6/8 I put the auto Opium directly in Fox farm Happy Frog with no amendments. She easily popped soil 6/12. I misted only ph water for a few days, then 25ml around the stem.
@Natrona, me 2. But you know the f****** skimmelsvamp er bare dรธden til alt. Jeg fik klippet hende op i midten selv i marven var der skimmelsvamp, sรฅ der var ikke noget somhelst at gรธre. Men jeg har fundet ud hvor det kom fra det skimmel. Det kom fra nogle blade ved min hรฆg som var fuldstรฆndig mugne og fyldt med skimmelsvamp sรฅ de blev brand og sรฅ fil jeg sprรธjtet hรฆkken m rodalon og det blev skyllet af, efter Ca 30sek. Og siden der 7,9,13 intet vรฆret. ๐ Sรฅ nu hรฅber jeg bare pรฅ mere sol og varme og tรธr vind ๐จ
Wow, you got hummingbirds ๐ we poor Europeans don't have those beautiful birds naturally flying around here ๐ I saw videos with people feeding them , and it's fascinating to watch them hover round those flowers ๐
@Natrona, yeah it seems to be pretty tricky to get them "shot" ๐ birds are fascinating as a whole species imo, so clever and simple cute . Hummingbirds are cool for their flying-abilities , but I do like crows and parrots (esp. Kea's) as well . So funny to watch them ๐๐
Nice repair work getting those branches splinted up, I'm thinking she'll come through it no problem. ๐ช The weather this summer has been crazy everywhere it seems.