The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Outdoor Germany 24 - Northrine Westfalia

7 months ago
8 months ago
----- Week 1 ----- Germination / Seedling Stage & About ------ ----- Day 1 and 2 ----- Seedling Stage ------ The motto of this thread is: if they die, they die - if they survive they will survive HST and LST (one of each seeds will encounter HST & LST, the Critical will be done with HST & LST just for science and experience purposes). It's my first ever grow and directly outdoors. Since its now legal and i have the permit to grow max. 15 plants, i will give it a shot. I decided just to pick about 6-7 plants, that should be enough for medical purposes in the family (picked the auto strains, just because of the "lesser" smell they should have. The Critical is just an experiment). Read a lot, watched a lot and decided to give it a try, just for fun! I will try to grow the following strains: 2x White Widdow Auto - RQS 2x Jack Herer Auto - RQS 2x Northern Light - RQS 1x Critical - RQS Germination was done in soil under the starter set from RQS with their easy plugs. Light is permanently on. Soil is "professional growing soil" from a local company here with perlite etc. The plants will grow in "lechuza" containers with "lechuza pond" down in the pots. Each container has a volume of 45 L ... In each container there will be two plants (beside the Critical, it got his own 45 L container). Let's hope they survive, if not the next round will begin :) ----- Day 3 ----- Seedling Stage ------ On the third day, three seeds (2x WW, 1x NL) where ready for planting in their final pot. 2x JH are getting into it (about 1cm height, should be tomorrow so far - at the end of day 3) The only left NL doesnt appear so far on the surface of the soil. 2x White Widdow, 1x NL, 1x Critical .. Planted in their final pots directly outdoor. ----- Day 4 ----- Seedling Stage ------ The Critical looks much better today!!! She went from being down, to uprising herself. She is the biggest Seedling so far! Wow! I just don't understand yet, why she has only two leaves so far. 2x JH got planted today in their final pots ... All other Ladys look great! They adapted their new homes and hopefully they will recover fast from the stress of potting!! The second NL didn't show any reaction, so I looked up ... The seed didn't germinate. I dropped in another two NL seeds in a soil starter plug, just to get another seedling, hopefully! Gave water to all of the seedlings, it was a pretty hot day. About 3/4 of a cup per Seedling. ----- Day 5 ----- Seedling Stage ------ Today the weather forecast showed that there will be rain in the night and it will get stormy (danger announcement from the goverment was given out to us). Decided to cover all plants with more soil and pressed them firmly a bit more into the soil (there are 1-1,5cm left from the bottom to the first baby leaves) Didn't water! Plants are doing great, they develop great!!!! It's insane!!! The both NL seeds didn't sprout so far, but only ~28 hours passed by since I planted them in the soil plugs. Hope my babys will survive, but I am looking positive on it! If they survive, they managed the hardest time directly on the 5th day (dangerous and stormy situations like that don't happen quite often here). Sadly I couldn't make any pictures, but tomorrow @05:30am I am waking up as usual and I will look after them and take a picture. :) ----- Day 6 ----- Seedling Stage ------ Luckily, all plants survived!!! Didn’t water today, due to previous rain and storm. The second NL still doesn’t appear. The growth of the plants is insane!!!!! ----- Day 7 ----- Seedling Stage ------ Finally the last NL got free in the morning. It was ready to get planted now. Got a third NL seedling too, I will try something out with it, maybe in a shady place just to get a feeling for the plant. Didn’t water today, the soil is still wet. Immense growth, just wow!!!! Critical is still the biggest, but I don’t get why she only has two leaves…. The lady’s are now 7 days old!!! :-) For this harsh conditions they were in two days ago, they are doing great! ----- Day 8 ----- Seedling Stage ------ Listened to the Community and killed the Dud „Critical“. Planted another NL instead in the big pot. Something grew out of her in the middle, but as you guys told me I don’t think it’s worth the effort… I germinated the Cannabis seeds with other seeds in the Starterkit, does it maybe have to do with that? I can’t imagine that this is the problem but maybe?!? No watering needed today, it will rain at least for several days like this.. I am concerned that the plants won’t receive enough light… Hmm it is what it is! I have chosen the last momentum this summer for this project, the reason: the summer this year here isn’t the best.. I think I won’t have to water my plants for two weeks when I look into the forecast…. ----- Day 9 ----- Seedling Stage ------ Nice growth from all plants, even if the sun isn’t out… It’s raining a lot … They look fine when I consider the permanently wet soil. Hopefully in 3-4 days it will stop raining…. ----- Day 10 ----- Seedling Stage ------ They are getting bigger and bigger!!!!! Only problem is I guess, they don't get the optimal light atm ... This summer here is just meh!!! No watering at all, the soil is overall wet, drainage works perfectly in the pots tho! (Only plant I gave water is the 3rd NL, she is under the roof of my little garden house and needed badly water) I rubbed the leaves a bit, was surprised that they are sticky and furry, smelled my fingers then, insane how the terpenes already smell!!!!! hehe :) Uploaded a picture of the Critical Mutation seed.. Somehow the site is buggy (Strains success is buggy somehow)...
