The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

White Widow Indoor 4x4 Single Plant Scrog Summer Seedsman

Approved by Seedsman
5 months ago
9 months ago
Trying to knock out a few more photoperiod grows with strains I really want to try some crosses with once I do grow a few males. White Widow seemed like a must-grow. Not sure if i have even smoked it before. Going to try to take this one to around 10 weeks in flower if I can. My first two grows I did two phenos of the same strain but have switched to doing two strains a run and tried to pair with another mid-flowering plant but I don't really have any I wanted to grow so i picked white widow even though mine is claiming 8 weeks. I was reading of people taking it up to 11 weeks. Another thing i could do is just stagger my harvest by two weeks if my new veg plants do not need to be transplanted into my flower tent. After trimming the last run, it would be nice to not have to trim a whole 4x8 tents worth in one go. Although it is pretty brutal for the two drying weeks as the only good place i have to dry my herb is my studio but is also where i spend most of my time. Germination took 4 days. Let them float in distilled water overnight. Then I gave them a tap to seed if they would sink to bottom of cup and once they did I sow directly into my 5-gallon pots. I used pretty much all recycled soil this time with the exception of my seed start mix that I had made up covering the top 2 inches of the pots along with a small crater in the center for for the seedling to be happy in the first two weeks. This method seems to work well for me. Only time it did not work was with the two other Neville's seeds i had but they apparently have a poor germination rate as it is and i did it in a 30-gallon from start to finish. Up until now i have been breaking the 30-gallon pots into a clean trash can and letting them break down the 10 weeks it takes me to get new plants in and by then its more usable and reduces bringing gnats back in.I did re-amend with equal parts gia green 4-4-4 and power bloom, neem seed meal, humic acid and rock dust. I also am going to try to no-till into the 50-gallon pots and remand but will see how that goes. Its alot easier to transplant from 5 to 50 than 5 to 30 gallon.
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
9 months ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
65 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
101.6 cm
Nutrients 1
Mykos - Xtreme Gardening
Mykos 0.23 mll
Moving along nicely. Top dressed with some Mykos then watered the pot once at the beginning of the week to even out the moisture in the pot and let it dry out and let the roots search down for the water. Each plant got about 1/4 gallon. May be another few days still before I water as the pots still have weight (water at the bottom). The seedlings seem to like fairly intense light right from the start like into 300 ppfd range. I had the light slightly dimmed as not to burn them but they stretch for the light anyway to i cranked it back up. Not sure if you noticed, but not going to do individual updates for some weeks in the same run as I do the same thing to all the plants in certain transition weeks its more comprehensible to just have a general update.
Week 2. Vegetation
9 months ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
65 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
101.6 cm
Nutrients 1
Mykos - Xtreme Gardening
Mykos 0.23 mll
The white widow is looking nice. She got watered once this week and first feeding of cal mag and kelp. Also gave a little coconut water to help the root development. Showing slight variegation but looks like it will shake it off in the next week.
Week 3. Vegetation
9 months ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 4
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 0.264 mll
She is looking really good. The bottom branches are reaching up to the top and have a nice shape. I may try to top this week and try to preserve them and hopefully get lower plants this time. I have plenty of veg time for them to fill out again for at least 1 more topping after that as well but want to try experiment doing it slightly sooner. I just like to catch it at a good time where i dont have to fim it and i can get a nice note to cut from. Right now is just growing so fast i don't want to interrupt quite yet by cutting but also don't want to waste too much energy that it could use into the two new tops. Got a feeding of boogie bred 1/2 cup of each to 5 gallons of eater brewed around 20 hours and diluted down to around 350 ppm.
