Day 1-
01/07/24 Monday
Starting the Dutch Passion Auto Melonade Runtz in water to germinate. Always do.
Then paper towel for 24hrs.
Will then transfer directly to finishing containers.
In this run I will use 14L fabric pot.
The other seed will go with the 2L autos I'm running in GH outdoor 😁💚
Check my other diaries to see the other GreenHouse Autos I am running ✌️💚
Update once seed has sank and I transfer.
Day 2-
02/07/24 Tuesday
2 of 2 Seeds sank, transferred to paper towel now for 24hrs / until tap root hits 3cm ✌️💚
Day 3-
03/07/24 Wednesday
2/2 Seeds have cracked, tap root has emerged 💪💚 eager and strong looking beans.
Transfer to final 14L fabric pot.
Other seed placed in 2L and added to new '2L Auto GH diary'
Day 4
04/07/24 Thursday
Seed casing now soil level, given light spray of water pH 6.2.
Put into GH today for rest of germination week / until my auto lime has finished.
Day 6
06/07/24 Saturday
Light water today, de-chlorinated tap at pH 6.2.
Day 7
07/07/24 Sunday
light spray with de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.2 with calmag 3ml - 5L + half Tea spoon of DyNoMyCo (mycorrhizal inoculants) I will keep this bottle and pH it every time I use it over the next week.
@Ghrim, thank you 🙏 she's coming along, I'll be doing a sog run with these after Xmas as her 2L sister outdoor is surprising me, so I'll put more effort into filling a tent next time ✌️💚
Looks amazing.
Happy growing growmie!
I love what I’m seeing, keep on doing your thing!
If you have any time to spare please visit my profile, I just started 2 new journals👨🏽🌾
For some bizarre reason, yet again GrowDiaries has cut off my week update and will not allow me to edit or save the information. I'll re up load in comments this week's entries, after I roll one and chill out after the 3 attempts 😁🤣💚
@Kramouss, 😂🤣 bro I can't even argue, I got lazy with this one as I decided to smoke it as I trimmed 🤦♂️ this next one I'm growing will be better 😁💚✌️