D2 Feed - Removed some small leaves on the bottom that got no light and few leaves that were blocking buds from getting light. It was just light defo. EC 1.9 pH 5.8. SuperBoom Compactor is powder, but we can't select g/l :D Anyway its 0,5g per liter.
D3 Watered in the evening (my stupid ass forgot that I feed her day before, lucky it was in the morning and now in the evening). Brutalzym + Rezin. EC 1.3, pH went down to 5.4, so I put airstone in my res and it went back to 6.0 in like 10 minutes (smart way to get pH up if you screw up :D mabye that is thanks to using BioBizz pH down, witch is organic).
D5 Did some light defoliation (mainly leaves that were not getting light and some that were shading buds and some few bigger ones on sides, so they don't suck energy) and fed her afterwards. pH 6.0 EC 2.1.
@Biotabs, Thank you, that Boom Boom of yours is AMAZING!! :D I sprayed them in the morning, and after 9 hours I came back from work, you could see the effect it had and she loved it :)