Week 4. Vegetation
9 months ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 2
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
I was able to top her at a good time it didn't slow the new growth down and shes vegging along strong. Nice big healthy fan leaves. I tucked them below the shoots that are near the top of the canopy. I suspect they are going to bush out quite a but this week. I also plan on doing a top dress with dry amendments. Bit very thirsty this week. Onky wayered once.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
8 months ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 2
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
The new growth since topping is impressive and the old fan leaves started to block the new shoots so they were removed. I can tell the plants are going to start get hungry quick so I mixed up a top dressing of gia green 4-4-4 need meal, worm castings, pure protien and a little rock dust. Also mixed some mosquito bits in even though no gnats at the moment, hopefully will keep it that way. After defoliating, the canopy is starting to take shape. Really happy with the hight of the plants so far this photoperiod run.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
8 months ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 2
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Plants are basically on auto pilot this week only had to water once about 3/4 of a gallon. She is putting on fast growth as well. Humidity in the tent has been in the 70's so thats helping keep veg growth vigorous. Might top the plant again this week and remove the lower branches if they do not reach the top of the canopy.
Week 7. Vegetation
8 months ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 2
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
This is the last week they will be in the veg tent. I will transplant them into the flower tent in bugger pots this week. This round if plants looks to be a little more manageable to get under the scrog net. I did not have to do much this week other than water once and a daily checkup.
1 like
Week 8. Vegetation
8 months ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
86.36 cm
Nutrients 4
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 1.321 mll
Big week for the plants they got moved to the flower tent and transplanted into 65 gallon grassroots pots. The 50 gallon pots seemed to work good but I actually bought these first but they got delayed on the last run so i just bought cheap 50 gallons. It was quite a bit of work removing the old pots I had to 5-gallon bucket most of it until they were light enough for me to manhandle out of the basement myself. I had a giant trashcan all my old soil I've been reusing composting and added a few cubic feet of all my homemade worm castings along with a ton of worm juice the week before from the bin. I also lightly amended it with some organic dry amendments. I refilled the pots by bringing two 5-gallon bucks at a time until it was a good level for the transplants. I cut the pots away and made sure the top of the crown was at the right level for the pots then filled the rest with my soil. I watered the plants in with 2 gallons of plain water each. A few days later I made a strong batch of boogie brew and gave 2.5 gallons to each plant. And watered the rest with cal mag/kelp water until I started to see water reach the bottom of the pot. The plants always look so good a few days after a tea application. Not going to water for about a week(as long as possible) untill the roots can strech into the pot and drink up whats available. Was able to harvest last run without too much fuss and get the nets right back in place and clean the tents easily before moving them it.
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1 comment
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
7 months ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
86.36 cm
Nutrients 4
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 1.321 mll
Did a lollypop and leaf tuck and some lst/scroging The plant is starting to get real harty and he stems up top are getting tick and support nice new lush growth. Been trying to take it easy on the bending as the stems are thick and i have here trained teal low. I only have a few more trellis holes to fill. I need a week to let it finish filling in then i want to defoliate and have one more week of recover before flipping to flower to give all the new nodes a little time to beef up before starting to support the weight of flower and hopefully make bigger buds in the process. Watering roughly 1 time a week pretty heavy again. I watered around 6 gallons and saw no runoff. I think the roots are starting to get established deeper in the new pots and i may need to water a little more frequently from now on. Maybe 1 good soak and more of a top soak midway through he week.
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
7 months ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
400 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Shes pretty much filled the area. I removed a few fan leaves and lower small branches and finished tucking new growth under the furthest trellis holes. I will clean her up one more time this week of really old dying fan leaves and try to direct as much energy into the nice thick stems up top. Still only drinking once a week. The top is starting to dry out much faster now so I will need to start watering more frequently the next few weeks.