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Grow Questions
Chrisor23started grow question 8 months ago
I want to use neem oil als a preventive for diseases and insects. How long should I wait before I start with it? Do I even then apply it every week constantly? Couldn’t find anything while researching.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 8 months ago
It doesn't do much. i used to used it and have stopped. The only preventative thing i use is Bti, because too often larva come with the substrate you buy and there's no way to avoid it without pre-emptive action. the best preventative measures you can take, otherwise, is simply keeping a clean garden and control the environemnt. Don't leave fallen leaves to decay. Don't let RH go above 65 or below 30 etc. Don't get anywhere near the dewpoint -- primarly a concern after lights go out. As temperature drops, the absolute humidity stays the same but relative humidity rises as temps drop. It is surprisingly easy to get dew (condensation) on the leaves after the lights go out. A temp/rh probe helps here to avoid interrupting dark cycle of a photoperiod plant or if you grow autos, simply open it up and check on temp/rh/avoiding dew. standing water on the leaves will grow "something" evenetually. Avoid condensation on leaves at all costs. Bti will take care of any insects that come from larvea in the soil. Some stuff may still wander into your garden, but there's not much you can do about that. Have some pyrthrine concentrate on standby to mix up a kill-on-contact spray for bugs. Nothing is really safe to spray on a flower that you will later smoke or ingest (even if it's an extraction). Just be clean and control the environment, and that'll take care of 99% of the potential issues. some people have dirtier homes than others, so a littlel self-reflection may be necessary, too. if you live in a sty, you may need to take more actions. Or, maybe you just have a ton of house plants that attract all sorts of potential issues. Your home may have elevated risks and require more effort. Some sticky traps are good to have around too. I slap one up. In my garden it might catch 2-3 gnats over 100 days more times than not, but occasionally it pulls a bit more weight and they are cheap. the pack i bought 3 years ago is still half full.
Chrisor23started grow question 8 months ago
Why does my Critical from RQS has only two leaves after one week? Is that some kind of mutation I should worry about?
m0useanswered grow question 8 months ago
Would be curious to see what the seed looked like for this plant, was it round or more flat, colour or texture exct. I would have kept it till true leaves formed and seen wtf it was. but I was thinking it looked a lot like a bean/squash seedling and other have said the same thing. If you only got one of them and it was directly from RQS that is concerning. If you have any pics of it as just the seed or have pics of its seed caseing I'd be currious to see them.
Chrisor23started grow question 8 months ago
I looked up a lot of informations when the plants is no longer in the seedling stage and moving into a "vegetative phase", some say there should be at least 7 pairs of leaves, others say that when the first pair of leaves if fully developed... What is the meta on this one? 😎
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 8 months ago
These terms are a generalizations vs representing specific cause and effect. I would think of 'seedling' stage as a substage of vegetative phase, but that sort of thing is a bit arbitrary. Also, after flip to flower, the plant still grows leaves and elongating stems (a.k.a. "vegetative" growth) for 3-4+ weeks. so, you have 'vege' growth in flower phase, too. They could have categorized this as some transition or 3rd phase, but arbitrarily it was not organized that way. Maybe, in more advanced classes they do expand on those basic stages, i wouldn't know.
Week 2. Vegetation
8 months ago
7 cm
4 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
75 %
20 °C
20 °C
13 °C
45 L
——— Week 2 ——— ——— Day 11 ——— Plants are growing great for the circumstances. Night temperature is between 10-15 Celsius. The temperature during the day is between 17 and 26 Celsius since I planted them outside. Weather forecast tells similar Data. I don’t know if they are to young to tell if they are big enough for their age. If not, then it is definitely a lack of light (between 0 and 8 hours of direct sunlight - not counting in UV ray). I am considering not to HST any of them if this is the case, hopefully they will grow bigger and stronger. If I do so I don’t think they have enough time to heal themselves. I will decide it when the point comes. Somehow I got the feeling that next summer or during a winter project if I can manage it (indoor then), I will run seeds from another seedsbank! Maybe 2fastbuds or Dutch Passion. —— Day 12 ——— Big decisions had to be made…. The wind is blewing 50-70km/h here … nearly killed all plants in front of me!!!! Had to do something … Took action with wires and bamboo sticks…. I think I killed one white widdow :( do you think it will survive? I tried to burry it with soil and gave attachment with some other wires …. All other plants are wired too to a bamboo stick … I would take them off tomorrow and cut the wires out, don’t know what do do … Asked a grow questions … Didn’t think something like this would hit me .. just insane!!!!! If they survive this, nothing can stop them! P.S. - Decided to plant a backup White Widdow into a soil plug... (Germination started 06.07 @ 21:35pm) But I still hope that the White Widdow will survive ..... FUN FACT: - This seedling (i maybe killed) was upside down sprouting(!!!!!!!) It was the first thing I ever saw while growing the first time from seed .... I read a lot and looked up things ... Decided that it was a root.. And yeah it was a root ... It was my little baby I saved directly, but will I save it now? I don't know .... Hopefully yes... —— Day 13 ——— It was dry the day, temperature about 24 Celsius… they grew!! The injured WW looked okayish. —— Day 14 ——— It was a dry day about 24 Celsius, nothing happened. Didn’t water them… The injured WW looked okayish
Grow Questions
Chrisor23started grow question 8 months ago
Do you guys think this action was a mistake? The weather here is 50-70km/h wind and nearly broke my plants right in front of my eyes… I did what I thought was the best… On one plant i did it to harsh, do you think it will survive? Should I leave it until 2morrow then cut it off?
