Ok, high there,
it's quite stressful around here, my back is killing me, here my words, guys, gals and other pals, everyone only one cross they say in Germany, watch your back, literally, as soon as you ruined your spine, you are in to a world of fun and pain for the rest of your pitiful life's.
That being said, yoga and occasional painkiller help.
I am preparing the foundation for our new sheds, earth, pebbles and stone are heavy, I am sorry, but my diaries are suffering from that.
But hey, here we are.
We reached a height 15 cm, with a total length 30 cm.
She started smelling, life is good.
Will probably, like finally engage the automated watering this week.
Until then, stay safe, stay healthy and happy grow to all of you.
did "activate" the watering yesterday, it will nee some more work, I have one pump for two different pots with vastly different sizes plants, even though they are in the same span of their lifecycle.
One is very! thirsty and this one her needs just a bit of water in comparison.
I have an inline valve, but precision is something completely different.
Will update nutrients as soon as I refill the tank.
said and done XD
@resi_max, Thanks a lot, I am quite hyped as this will be the first time I'll be able to see my plants in the open, like chill on your roof deck and just look at them 😁
Quite surreal this feeling.
Still the fight for real legalization ain't over, just one example, I will be forced to turn most of the harvest into hash, else I will have more than the 50 grams I am allowed to own on my private property.
Until then I will enjoy our new freedom as much as I can 😀