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
7 months ago
76.2 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 7
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
Glacial Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Glacial Rock Dust 1.3 mll
Diatomaceous Earth - Gaia Green
Diatomaceous Earth 1.3 mll
Last week of veg for the white widow. The lights will be changed to 12/12 tonight. One of the lower branches snaped but was a clean break and got it tapped right away it shoulnt have a problem healing. They grew a ton this week. Already did one defoliation/LP but had to go in for another because of how bushy they were getting. I tried to take the least amount possible from the top, and showed no mercy below the scrog net. Got watered twice this week. They started to dry out only the day after watering and showing some p and K deficiency so I mixed 4 Tbsp of potassium sulphate into about 15 gallons. I initially mixed the recommended 2 tbsp into 2 gallons of water but after adding 2 tbsp of each of my rock dusts and rock phosphate my ppms where almost 2600, so I just dumped it all into my water trash can and it got it to around 1000. They must be using a lot of nutes for root development. The Potassium worked almoat immediately and even snapped a pick of the leaf edge turning dark green where it was starting to yellow before watering.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
MindFlowers68started grow question 7 months ago
Thoughts on leaf symptoms
Leaves. Edges burnt
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 7 months ago
They are an indiscrete way of diagnosing (guessing) issues. Attach a picture next time :P
MindFlowers68started grow question 7 months ago
K deficiency? Hard to believe that can happen in 65-gallon pots.Are getting big though.New growth tips looked yellow,hit them with water-soluble K and the new growth edges seemed get green.Some toco-ing, humidity is kinda high. Too intense light(800 ppfd), not enough C02 maybe?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
Organomananswered grow question 7 months ago
Magnesium deficiency, not potassium defciency. In soil grows, a pH of around 6.4 is ideal, 5.7 in soil is way too acidic.
Week 12. Flowering
7 months ago
81.28 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
Gs Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Flipped to flower. Was showing some light deficiencies and top dressed with dry amendments mixed into 25/25 percent vermiculite/pearlite 50 pest moss. Not too much stretch and node spacing is nice. Already lots of new growth and canopy thick and filled.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
50.8 cm
After the top dress the plants health has improved, and is very vigorous. I have not taken anything off this week but she will need another haircut soon. There is almost no light penetration what so ever to the pot and the humidity is a bit too high. Stretching has slowed down by the end of the week and the buds are showing their heads. Very happy with the thickness and node spacing on the top shoots. They should support some nice buds. Water only this week, two times around 6 gallons each.
Week 14. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Tt seems like my indica dominant strains stretch more than the sativas for me. Plant got a little bushy and no light penetration to the bottom again and lower stuff dying off so removed it all and took a few of the fin leaves in the center of the canopy because it stretch quite a bit but some nice light penetration still and the buds are stack nicely pretty far down the canopy. Took a little nosedive into the the plant when I was trimming and a few branches fell over but stood right back up after fluffing them back into place lol. The stems are pretty thick I don't think they will need any extra support so Im not going to worry about it
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 7
molasses 1.3 mll
Glacial Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Glacial Rock Dust 1.3 mll
Rock Phosphate - Gaia Green
Rock Phosphate 1.3 mll
Top dressed with a cup of power bloom and watered in with some rock dust mixed with some molasses. Used the rest of my cal mag and kelp and going to just feed what i did this week untill the end of week 7 or so. 1/2 tbs and around 1/4 cup of molasses per gallon water and 1/2 tsp of the potassium sulphate . Also added a little honey and experimenting with adding some be pollen to see if it does anything magical lol.
Week 16. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
1000 PPM
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Homemade worm cartings 1.3 mll
Bone Meal - Espoma
Bone Meal 1.3 mll
Granular Humic Acids - Down To Earth
Granular Humic Acids 1.3 mll
She is doing very well and already flopping over from the weight. I decided to turn the lights up to the max they can handle being ls that they are healthy and was hoping it would also cut my humidity down. It has been hard to control the last few weeks its been raining non-stop and ambient humidity has been over 80 percent. I decided to try putting my dehumidifier back in the tent and it seems to be getting it in a more favorable range. It is getting slightly hotter than i would like in the tent but i think they can take the little extra heat as well, im pushing them to the limit and seems like i have enough ambient Co2 to facilitate it. I have a 1950's built home with gas furnace not to far away so hoping that is helping so I don't think i need to spend the money on Co2 monitors. But i have been hastiest to push the light much more that 1000ppfs, my plants were showing me they can take it. The plants responded positively to it and can almost see them fattening up faster and making more trichomes to protect itself. The flowers are really starting to look like classic white widow with a ton of frost already, and the smell on here is the most fuels yet. Very deep gassy notes almost that marker smell which im not too big on personally but not quite. I'm digging it, whatever it is. Almost verging into anise territory. I can tell this one it gonna be strong. They got a feeding of compost tea made with my homemade worm castings, along woth a top dress of humic acid and bone meal a few days before. Humidity has been really hard to control without excessive heat applied. Especially because i cranked the lights up, which i hopped would help some with the humidity. I didn't have luck in the past but i decided to put the dehumidifier in the tent itself and seems to be getting it at least a little more favorable. Ambient humidity outside has been steadily over 80 which affects my whole house because the ac is not on all the time right now.
