Sadly, I really messed up the sprouting conditions of the purple lemonades. The media was too wet and didn't have any nutrients to begin with and the air was too dry since I hadn't had time to clean my humidifiers. I increased the air temp so that the media and leaf temp would be better for germinating, raised the light to reduce light and make them stretch a little more, increased humidity to about 80% rh for germinating and seedlings, and started 4 new seeds to replace the purple lemonade that failed. I popped two sets of seeds from mephisto genetics: Deez Nugz, and Mephisto's Wedding x Grape Walker Kush
Congratulations on your harvest growmie 🔥🌱 looks good, did you drop the temperatures at night time? The purple usually comes out when it's cool weather
@MrGreen92, Geekpure on amazon. It's like . It only generates 100 GPD but that's more than enough for me. I fill a 55 gallon food grade barrel with it and that'll last me a couple weeks until they're heavy in flower.