
Northern Lights RQS Fem - First Grow

2 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
7+ conditions after
Commented by
eigenheit eigenheit
3 months ago
Since this is my first time ever planting a seed of any plant -- its amazing :) Again, i will keep this grow simple. Uppot two times, use non-cannbis marketed products only. Use normal herb soil for seedling stage, then fertilized tomato soil, tomato fertilizer once flowering hits and a product called "MyccoVital Wurzelfit", which is a Mykorrhiza for help reducing transplant shock available at any garden store. Not measuring pH levels etc. until a problem occures. My philosophy in general is: only buy a tool when you need it to build something. Don't buy a bunch of tools you don't know how to handle or when to use them, you're just gonna break things.
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Jamesweek 5
Loooking amazing mate 🌱
@James, 🙌
SlamFMweek 7
You can get away with using the tomato fertilizer. Just keep an eye out for deficiencies/toxicities, the nitrogen is higher than ideal and the phosphorus is lower than ideal for the flowering stage. During bloom too much Nitrogen causes problems like reduced yield, underdeveloped buds, lower potency. Cannabis plants love Phosphorus during bloom, not enough Phosphorus also effects the buds negatively, can be more susceptible to diseases and could possibly end with a premature death of the entire plant. P and K are the two you don't really want a deficiency in during flower. They're responsible for a lot of the flower production. Just some food for thought. Good luck with your grow though. You have some beautiful and healthy looking plants, I've yet to be disappointed by RQS.
@SlamFM, thanks for the attentive feedback. it makes me think. even though my fert is high in N, i think overall im on the lower end of providing nutrients. this makes me think if i can maybe up the 5ml/L to 10ml/L to give it more PK, as long as i dont feed too much N. study below suggests that you really have to pound it with N for it to have a negative impact on yield. so i probably could up to 10ml doubling PK. gonna sleep on it tho haha.
420_Sceneweek 5
Looking healthy and those roots look SUPER HEALTHY, nice and white. Keep up the good work.
@420_Scene, awesome to have someone validate this. appreciate it!!
MunichGrasfabrikweek 0
Schön, viel Glück auch.
gottagrowsometimeweek 6
Really nice crop mate..doing a smashing job.