Flower Week 1 / Day 3: The time has come! We have reached the flowering stage! I'm very happy with everything so far and am pleased that the plants are healthy. They are relatively low, but I think I was a bit too sparing and careful with the light. No big deal, I'm learning :) Yesterday the plants got a full 2 liters of water each, including the specified nutrients. I also removed some of the fan leaves on various days to improve air circulation and encourage the flowers to grow.
Flower Week 1 / Day 6: Gradually you can see that purple buds are developing. Today I gave each plant another 2 liters of water + Bud Candy & Big Bud from Advanced Nutrients.
There is no need for you to train your plants like this if you have so much space left, every centimeter that is not covered by your leafs and plants is wasted space. Next time you can train individual branches after topping your plants early, try to go from the middle to all sides of your tent to maximise your coverage%. You have enough vertical space left, yes you want to go have a low canopy, but that is too low, you are also wasting vertical space. Start training them a little bit later and train the developing branches into mainstems. You can achieve that without topping, if you don't like to top your autos, but they are very capable of being topped, if done at the right time.
Nice grow!
The time period between watering is too short for the amount of water you are giving / the amount of water you are giving for the times you water in the week is too big.
Cannabis roots need enough time in wet/dry cycles. They thrive in dry medium looking for water resources.
Then again, one could say your pots are too big in the first place, your automatic plants won't have enough time to occupy the medium space with roots, next time, I would advise to give the girls smaller homes, not every bitch needs a castle! You have 14 liter pots and your roots are maybe at 0.2 - 0.5 maximum 1 Litre pot levels. At this stage I would spray water directly at the base of the stem, maybe 200 ml. I know people say that you should put the automatics in the final pot, but I think I would argue to disagree nowadays. Its much more important to have a healthy root system
(This is much easier to achieve with a small pot, with giving them 250ml maximum.) than not having to transplant them. With automatics I would transplant them 1 time, from their seedling pot to the final one. I will use 1 litre pots from seedling stage until the root system is covering almost all of the soil in that pot before I transplant mine to their final ones, but also I am using photoperiodics and not autos, but it's still the same principle!
But of course, your ladies are nice looking!