This girl turned out a beauty ,it grows almost by itself not much work at all ,the smell is so sweet like gelato ,I really like this strain by @Dutch Passion Seeds 👏 ps. Just look at the crystals I think all Growmies on would be very pleased if they buy and try Melonade Runtz @Dutch Passion Seeds honestly I'm not getting paid or anything for this ,I'm just so happy with it id love to see what more growers can do with it it's a beautiful strain the photos say it all . Happy Growing Growmies
I hope my future buds looks half good than yours being potted in just 7 litre of soil.💪💪.
Definitely a keeper strain.
nice job!! like the supercroping machine
@gottagrowsometime, thanks alot for the likes and comments growmie ,and to answer your question yes I think if you topped her even once you will take the height out and you will get more side branching top her about week 3 of veg + 2 wks seedling growth then grow for another week to two weeks and flip to flower remember she will stretch another 1 to 2 ft being sativa, so I'd say you would get a nice scrog or sog the buds are quality and terps are mouthwatering 💯🔥flowering for me took 9wks bang on using Plagron's new natural range speeds up harvest by a week or more and it works ,I've finished 2 blue Zushi a week early too with plagron ,happy growing. Ps. ask anytime