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BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 8 months ago
Hello Chrisor23, You did good! Next time when growing outside place a bamboo stick from the start to help your plants during storms and other harsh weather. I used to start inside a small greenhouse and place the plants outside when they were strong enough to survive this weather. But your plants will be fine buddy! Happy Growing! 💚
Chrisor23started grow question 8 months ago
Hey peepz! I am thinking about getting a tent for my garden house (wanted to convert the whole thing but it's future talk!). Do you guys have any recommedations? Should a 100cmx100cmx180cm work for about 3-4 plants? I am thinking about max 300w range of energy consume... 😉
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 8 months ago
Secret Jardin are great tents and pretty cheap. And the HOMEbox tents are the best quality. 300 watts is a great amount for this size tent. I would also go for 4 large plants with a SCROG net. But you can also go for 3x3 or even 4x4 pots for a SOG. Lot of options just depends on your preference. But again I would also go for 4 large fabrique pots (20-30 liters) with a SCROG net.
Week 3. Vegetation
8 months ago
7 cm
4 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
75 %
20 °C
20 °C
12 °C
45 L
—— Week 3 ——- —- Day 15 —- It was a sunny day finally!!! 33 Celsius… Full sun the whole day and … The girls exploded!!! I watered them (about 1,5-2l for two plants - plain tapwater), the soil was in the above dry and not very moisture about 5cm in it. The injured WW looks like she is gonna make it, but her seedling leaves are somehow now weird from that point on… It is like you can tell she had not a good time while healing herself from the damage… —- Day 16 —- Today the weather was kinda meh. Every now and then full rain .. and I mean like 5l/m2 rain for some minutes… then sun to the fullest… humidity is exploding. But at the end of the day they all look happy! But when I see them now … Just wow how they explode… I smelled on the biggest NL in the full sun .. and yeah it already smells like ganja hehe Hopefully I will get more sunny days that they get bigger and bigger! — Day 17 — It was a warm day, mixed: cloudy and sunshine .. about 25-26 Celsius. Didn’t water the majority, just the last NL. Took away one clip from the injured WW .. her seedling leaves don’t look good, but otherwise she is growing and looking more healthy and recovered. Threw a bit more soil on her, until the seedling leaves, it looks funny but at least she is recovering!!! The plants are growing bigger and quicker then I thought for this climate this summer here! Wow! I wanted to make HST on them, but I don’t think I should do it at this point, the summer doesn’t really turn so I won’t stop the growth of them for several days - this decision maybe the best when I think about that I waited until the last spot for this first grow. But maybe I will decide otherwise, the point has only nearly come for one of the baby’s, so I got still time to decide! I consider giving them next time I water them nutritions for the veg. Stage in a low dosage. — Day 18 — Heavy rain, heavy rain, heavy rain + a lot of wind. This summer really is the most annoying until now since I am a kid growing up here! I don’t think I will do any kind of HST, there is just not enough sun here this summer, they wouldn’t recover. It was the initial plan but the weather is kinda annoying. — Day 19 — Finally no rain, a bit sunshine at the end of the day. Weather forecast tells about 24 Celsius for the whole week without rain, hallelujah! Finally! I readjusted new garden wires to each plant, boy they smell when you touch them as Defense mechanism it’s insane!!!! I noticed that the injured WW „lost“ its seedling leaves (they are brown and dead) but otherwise it looks recovered. I don’t expect a lot of it, killed another backup seedling because of her recovery :/ I am sad that I didn’t grew any cbd/cbg seeds… Let’s see if I gonna run something indoor, thanks on this point to all comments what to get!!! Took pictures from the side this time! They are so big now for all that circumstances they were in it was all suboptimal… just wow! — Day 20 — It was a lovely warm day with about 28 Celsius, rain in the night so I didn’t water them. They are growing nicely. — Day 21 — It was a mixed day, again rainy and cloudy with a lot of wind. Some sun exposed itself. Some of the plants revealed their pistons :) They are about to enter flowering stage I guess hehe, As I can tell from what I saw, they are all females. I noticed that some of the fanleaves have like cuts in them, my wife and I saw some bird going on there watching out for worms in the soil, maybe they tried to pick the leaves or the wind did the little damage to them? I checked for diseases or similar, there is nothing to see.. So it’s obvious that it’s either from the wind and the wires I attached or from birds.
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Week 4. Flowering
8 months ago
35 cm
4 hrs
26 °C
75 %
20 °C
20 °C
19 °C
45 L
—— Week 4——- —- Day 22 —- Finally it was a summer day. 29 Celsius, a lot of sunshine. Didn’t water them soil is still moist! —- Day 23 —- Finally another summer day. 30 Celsius, a lot of sunshine too!! Didn’t water them soil is still moist! —- Day 24 —- And another summer day WOW!!!! Finally a strike .. 31 Celsius, they exploded the last three days and got their pistons. As far as I can tell they are all females :) Didn’t water them still the soil is moist!!! But thinking about feeding them the first Nutritions tomorrow :) Uploaded finally new pictures, bounded them again and new to the bamboo sticks. Today greater bamboo sticks arrived which I will attach tomorrow!! :) The girls started smelling !! Hmmmmm :-) —- Day 25 —- Hot hot summer day 35 Celsius, the girls exploded!!!!!! Thought I would have time to attach new bamboo sticks but from sudden it began to be stormy with clouds and even thunders!!! It began to rain too… Hopefully they will survive… What they all survived so far is insane… How can I dare to kill them when it will be time to harvest :( —- Day 26 —- It was a cloudy but warm day, but it began horrifying with a lot of rain. Now it’s dry and will stay hopefully dry two days! Applied neem oil today to all plants, 2mL diluted in 1L of water. Sprayed them all covered (upper and down side of the leaves, stem and the above soil). Went with yellow stickers too, why not? Hopefully they will do well with the neem oil. I don’t rly like the smell of it but don’t either hate it. Let’s see if I can get rid of those sucking little creatures -.-* ….. Will apply it as mentioned from Mastergrowers, this week three times and not again. Let’s hope the best for the girls .. They don’t look happy today after the stormy night and the rainfalls, but guess every plant has some down days right? —- Day 27 —- It was a warm day, 60-70% humidity, about 25 Celsius. Didn’t water them. In the morning I already saw they looked much happier after I sprayed the neem oil! All leaves where standing upright. Insane how they recovered! —- Day 28 —- Forecast is telling some slightly rain in the morning, afterwards the whole day will be about 25 Celsius….. Since they are growing I only watered them once due to the rainfalls etc. Have to make sure that I bind them today to bigger and new bamboo sticks, didn’t had time so far.. As I can tell in the morning now from a first look they exploded!!!!! I wonder if I should water them with nutritions? Didn’t gave them so far anything. They don’t show signs of missing nutritions or nutrition lockout. So it should be a sign that the drainage works well as I think… But gonna look to give them at least some nutritions if possible and needed. But as mentioned there is some lechuza pond down in the soil, maybe this is already enough? I think yes…. The forecast tells rain every 3 days now for nearly two weeks in a row.. Dang! Did everything I mentioned in the morning and dang I snapped two leaves off (one on each plant) one was the first branch the other the last, hopefully it will heal okayish! I will redesign my binding of the plants at the weekend, I bought the pot with the original „holder“ that you can bind plants to it. Last time I used wired, it cutted some leaves through the wind and was even “choking” one plant, lesson learned! They got a second coat of neem oil today. Last time I will spray it in two days! The yellow traps caught a lot of curious insects, doing the job well I guess!