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
1000 PPM
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
50.8 cm
Top dressed with some more soil. The top was looking depleted and just want to keep it from completely taking all the nutrients from the soil. Added a mix of power bloom with azomite and glacial rock dust. I watered in with some pure protein dissolved into hot water then added to the water I was using at diluted levels. The second watering they got this week was with molasses. which also does a good job of dropping the ph of my water to the perfect level and a little bit of Epsom salt because I ran out of my cal mag and also want the plant to have plenty of sulfur. The plant ties are working great and glad it tied the buds up. They are all getting chunkier and frostier by the day. Found a few smaller ones on the side that i missed and got those standing up. they are sticky as a glue trap and reek hard!! diesel and fuel are most prevalent but not sure if it was my mind tricking me but got a hint of blueberry/friut. So far very excited with this plant, and living up to what i thought it would be. The way it covers itself in trichomes top and bottom of the leaves and the structure of the buds and leaf pattern make for a real beautiful plant.
Week 18. Flowering
5 months ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
400 PPM
55 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
246 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Molasses 1.3 mll
Stopped feeding this week other than one watering with molasses. Needing to be watered every 3 days. Other wateringsu using ph'ed filtered water set on my air bubbler for a few hours before watering. Bud height is tapering off but this plants buds are getting very plump and dense. They are much larger than I expected for the number of tops i have. The canopy depth is also very good and should amount to a great yield. Very happy with the frostiness and odor. She is going to be very potent. Looking like it will be on the easier aide to trim as well. No real signs of fading yet but most of the hairs are orange and not seeing many new white ones. Trichomes still look like they are developing but getting very close.
Week 19. Flowering
5 months ago
91.44 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
55 %
16 °C
20 °C
20 °C
246 L
50.8 cm
The White Widow made it to harvest this week. Was looking just about perfect. Put on a lot of trichomes the last week. Once started harvesting got a true scale of the how big the plant was.Took a little longer to harvest this one carefully. I had to harvest the whole tent and stage it in my room, the dug out all the soil and cleaned sterilized the tent for drying. The roots grew nice in the 65 gallon pots all the way to the bottom and had a bunch of root sticking out the bottom! Impossible to get a picture of the whole rootball but it was massive. Plant reeks super heavy and a ton of buds running up the entire length of the stems. Surprised how long some of them got, almost 3 foot long branches in some places. Water only this week. Last watering i made a little colder and got the night temps a few degrees colder and i did help the trichome production the last few days. Cut them down right when the lights came on for the day. Tried to leave plant as big of pieces of possible and a minimal amount of fan leaves. Right now the dry tent is sitting around 68 degrees and 60 percent humidity. I will try to get is slightly cooler. Will update the harvest once dried and trimmed.
Week 20. Harvest
5 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Easy growing and rewarding plant to grow. Lived up to my expectations of the white widow I saw growing up and the flavor is nostalgic. Some of the stickiest and frostiest buds I have grow so far. Just as potent as any other modern crosses that are known for their potency. I like that the effects are balanced and not too sedative and have a good mix of pain relive while still keeping my mind stimulated and focused. The flavor is this sort of fuel minty eucalyptus vibe. Very refreshing.
