11/23/24 - Day 15 flower, both plants looking pretty good. Did a final defoliation today after watering, details below. I will be adding in a second trellis net sometime in the next week or so to help support the BBM stems mostly.
BBM Input: 6.3 pH @ 0.31 EC + .5 TSP RECHARGE
BBM Output: 6.9 pH @ 2.1 EC
HJ Input: 6.3 pH @ 0.30 EC + .5 TSP RECHARGE
HJ Output: 7.1 pH @ 2.2 EC
Both soils are still a bit hot but have stabled themselves out. I will be lowering the pH even still a bit more, as I suspect BBM is suffering from a slight lock out. Next watering will likely be one more bath of plain pH'd water with recharge, then I will likely feed only bloom nutes going forward.
11/28/24 - day 20F, input: 6.1 pH @ 1.3 EC, output: 6.6 pH @ 2.8 EC. Watered with about 10ml bloom nutes per gal.