DAY 29 Plants are doing great. Tallest plant =, Smallest 12 cm
DAY 30 Topping 3rd time
DAY 33 Repotting 2nd time from 3.5 l .to 25 l..
50 liter B'Cuzz/Atami Bi Grow Mix (0.7kg/m³ 12/14/24)
10 liter Plagron perlite
140 gr; Vertraforte (= 2,38 kg/m³ 6/7/12))
3.57 gr Biotabs Bactrex
35.71 ml Biotabs Orgatrex (5/1/5)
All plants from tall to small :
FB1, RC1,RG1,SQ1,SQ3,RG2,PQ3, RC2,FB2,PQ2,GG1,SQ4,SQ2,GG2;RG3,SQ3,GG3,PQ1
FB = Fat Banana
RC = Royal Cookies
SQ = Special Queen #1
RG = Royal Gorilla
GG = Green Gelato
PQ = Purple Queen
@CRiSPrGrow, I got that Vertafort from RQS. First I hesitated to use it because, unlike liquid food, you can not intervene so quickly. But plants look really heatlhy and well feed. No liquid food, and nog nutrients shortage. In week 5 you can see how much I used of t.
Nice dude. I have some problems with my gren gelato. Is she a heavy drinker? She's the only one not looking great right now. Curled up leaves and weak plant. It will probably thrive soon but it isn't feeling great right now.
@MrsPots, At the end she was a heavy drinker in comparison with the other strains. But she was the only strain that remainded so green until the end. I liked the smell when the plants were alive, after drying I no longer recognize that nice smell. A good yielder. Hopefully it works well with yours !