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Grow Questions
Chrisor23started grow question 8 months ago
Hey peepz! Would this be the right time to top the plant? I don’t know if I should do it on an auto and outdoor grow with not optimal conditions. But just for interest, I would do it now, would it be correct?
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 8 months ago
Hello Chrisor23, You do NOT want to top an autoflower and you do NOT need to top outside. You want to top when the plant got 5-6 nodes, I would wait 1 more node and get rid of the bottom node. When you do this you've got 8 branches with buds that you can train in the right shape. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
Chrisor23started grow question 8 months ago
Hey peepz! I saw something on some leaves. Something like eggs I could remove easily too. Should I use Neem oil before the night? I just mixed it up. Should I maybe get into the foilage mixture Propolix too?
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 8 months ago
Hello Chrisor23, I do not agree with the answer below. No problem to use neem oil during vegging time and spray it on the leaves. You just do not want to spray it on your buds. Use only neem, 3 times this week and then never again then you will be fine. I did it like 100 times. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
Week 5. Flowering
8 months ago
80 cm
4 hrs
29 °C
75 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
45 L
—-— Week 5 ——- —- Day 29 —- Weather forecast looks like cloudy with 23 Celsius. It’s morning here and the leaves of all plants stand uprise like a 1 !!! Insane how they like the neem oil, you can tell the difference, it is like they are saying „thanks for the little medicine“… Insane!!!! I am curious how much they will produce in flowering stage and how much they will still grow in flowering! They are smelling now noticable, touched them yesterday to adjust them, couldn’t get rid of the smell, even after several handwashing’s it still smelled, just insane! Even sometimes when the wind is forwarding straight to my main living room I can smell them when I sit down there. It is still my first grow and then directly outdoor. As I can tell so far, the partnership between the same strain and batches of the seeds works great!!! —- Day 30 —- Didn’t water them until now (just once and that wasn’t necessary either). It was a cloudy/sunny day .. about 25 Celsius… Didn’t look after them from near, just from my living room.. Looks like they stretched again, on the weekend I plan to tie them again, they just grow so fast in height it’s insane… There should be more sun but however… The weather forecast tells that when they are all in mid-/endflower stage, there will be a lot of sun and about 30 Celsius for a longer period. —- Day 31 —- Rain in the morning, about 24 Celsius will be today, humidity here is insane, nobody likes it even the plants do not. It’s just to much and to long. However, looks like I never have to water them if this goes on like this! Incredible how quick they all grow!!!! —- Day 32 —- It was a cloudy day about 24 Celsius … They grew even more… —- Day 33 —- It was a rainy / cloudy day .. A bit of rain not to much .. About 23 Celsius. I can see now some flowers… —- Day 34 —- It was again a rainy and cloudy day, some plants developed flowers. The plants start to smell noticable! Well let’s hope my neighbours like it, otherwise… I don’t like the bbq smell of them daily too hehe Bet they won’t show up to me to tell me this :) —- Day 35 —- Was a sunny day. Mild 25 Celsius. Wanted to bind them again, but didn’t had time. Uploaded finally new pictures of the plants. :) Tomorrow the plan is to rebind them all. Shook them a bit.. They are flexible and stable so I don’t worry that much!
