
Purple Star Killer / Dosidos / Cement Shoes

5 days ago
Cement Shoes
Room Type
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
Pro-Mix HP
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 7
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
9+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
connormcleod47 connormcleod47
2 months ago
***UPDATE 08/05/24*** Plants are still looking pretty rough but starting to pick up a bit! Defoliated all 4 plants today & topped the Cement Shoes for 32 tops! Rearranged the tent in order to lower temps a bit & create better airflow, fans have all been repositioned & I velcro'd a sheet of carbon filter over one of the vents on the floor so I can keep it open during lights out Tent was staying cooler when I was using 2 fans vs the 4 I have in there now, I might take 2 out if I can't get them set right! Screen on the dehumidifier is still stuck at 25% RH gonna give that another day or two & see if it sorts itself out worst case scenario will exchange for another one with working humidity sensor Not 100% sure but i think the Purple Star Killer might have been stressed into full on flowering... Was originally thinking this was just preflower but after defoliation am not quite sure... No signs of herm & see nothing but lady bits, will be keeping a close eye on this plant during week 7, lots of hairs! Water wise I actually might drop back down to 1L - 1.5L per plant if they don't respond well to tomorrows feed, not liking what all went on during week 6! Temps were high & they did not like plain water at a PH of 6.1, all 4 plants are still drooping like they've been overwatered & they were at their worst early this morning roughly 3 hours into lights on! 2/4 pots still have a bit of moisture to them, I think the heat which was sitting in around 29c - 31.5c throughout week 6 stressed them into not drinking , they perked up a bit once i got the temps down, possibility it's a nutrient deficiency playing it's part at this point as well took a minute for me to realize too much calmag was the issue earlier on in the grow! Might switch to 12/12 next week or veg the entire month of August... Am kind of disappointed with how small these plants are + neglect structure wise 55 days in... My own fault for not giving them the time they needed when they needed it! Will see what I can do throughout the week & make a decision from there. ***UPDATE 08/06/24*** Gave the Purple Star Killer 3L of distilled tap water mixed with nutrients listed above at a PH of 6.1, the other 3 plants got 2L each Plants responded well to todays feed! Perked up within the hour but are starting to droop again roughly 14 hours into the future Reintroduced a small amount of calmag & also suspect there is a nitrogen deficiency, will go nutrients a second time next watering if they continue to maintain until pots are dry again Temps have been ok throughout the day but not ideal Accidentally took todays pictures with the flash on ***UPDATE 08/07/24*** Didn't really do much throughout the day today but was periodically checking in on the tent All 4 plants were praying upwards during the 1st 7 hours of lights on but they started to droop again for the remainder of the day despite ideal temps/RH! The Purple Star Killer is still looking a bit pale, the Dosidos #2 is starting to regain some of it's color, nutrients this go had 0 negative effects on the Dosidos #1 am thinking I will feed all four with the nutrient mixture listed above for a 2nd time when it's time before I go plain water again & from there up ml/L on the feed & do that every other watering Got my Ethos seeds from BrotanicalGardens today! Am pumped to start those once these ones are finished! CrescendO multipack & Colin OG Rbx! CrescendO multipack was hard to track down! They also threw in a couple freebies ended up with 2x Cherry Diesel & 2x Super Lemon Haze x Gary Payton! ***UPDATE 08/08/24*** The app Photone got an update today... It suggested I switch from light sensor to camera mode for better accuracy & I'm not really trusting the app after tonights readings! Raised the light up a few minutes before lights out didn't have time to measure but photone was reading 550 uMOL above the shortest plant & 475 uMOL above the tallest plant Took pictures of each individual plant early in the morning today roughly 1 hour after lights on & the photo of the entire tent was taken a few minutes before lights out ***UPDATE 08/10/24*** Gave the Purple Star Killer 3L of distilled tap water mixed with nutrients listed above at a PH of 6.0, the other 3 plants got 2L each Is looking like the Purple Star Killer is indeed full on flowering during 18/6... Am gonna veg long enough I can get 1 more plain watering in & from there switch them to 12/12 + introduce Bud Booster on nutrient day Defoliated the Dosidos #1 today & also defoliated & topped the Dosidos #2 for 32 tops! Dosidos #1, Dosidos #2 & Cement Shoes all have 32 tops atm, I kept the Purple Star Killer at 16 Not all too impressed with the size of these plants after 60 days veg , really not expecting much overall this go... ***UPDATE 08/11/24*** Plants responded well to yesterdays feed! Temps & humidity are also pretty much bang on throughout the day today so far! Everything seems stable at this point, am gonna remove all the large fan leaves on the Dosidos #2 & Cement Shoes tomorrow afternoon in hopes of maintaining a more even canopy as the plants continue to grow! Thoroughly checked over the Purple Star Killer early this morning, it is still producing a lot of pistils while 18/6 luckily no signs of herm! Not quite sure how long I can run it 18/6 like this before problems arise! Tempted to just push them a couple more weeks, bush the other 3 out & see what happens with the one flowering 18/6 so I have that for future referrence, couldn't really find much information online about it! If I had to take a guess this is probably stress related or it could have something to do with the age of these seeds (Purple Star Killer, Dosidos #1, Dosidos #2 are all 5 years + old) Thought about it & there has been 0 issues with the Cement Shoes throughout the entire grow, no idea how old the seed was but that one was Purchased in June of this year!
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resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
@resi_max, Thank ya thank ya! Checked out your Mimosa Cherry Kush very well done! 👏👏
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Hattiwattiweek 0
God Luck 🍀🙏
@connormcleod47, it was pretty good grow. High hopes with that 4 x purple punch.
@Hattiwatti, Thanks man! Peeped your featured journal, great job on that OG! 🔥🔥🔥
Legendaryseedthumbweek 11
Hey, This looks fantastic!, nice to see your page! Please come by mine and say hello if you have time, would be fun. /LST 👨🏽‍🌾🌱