I finally named her... Sarah Lee. 😁
I moved her upstairs where I can control the environment better. Michigan weather is a beast and my basement was a bad idea for a summer tent grow. The AC upstairs is making her happy and helps with humidity. So boom.
She is flowering nicely! 😍
Water (pH 6.58) about 1.25 gal every 2 days now. She's thirsty. Still not full strength on Nutes, next water maybe more Tiger Bloom.
I still use vinegar for pHing.
No issues at this time, except humidity. Oh, and my cat is obsessed. I'm not wanting to smoke cat hair, so I put up curtains.
I'm also not upset I didn't do any LST. This plant is thriving. Next time I will try LST. I just want to get good bud off an inside grow. 😊
Going into week six and I'm super excited.
One last thing. I changed her light schedule to 18-6. I was 19-5 and read a blog where the grower increased dark an hour at flower and it really bulked the buds. We'll see.
GL y'all.
If your tips are slightly brown you’re slightly over feeding it, but haven’t caused lock out yet.
Back off a little and settle in there.
You’re looking solid. Good job.
Best of luck with your grow.