Week 6. Flowering
7 months ago
80.01 cm
4 hrs
31 °C
75 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
45 L
—-— Week 6 ——- —- Day 36 —- It was a hot and sunny day :-) All plants look great, they are still growing!!! Didn’t water them today, might water them tomorrow in the morning.. another 30 Celsius day is awaited tomorrow so I will prepare them a bit :-) Went to them and shook them all - DANG THEY SMELL :-) ….. My fingers smell so much even after washing them I can’t get of those terpenes… controlled the soil, looks still okayish, not dry as hell, a bit moist maybe at around 4-5 cm in … but not that much hmmmmmm Maybe I should water them just minimal in the morning and feed them the first time in the evening tomorrow! Fun fact: my wife hang up my t-shirts outside that they dry faster, now my t-shirts smell like ganja :-) -— Day 37 —- Watered them all about 2-3 Liters of water (tap water standing the whole night outside) in the morning, just to give them enough for today. Will watch out after the day (Forecast telling 31 Celsius with full sun the whole day!) if they need more. If yes I will give them the first feed with nutritions (in lowest quantity), otherwise I will wait till tomorrow! The forecast looks good, so far it tells about 25-32 Celsius when they are mostly in ~ mid bloom. It’s insane how you have to watch out for the forecast when growing outdoors and you pretty much don’t have control over certain factors. But it’s somehow amusing! —- Day 38 —- Decided to not water them again the other day, it rained for 2-3 hours and it was about 25 Celsius … Pretty rough day tho… Good that I didn’t water them again. Next watering they will get a feed. —- Day 39 —- Today I wanted to check them up and tie them finally again (didn’t had time sadly) .. But sadly weather forecast is telling that rain will start from 1 pm to 9 pm … So yeah, not very cool with 26 Celsius around -.-* … but maybe the weather forecast turns out not right - so let’s see what happens!! Some of them show flowers everywhere around, I can even see them from the distance, it’s fascinating!!! —- Day 40 —- Rain, rain, rain and rain -.-* 22-25 Celsius the whole day. Really annoying weather…. The girls don’t look very happy today, they crave the sun! At least indirect light!! They show more and more flowers everywhere! —- Day 41 —- Lovely to watch them in the sun bathing, with a bit wind! 26 Celsius today but a bit high humidity in the morning! They are all healthy and nothing concerning is happening to them, inspected them all today! Looks like the neem oil did it thing! Tomorrow in the morning or evening they will get their first feed from me in minimal Dosis :-)… I will let the pictures speak, I am so happy about how they are turning out for outdoor and my first grow! Should I do something? If you think yes, let me know in the comments! —- Day 42 —— Rain in the night and in the the morning … turned out to be a 22 Celsius day with quite chilly and refreshing wind. They lady’s enjoy it somehow! Flowers forming bigger!!! Let’s see how long it will take until they grew full developed buds!
Week 7. Flowering
7 months ago
90 cm
4 hrs
30 °C
75 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
45 L
——- Week 7 ——- —- Day 43 —- Sunny hot day with 28 Celsius. Didn’t water them. They look great, flowers are developing more and more! Excited what this week will bring. So far no feed and no watering. —- Day 44 —- A hot and sunny day with 30 Celsius. Gonna feed them finally today in the evening! They look stunning and developed great for the circumstances! Weather forecast tells 2 weeks with nearly no rain! Thinking about harvesting 50% of them earlier and 50% when the time is right. What do you guys think? Can I do it like that? I don’t need/want the full potency of the plants and want to save some fan leaves for tea! Feel free to let me know in the comments, I would appreciate it! :) —- Day 45 —- Cloudy day with 25 Celsius. No rain in sight. Didn’t feed them yesterday, will give them a bit water now in the morning. It doesn’t seem that they need any nutritions, looks like the new soil + longtime nutrition is doing its job. I will watch out today detailed for nutrition lacks. If they show any signs I will give them feed. The Northern Light develops buds slowly and nicely!!!! Looks fantastic to watch it develop itself! —- Day 46 —- Expected 26 Celsius day with wind with about 40-50km/h speed. They should be all attached enough I don’t think that they can even snap now from kinda winds like these. The cannape of every plant became so thick it’s insane!!!! I am preparing slowly for the harvest. Ordered glasses and will order bovedas for curing. Only thing I worry about is drying, gonna post a community question for this one!! The second Jack Herer is still not in flower hmm… I bounded all plants to bigger new bamboo sticks. They seem to like it! —- Day 47 —- Sunny day with 27 Celsius - full sunbath for the girls! They are developing great, I am checking everyday for any issues or similar. Nothing accured! I am still curious about the second Jack Herer, it still didnt went into flower. Let's see when it will show up! —- Day 48 —- It was a sunny hot day with 29 Celsius around with a bit of a chill wind. Perfect conditions for development! Didn’t do anything so far beside watching out for disease or similar. They look stunning! —- Day 49 —- Watered them early in the morning with tap water that stood about a day outside. It is the fourth time I watered them.. Insane! They start to smell very differently, I like the smell of all of them. But my favorite is the Jack Herer for sure! Thinking about chopping some of them (about 50%) down soon, maybe another 2-3 weeks or so. Will handle it „oldschool“ without looking out for trichomes. Will just let my feeling decide and the look of the hairs and the plant itself in general. Problem I got is: it can rain in 2-4 weeks for longer periods and hmmm that would not be good! The forecast tells one day rain in 2-5 days. I will see how this effects the girls and decide then how and when to chop them off. Will be interesting to see how the maybe „ripe“ harvested plants will be compared to fully matured already CBN producing plants. All that just if the circumstances allow it. Otherwise it will be chop chop for all of them. I get it slowly why some people don’t like outdoor growing … :D But somehow I find it interesting and exciting… All the work from the plants can be gone in like 3 days…. It’s hilarious but somehow it stays exciting like that!! It will be a very hot day with expected 35 Celsius today… WOW! I am interested how they will look today in the evening! ::::: ——— EDIT LAST DAY WEEK 7———:::::: When I wanted to water them I saw some