DAY 29 Plants are doing great. Tallest plant =, Smallest 16 cm
DAY 30 Topping 3rd time
DAY 33 Repotting 2nd time from 3.5 l .to 25 l..
50 liter B'Cuzz/Atami Bi Grow Mix (0.7kg/m³ 12/14/24)
10 liter Plagron perlite
140 gr; Vertraforte (= 2,38 kg/m³ 6/7/12))
3.57 gr Biotabs Bactrex
35.71 ml Biotabs Orgatrex (5/1/5)
All plants from tall to small :
FB1, RC1,RG1,SQ1,SQ3,RG2,PQ3, RC2,FB2,PQ2,GG1,SQ4,SQ2,GG2;RG3,SQ3,GG3,PQ1
FB = Fat Banana
RC = Royal Cookies
SQ = Special Queen #1
RG = Royal Gorilla
GG = Green Gelato
PQ = Purple Queen
@CommanderCannabis, 2 or 3 weeks to chop them down 👇
They are nog entering the last phase: 'The densing of the buds'. Some are all ready rock hard already, some are still a bit fluffy.
Giving them the perfect feeding is becoming hard now.👻
I'm starting final defoliation to get essential light to the lower buds 👹😤😻