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Ophelia - Brume De Train Fantôme - 🇨🇦 VS 🇳🇱 🔥Quebec Cannabis Seeds Sponsored Grow 🔥

2 months ago
6 months ago
Nutrients 1
Optimum Hydroponics - Supermax 3 mll
First off I would like to give a big thank you to Kat at Quebec Cannabis Seeds for sending me a generous package, partnering with me and sponsoring this grow. Merci beaucoup Kat!! So please come join me in this next run as we’ll have an epic Ghost Train Haze battle. It’s Canada VS The Netherlands. WEDNESDAY - Diary Creation 11 September 24 - Planning to start this run soon as I still have a few things to button up before starting this run. - Plan to start the next 7-10 days. - Packaging is very nice. QCS over WSE for packaging. So stay tuned this run will start soon, I’m excited to get this one going. PLAN I will be using Gaia Green Living Soil Blend for the first time. List of products that will be used during this grow. - Gaia Green - Living Soil Blend - Pure Life - Earthworm Castings - Gaia Green - Diatomaceous Earth - Gaia Green - Superfly Insect Frass - Gaia Green - All Purpose - Gaia Green - Power Bloom - Gaia Green - Soluble Seaweed Extract - Dynomyco - Micorrhiza - Miicrobial Mass - Grotek - Cal/Max - Optimum Hydroponics - Supermax - Nema Knights - Nematodes - Chitosal TUES - The Beginning - Day 0 17 September 24 Mixing 500 ml of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 500 ml - 60.2 PPM - Add 1.25 ml of Supermax - 238 PPM 00:00 Hrs the seeds hit the water. When I wake up I will put the seeds in little coco pots, then under the light. Soil blend for 4 small coco pots. - 75 % Gaia Green soil - 25% Perlite - 1/2 tsp of Dynomyco - 1/8 tsp of Pro Mix Root Stim - 1/4 tsp of Gaia Green Diatomaceous Earth - 1/4 tsp of Gaia Green All Purpose At 13:50 Hrs the seeds have been planted into their little coco pots. Used the water from the seed soak to irrigate all 4 pots. Now under the lights at 27 inches distance at 210 PAR/PPFD. I messed up a little bit as my soil mix shrunk after irrigating the seeds. Whatever we’ll roll with it. Now we wait for the seeds to sprout and when that happens I will consider that to be day 1. Plants are labelled 1 and 2, after a few weeks I will only be keeping one of the two plants. FRIDAY - Day 1 20 September 24 - Both plants 1 and 2 have broken soil. - Let’s see how they progress and the strongest plant will be selected to go to the end. SATURDAY - Day 2 21 September 24 Time to pot up as the roots have already penetrated through the bottom of the coco pot. Plant 1 has been selected to go to the finish. Her name is Ophelia. - Transfer to a 1 gallon pot. - 20% worm castings - 20% Perlite - 60% Gaia Green Soil - Add 2 Tbsp Gaia Green All purpose - Add 2 Tbsp Gaia Green Insect Frass - Add 2 Tbsp Diatomaceous Earth - Add 1 Tbsp Dynomyco Watering, making 1 litre for both plants and going to give 500 ml each. - Base water 1 litre - 60.6 PPM - Add 2 ml Miicrobial Mass - 136 PPM Final - 1 litre at 6.33 PH at 140 PPM No runoff. Light is 27 inches away and at 200 PAR. Now time to sit back and let her do her thing. TUESDAY - Day 5 24 September 24 Watering day, 600 ml of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 600 ml - 60.1 PPM Final - 600 ml at 6.23 PH at 62.8 PPM Runoff - N/A - She’s developing quite nicely. - Now we just keep her happy under the lights and let her do her thing. THURSDAY - Day 7 26 September 24 - Just a day under the lights. - She’s developed quite well in the first seven days. - Not as big as Helena but that’s ok. - Looking very happy. So this marks the end of the germination phase and the first seven days. Let’s see what week two will bring! Vamos!!!
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 2. Vegetation
5 months ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 %
23 °C
4 L
68.58 cm
400 PPM
Well here we are at the beginning of week two. Let’s see what’s in store. Vamos a ver juntos!! FRIDAY - Day 8 27 September 24 Watering day, 1 litre of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 1 litre - 60.4 PPM Final - 1 litre at 6.41 PH at 62 PPM Runoff - N/A The goal is to water just until runoff and then stop. - Still very happy with how things are going. SATURDAY - Day 9 28 September 24 - Not much to say today. - Just a day under the lights. SUNDAY - Day 10 29 September 24 - An other day under the lights. - Looking very happy and strong. - Progressing as expected. MONDAY - Day 11 30 September 24 - Just a day under the lights not much more to say other than growth continues. TUESDAY - Day 12 1 October 24 Watering day, 1 litre of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 1 litre - 60.4 PPM - Add 2 ml Miicrobial Mass - 133 PPM Final - 1 litre at 6.5 PH at 134 PPM Runoff - N/A - What can I say? Growth is progressing very well. Just grow my little lady. WEDNESDAY - Day 13 2 October 24 - Just a day under the light. - She looks so happy. THURSDAY - Day 14 3 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - She’s doing so well. We’ve finally reached the end of week two and let’s how week three gets on. VAMOS!!