kind of yellowish leaves in the bottom (the oldest ones) some had signs of nutrition deficiency. Gave them all about 2,5-3 L tap water with diluted fertilizer (1mL per L from Bio Flowering Booster Pack from RQS - all together 3mL per L .. it is PK 3-5, NPK 1-0-0 and NPK 1-0-3 - they call it „thicker flowers“, „bigger flowers“ and „sweeter flowers“). Diluted it in 10L and gave 4 drops of their „SuperVit“ into it. It is a complex of Amino Acids and Vitamins (suggested was 1 drop per 4,5L but somehow I overdosed it). I snapped of some of the lower Leaves with my fingers (about 5 leaves from all 6 plants). Dang thanks god I saw it (wrote the daylie diarie before I watered them). Hopefully I didn’t overdo it, but guess this will be the only feed they need (maybe another one?) until flushing starts. I „flushed“ them nearly with the solution, gave them a bit water before that but then I saw what is happening while accidentally snapping of a little fanleave (kept it and is drying now, it looks great!). What do you guys think, did I do the right thing? Feel free to comment! :)
Grow Questions
Chrisor23started grow question 7 months ago
Hey peeps! I worry about one plant… All others went into flower / preflower .. this didn’t! I think it is a male, what do you guys think? The sister of him/her is already in flower, and about 1/3 less taller … hmm
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 7 months ago
Patience , just patience, a male would have shown already. she will show her flowers soon, not every plant is the same, just think about you and your siblings( if you have) you are all different greetings
Chrisor23started grow question 7 months ago
I am curious how to dry my plants when I harvest them. Here is a high humidity 60-70% and higher mostly and temperatures are atm about 20-30 Celsius (it varies a lot). Can dry them in my gardenhouse with a fan. Should I hang the whole plant to dry and dry trim them later? Thanks
1 like
Robertsanswered grow question 7 months ago
65F 60rh sark space indirect air moving. Keep humidity below 70. If not it is inviting mold. Keep temps lower. You want a slow controlled dry to preserve flowers profile and flavor.
Chrisor23started grow question 7 months ago
Hey peepz! I am entering Week 8 tomorrow. I wanted to know if it is okay to trim of some of the lower leaves (that are obvious in dark) on my autoflowers? I snapped some yellowish with my finger today (was in a rush). Would do it then with clean scissors. What do you suggest?
Organomananswered grow question 7 months ago
I would suggest to only remove yellow leaves and leave all healthy green leaves to do their job of providing your plant with the energy she needs to grow to her fullest potential. Just remember......... Less leaves = less energy being made = less potential growth. Or to put it another way......... Maximum amount of healthy green leaves = maximum amount of energy production = maximum potential growth. Defoliation is not a necessary "technique" when growing cannabis. Personally, I never defoliate and have not done so for 35 out of 40 years of growing!
Week 8. Flowering
7 months ago
90 cm
4 hrs
35 °C
75 %
20 °C
20 °C
25 °C
45 L
Nutrients 1
Bio Flowering Booster - RQS Organic Nutrients
Bio Flowering Booster 3 mll
——- Week 8 ——- —- Day 50 —- It will be a hot sunny day today with 33 Celsius .. but somehow forecast is telling there will be a bit rain midday (just short). This summer is really meh! Looks like the girls liked the nutritions a lot, they stood upright yesterday like a 1 and you can tell by watching them that they are happy! I might have to harvest the plants earlier, maybe I got two weeks left and then a period of rain will start (about 3-4 days in a row). During that time the forecast tells about 2 days with rain in that two weeks…. I am a bit concerned. I will try to push it out, but once I reach end week 9 I think I will have to harvest them or lose everything to bud rot. Humidity here is always a problem so there will be problems after that kinda rain for sure. I am wondering what will happen in those days that are left … :) They look stunning and develop very nice for all the circumstances they where from beginning (one plant nearly killed by me, all young and in harsh conditions like heavy rain, very strong winds and even hail) but they all survived!!! Lack of sunlight here this summer did cause problems of growth for sure, but so far I am happy for my first grow and that pointed out directly outdoor. P.S.: Currently I am investing time to find a drying solution and watching out for tents too! ;) —- Day 51 —- Today the weather was about 25 Celsius, just passive Sun. It rained in the night. Dang the girls start to smell really strong! They are growing and developing the buds nice. I think i finally found a solution for drying. I will dry it in my garden house. Humidity there was now about 67% with 25 Celsius. But this can change when direct sun hits. Anyway will do it there! It is not ideal but not as high humidity as I thought. It is even dark there and I got plenty of room. I am considering getting an IP44 certified fan to get air moving around there! Still thinking about wet trimming or dry the whole plants. I got time so I don’t mind waiting, if everything works out I will first try them at the end of December so it is no deal for me to wait. Somewhere I read drying the whole plant in higher humidity is not recommended, others tell that’s the way to go… It is all a bit confusing! I can dry them in a rack too… I really don’t know what is the ideal way to go with this conditions. —- Day 52 —- Took pictures of Day 52 into the journal! Sadly the second Jack Herer still is not flowering :( I don’t think she will make it… But let’s see! Temperature was about 28 Celsius today. Not the whole day the sun shined but it was okay! Weather forecast doesn’t look very good sadly! Let’s see what will happen!!! —- Day 53—- Weather will be 25 Celsius today. Tomorrow it will rain. Made a decision based on the community opinions: Will try to finish my grow outdoor! The second Jack Herer will be chopped of by me (it still isn’t flowering). Will dry the plants leaves for tea. Gave them water in the morning (tap water standing about 30hours outside). —- Day 54 —- Woke up, saw rain. My heart cried when I saw the plants. All I saw is rot, rot and rot… INSTANTLY: Decided to buy a grow light with same delivery. Found VIPARSPECTRA XS3000 Pro … Only light that would fit my 4x2 grow needs (I posted the pictures in the diary)… I am so excited to see it running but gonna do work first in the garage to hang it up safely haha… Gonna buy a circuit breaker for the light and safety (there is already one in the circuit but gonna hang another one on