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Spent 135 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1 g
Bud wet weight per plant
542 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Mint, Diesel, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Drying ended after 13 days. was the second of 3 giant plants I had to trim, and there was not much i felt the need to trim off these extremely frosty and sticky buds, especially because I knew I would be pressing into rosin to consolidate my buds for being away for winter. The dry flower was 542g total trimmed with another 98 untrimmed and 340g trim/larf. trim was turned into dry sift and made a few grams of some excellent quality rosin just using my trim bin. I pressed around 200 grams of flower into 25 grams of rosin averaging around 13% yield after a full dry. my test passed 7 days into drying did much better on yield closer to 18-20 percent average. Once fully dried the buds were sitting right around 60-62 humidity but the high moisture content halfway through drying really makes a difference in the yield and quality of the rosin. If not wanting to now the dry yield for the diary, next time I will aim to press it fresh and frozen or stop drying it to make the flower rosin, because it smokes almost as well as the dry sift without the need to get any extra equipment. I saved around 7o's of flowers to give out and the rest is some awesome personal stash that will last me a long time.


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Vichologocommentedweek 107 months ago
You have very strong forest 🌲💪🏻🤪
Vichologocommented7 months ago
@MindFlowers68, 🤣🤣🤣, remember caution for the bug type!!
MindFlowers68commented7 months ago
@Vichologo, It's the Viridian Forrest 😉
PandaNugzzz84commentedweek 09 months ago
Hey. Just curious what are the green tubes in the grow pot.
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@PandaNugzzz84, I realized i missed my opportunity to tell you they are really little Mario tubes. lol =]
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@PandaNugzzz84, Hello they are soil moisture meters. The are called ecowitts. They have AA inside and send data to a transceiver that's hooked up to my wifi. cost around 20 dollars each and the receiver is another 40. Can't judge completely by the meter when to water but they do help,and also keeps a record of every time I water and all kinds of data
Regenwurmcommentedweek 127 months ago
This looks very good
MindFlowers68commented7 months ago
@Regenwurm, Thanks dude! =]
Ghrimcommentedweek 107 months ago
Great screen! Cant wait to see how the buds turn out 👍🏻 Happy growing 🌱
MindFlowers68commented7 months ago
@Ghrim, Thank you! Happy growing 😎
LadyKillercommentedweek 204 months ago
beautiful grow as usual dude 👌
MindFlowers68commented4 months ago
@LadyKiller, Hey man! Thanks =] 🙏
popcornsuttoncommentedweek 204 months ago
oh yeah good day today
MindFlowers68commented4 months ago
@popcornsutton, Going to be a good winter =]
Beadle420commentedweek 205 months ago
MindFlowers68commented5 months ago
@Beadle420, lol! Thanks for checking it out!
Beadle420commentedweek 205 months ago
Yabba dabby dooooooo
MindFlowers68commented5 months ago
@Beadle420, Flint-stoned asamotherfucker
Nazgul420commentedweek 175 months ago
Máš to pěkný😎
MindFlowers68commented5 months ago
@Nazgul420, Thanks buddy!! Appreciate you checking her out, happy growing!
Qutrocommentedweek 166 months ago
Wow, looking stellar buddy. Wish you a strong finish!🌱🌞
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
@Qutro, Thanks so much. It's going to be one of the best ones yet for sure! 😊
Seedsmancommentedweek 146 months ago
Keep up the good work
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
@Seedsman, Thanks guys! I'm very happy with this one, and glad I tried it.
Hattiwatticommentedweek 19 months ago
Good Luck 🍀🙏
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@Hattiwatti, Thank you 👊
Seedsmancommentedweek 09 months ago
Leeeet's grow! Thank you for joining us!!!
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@Seedsman, Thanks for the seeds! I'm going to start the white widow regulars hopefully soon as well. Take care!
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LadyKillercommentedweek 09 months ago
Goodluck bro, i'm going to start a white widow auto grow in a few weeks so i look forward to seeing how your photo run goes! 👌
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@LadyKiller, Thank you. sweet right on, good luck with it! 💪
Hattiwatticommentedweek 88 months ago
Great 👍
popcornsuttoncommentedweek 176 months ago
Looking good!
GuavaBoycommentedweek 19 months ago
Looks great man! Check out the last pic I just uploaded. Does the seedling look fine? Looks yellow but it should turn green correct?
the end.
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