplestarted grow question 2 months ago
I just noticed that the lower leafs are dying, while other leafs are getting yellowish spots. Is this some kind of nutrient deficiency? The leaf with the yellow spots is near the air intake. They didn’t get any fertilizer except root juice since the soil is still somewhat fresh.
Leaves. Too few
Leaves. Tips - Die
Leaves. Color - Yellow
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 months ago
Your plants are in tip top condition So, the issue is. She's eating the closest food source when she can't get it from the soil. So, imo, I reckon you left the soil dry up too often, no your plants don't need to be droopy to shoe this neither. Any dry period, that's the start process of your eating those leafs at the bottom for nourishment.. Just make sure to keep your soil moist. You can let it dry up yes. As that's how roots breath. When soil dries, air is drawn into the sub from that process. But u just let it go a lil too far. No real issue here. If there was any other issue than this. I'd be looking for signs up above, there's none..
Maplestarted grow question 2 months ago
I was just inspecting my purple cookie kush plant and noticed that there might be pollen sacs. Am I correct with that assumption? If yes, how would you proceed?
DeltaEyeanswered grow question 2 months ago
Yes, looks like a hermie.. If the plant is small and you can only find a few pollen sacs, I would just remove the sacs and keep an eye on the plant if more pollen sacs keep growing and keep plugging them off. If the plant isnt too big and you're able to go through the plant regularly and make sure to remove any pollen sacs, it shouldnt have a drastic impact. But naturally if you have lots of plants and the hermie is able to pollinate the other plants, you will be finding a lot of hermie seeds in your buds.

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Limezweek 10
Könnte auch ein Stickstoffmangel sein bei der PCK und deswegen werden die Blätter gelb, hab bzw hatte ich bei meiner auch gerade erst.
@Limez Danke! Stickstoffmangel halte ich auch noch irgendwo für plausibel. Wir düngen aber eigentlich nach dem Basic-Düngeschema von GreenBuzz und orientieren uns an der oberen Dosierungsempfehlung. Vielleicht ist der Dünger für unsere Situation einfach nicht so gut geeignet.
Limezweek 3
Sieht gut aus, sind das deine endtöpfe oder willst du nochmal umtopfen?
@Limez, das sind die Endtöpfe. Habe den Eindruck, dass es sonst zu eng wird.
Jacks_Potweek 4
Looking great 👍 Have a fantastic round 👊
KBroxweek 3
Nice grow! This strain is coming up soon for me too. Good luck and have fun!
jwh_heroweek 1
Nice plants! Happy growing and good luck!