it). Wahhhh lets see what will happen. I am hyped! Will keep the diary with new pictures up 2 date as soon as I am done (today or tomorrow). Question is will I start another quick growth before the winter hits ? Hmmmm should be enough time before temperatures drop! UPDATE DAY 54: All developing buds are soaked with rain. The plants overall are wet. Shaked them gently! Glad I decided to get a light and move them today!! There will be more rain in the night and the further days with not potent sun anyway. I am 99% sure they would rot all away in this conditions! Hopefully it didn’t start yet :/ LAST UPDATE DAY 54 Prepared everything the whole day, plants took place in the garage… Then I saw the light … Meh! I don’t like stuff that isn’t IP Certified in my garage (not even the driver)! I don’t even think it is a good sign if a Producer makes a symbol of „life in danger“ on the manual.. What the hell? Only minimal requirements for safety given, the light will go back and very very very sadly this was it for my first run mainly! They will get cut down tomorrow or the day after and dryed. My wife couldn’t handle the smell anymore and me neither (my whole house started smelling). But now I know it can take place in my garage .. :) To my suspect… three plants already have a lot of milky trichomes… Checked them with a 50x micro. Let's see what will turn out at least.. Gonna look up for another run soon, but gonna check out a higher certified and high quality light which is as safe as possible! Feel free to make suggestions in the comments or the question asked if you read this :-) But I still got something going on for the Diarie! *TADA* My ace: the 3rd NL ;) the last survivor… it has a nice spot at the end of my garden. Gonna update! At the end of the day, something is better then nothing I guess… :) I tried everything to safe this run but something is against it! Who knows for what this is good for!!!!! —- Day 55 —- Looking up for a new grow light!! Will start a late (how to call it) indoor / outdoor grow .. It's halfway into my garage which is always on one side half opened.... Lets call it hybrid grow! ;D If I start today with Autos they should finish nearly mid November So far I saw Lumatek with the ATS 300W Pro or ATS 200W Pro ... I like their concept so far! Even the website and that you can look up all certfificates etc. is an incredible + for myself to have trust in the electronics I am operating. They aren't cheap for sure but as I would call out directly, most safest grow lights I found so far but f.e. the next Dimension (their Zeus 465W Pro) is nearly trippeling in the price! Dang! Still looking after other Producers with at least Class 1 IP65 certification, LVD certification with a real CE Certification not the "Chinese Export" one .. ;) Will decide today and then I will order one light (but I am 90% sure it will be a Lumatek). So well if I start the order, new seeds will go in and a new diarie will be born! Thinking about beginning soon to cut down the girls. I will dry what they so far made in a meshnet. Bought one with six towers, should be plenty of space to do the job. They will dry in my garage - Humidity yesterday there was 45-55 % while I was working there and preparing everything! Temperature a bit on the higher side with 25-26°C but this will be a banger for me while growing there. It safes a lot of warmth there and the heavy summer days here are anyway gone for this year!!! There will be only rain and cloudy days mostly with some kinda sunny days. Wanted to dry in my Gardenhouse, but now it is full because of the emergency situation I tried to handle and get a decent grow space made up in my garage as fast as possible .... Which I actually did and handled but ...... ;/ It was a good decision I made yesterday, the lights weren't trustworthy (that's just my opinion!) - not even the internet site of the producer was online, neither could I look up the light I bought on their site .. Overall absolutly no go for me! But beside that - It is raining today here as hell, they would have begin to rot 100%. Yesterday it rained the whole night and in the morning, all underdevolped/premature buds were soaked full of rain .. During the day at least they mostly dried up... The last survivor standing under a little shed is doing good, she is the prettiest plant I got anyway (didn't share pictures of it a long time because I tried to handle the jungle first). Will update the Diarie with her and with the drying of the young jungle plants! Overall so far it was a good first experience growing. I love to do it and to read and watch a lot about it. I got hooked up to growing I guess..... 😝
1 comment
Grow Questions
Chrisor23started grow question 7 months ago
Hey peepz! I wonder if I can use Propolix Fungicide as sprayover the whole plant including buds? Or just as a threat for the soil? What do you recommend? Feel free to comment! Reason: I want to prevent mould as far as possible (humidity is insane high these days).
m0useanswered grow question 7 months ago
Unless you trust that brand with your life I would not spray that on any plant with buds you plan on ingesting. Any way or form like edibles or smoking. If they say it is 100% water soluble and does not enter the plants system then maybe... but you will need to give them buds a serious washing end of grow and I just don;t like that as it can still get in places where the buds don't get washed. If you are worried about mold. don't grow compact dense indica strains. the more airy larfy sativias are better as they keep up the airflow in the buds and help prevent bud rot. They don't have great bad appeal but they can make some nice extracts and still smoke well. Keep up airflow and invest in a dehumidifier if you want to do this long term. It is worth it vs trying to live with the RH. I grow a lot outdoors and almost always I get a bit of bud root from end of season. it is what it is. or WPM outdoors. nothing to bad but I do toss out a bit of buds but free sunlight is worth it vs paying for hydro. Can't control it outdoors. Indoors is a different story. also broad spectrum treatment of the soil may have a net negative impact. Killing off all the good and bad fungi is not great, and the bad ones are normally more opportunistic and will take over. Don't use the product unless you have a reason to do so. After a quick google it looks like that product is useing something from bees, might be similar to Propolis. but it also might be mixed with other stuff and it branded cannabis use. I like the idea of it, I just don't trust a lot of Cannabis branded product to have great QC standards as they are sketchy companies. Reach out to the company and ask for testing data on what in the product. Good Luck!
Chrisor23started grow question 7 months ago
Hey peeps! Have to make a decision. Cut plants off tomorrow in the evening or risk Mold. It will rain here for at least two days with high humidity afterwards. Would it be okay to test this first grow out? I know they are not full mature… Maybe not cut all? What do you think?
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 7 months ago
100% leave them. They are way too early. I always use the analogy of fruit, imagine eating an apple or orange 3 weeks before it's ripe... Even worst case you have to chop some moldy bud out at the end you'll have a smaller bag of ripe juicy oranges, if you chop now, you'll have a full bag of tiny green, bitter oranges. It's unfortunately the risk you run outdoors. Just grow more because you always donate some to pests and weather. 😠
Chrisor23started grow question 7 months ago
Hey peeps! Do you guys think it would be enough to “enlight“ my plants in the last weeks with this: Otherwise I would let them outside but actually the sun won’t show a lot in the next time. What do you think?
Leromeanswered grow question 7 months ago
That LED isnt gonna be quite enough for your ladies, They will be better off outdoors even without direct sunlight. Maybe you could give them some additional light outdoors for a couple of hours? But that really depends on you and the individual factors/possibilities you have.
Chrisor23started grow question 7 months ago
Hey peepz! Anybody got experience with this light? Basically I emergency bought it but further use is safe if it’s good. As I can tell they are basically two XS1500 Pro. Watched reviews of Migro etc. so far I am not concerned. If you got some experience I would love to know!
TheUk420Showanswered grow question 7 months ago
Meh you get what you pay for buddy and for the money you could get a much larger Bar led light which is much more powerful. Though its your money buddy you do what you want I haven't had this unit but I do have a 600watt panel light very similar to this I use for vegging and sometimes flowering and to be honest its a really good light but not as good as my bar led. best of luck anyway buddy :) its always best to check facebook market place for second hand units too as these lights often last years so a 2nd hand one could save your pocket alkot of cash :)
Chrisor23started grow question 7 months ago
Hey peepz! Thinking about buying a Lumatek ATS 300W/200W Pro - So far the safest option I could find. Anyone another suggestion? It should have at least Class 1 IP65 certification, LVD certification with a real CE Certification. I am open minded! Thanks in advance! Chris
Papa_Tanswered grow question 7 months ago
I’m team HLG. Great products and great customer service.
Stormylucaanswered grow question 7 months ago
Hey, Take a look at Sunlight they have really high quality lamps


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BakedPotato42Ocommentedweek 48 months ago
Na was sagt man denn dazu?! Die sehen mittlerweile ja prächtig aus!😁👍 Ordentlich gewachsen, schön grün und gesund ❤️ Viel Spaß noch beim Grow und alles Gute Cheers💪
Chrisor23commented8 months ago
@BakedPotato42O, Hehe ja außer ein Problem mit Miniern ist alles in Ordnung !!! Das Wetter ist halt durchwachsen und auch mit starken Winden und Hagel hatten die Pflanzen zu kämpfen… aber haben sich bisher Prima gehalten, natürlich kann man kein optimales Wachstum erwarten aber bisher bin ich gut zufrieden. Ich wünsche dir auch viel Spaß beim grown danke 😌
BakedPotato42Ocommentedweek 28 months ago
Ach, mach dir da keine Sorgen. Auch wenn der Sommer ggfs. etwas durchwachsen wird, sollten die Northern Lights das allemal durchstehen; sind ja auch für draußen gemacht 😉💪 Sehen auf jeden Fall alle sehr gesund aus👌
Chrisor23commented8 months ago
@BakedPotato42O, danke dir für die aufmunternden Worte… denkst du ich sollte den Draht morgen wieder entfernen und die Bambus Stöcke auch oder soll ich die drin lassen? Mache mir um die eine white widdow sorgen, hab sie als erstes angebunden und dann zu stark verdrahtet :/ Bilder sind im Journal
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Sejanus21commentedweek 28 months ago
Viel Erfolg auch aus dem Westen. Ich baue White Widow Auto auch gerade an und bin für eine Auto zufrieden. Schöne, harzige Blüten.
Chrisor23commented8 months ago
@Sejanus21, cool, ich folge dir jetzt auch :-) Danke dir!!! Deine Pflanze sieht ja schon richtig richtig gut aus!!!
BakedPotato42Ocommentedweek 08 months ago
Naja, nur die Harten kommen in den Garten 😆 Guten Grow und viel Spaß wünsche ich dir, du machst das schon 💪🌱
Chrisor23commented8 months ago
@BakedPotato42O, danke :-). Es ist nur ein Versuch, echt schwierig bei uns in DE bei diesem Sommer in diesem Jahr..
resi_maxcommentedweek 08 months ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
Chrisor23commented8 months ago
@resi_max, thanks buddy. :)
BakedPotato42Ocommentedweek 86 months ago
Sieht ja gut soweit aus. Ich war jetzt ein paar Wochen/Monate abwesend, aber scheinbar warst du weiter fleißig 👍 Auch wenn nicht immer alles rund läuft, nicht auf die Probleme gucken, sondern auf mögliche Lösungen... und bei Cannabis heißt das: wenn man keine Buds draus machen kann, mach Hash, Oil, Edibles oder Ähnliches draus 😎 Du schaffst das schon, ich glaub an dich 😘💪
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