Week 3. Vegetation
5 months ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
65 %
23 °C
4 L
68.58 cm
400 PPM
It’s the beginning of week three. Vamos!! FRIDAY - Day 15 4 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Growth continues to progress well. - Will be topping her in the near future. - Did the topping and removed the growth at the first node. - Now we just let her recover and keep doing her thing. SATURDAY - Day 16 5 October 24 Watering day, 1 litre of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 1 litre - 61.1 PPM Final - 1 litre at 6.48 PH at 62.4 PPM Runoff - N/A Watering until I see a little runoff and then stop. - I may have messed up the topping yesterday. - We’ll see how the branching develops at the third node. - It is what is, can only push forwards. SUNDAY - Day 17 6 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - She’s taking to training really well. - Growth continues to impress. - Smaller than Helena but in terms of growth stage she’s on par. BATTLE SCORE UPDATE 🇨🇦 - 1 🇳🇱 - 2 *Battle score based on my own made up criteria as I go along. If you have criteria suggestions please leave a comment* MONDAY - Day 18 7 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Still growing well. TUESDAY - Day 19 8 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Growth continues and looking great. WEDNESDAY - Day 20 9 October 24 Watering day, 1 litre of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 1 litre - 61.2 PPM Final - 1 litre at 6.55 PH at 62.1 PPM Runoff- N/A - Raised the light intensity to 360 PAR/PPFD. THURSDAY - Day 21 10 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Swapped out my blue spec light for the red spec HLG 350R. - Light set at 380 PAR/PPFD at 26 inches distance. - Absolutely loving the growth. This is the end of week three. Come join me and see what shenanigans we’ll get up to next week.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 months ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
57 %
23 °C
4 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Welcome back!! It’s the beginning of week four. I now consider the seedling stage over and now we’re going strong into veg. Vamos!! FRIDAY - Day 22 11 October 24 - Topped both bottom branches. - Added a few LST staples to begin shaping her. - Just an other day under the lights. - Going to start thinking about up potting her in the near future. SATURDAY - Day 23 12 October 24 Watering day, 1 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 1 litre - 61.1 PPM Final - 1 litre at 6.45 PH at 62.8 PPM Runoff - N/A - Thinking of removing her giant fan leaves soon, they’re becoming cumbersome. - Did my final planned topping of the two top branches. - Now just have to give her time and continue shaping her. SUNDAY - Day 24 13 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - She doesn’t seem too bothered by yesterday’s training. - She’s got a few days now to recover. - All is moving along according to plan. MONDAY - Day 25 14 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Also a good recovery day. TUESDAY - Day 26 15 October 24 Transplant day into a 5 gallon pot and her final home. 60% Gaia Green soil 20% Worm castings 20% Perlite 8 Tbsp Gaia Green All Purpose 4 Tbsp Gaia Green Power Bloom 5 Tbsp Diatomaceous Earth 1/2 Tbsp Dynomyco Amended it all and transplanted. Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 61.2 PPM - Add 2.5 ml Cal-Max - 167 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 200 PPM - Add 15 ml Miicrobial Mass - 300 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.48 PH at 301 PPM Runoff - N/A - Removed the lowest fan leaves. - Removed LST staples to let her acclimate to her new home. - Will resume LST in a few days. WEDNESDAY - Day 27 16 October 24 - Just a day under the lights recovering from a big day yesterday, extended light hours and a transplant. - She’s looking perked up and pretty happy so everything is looking good. - Probably resume LST staples tomorrow. - I’m done with my planned toppings so from here on out it should just be LST until we flip to flower. THURSDAY - Day 28 17 October 24 - Ahhhhhh I tweaked a branch manipulating it with my gorilla hands. - It not completely broke off so hopefully she can repair it and recover. - Going to give her a bit more time to recover before restarting LST. - Just a day under the lights today. Well this is the end of week four. It was a busy week with the transplant, all planned toppings are completed and now it should just be some LST from here on out. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week five. Vamos bendejos!!
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 months ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
57 %
23 °C
4 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Hola todos los amigos, bienvenidos a la semana cinqo!!! Let’s see how things shape up this week. FRIDAY - Day 29 18 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - I took away four fan leaves that were just getting in the way of branch growth. - Manipulated the stocks a bit to soften them up a bit. - Will probably resume with LST staples tomorrow. SATURDAY - Day 30 19 October 24 - A day under the lights. - One of her branches that I tweaked may fall off, it’s not looking great. We’ll see if it hold on. - Resumed LST staples. SUNDAY - Day 31 20 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Everything is looking good. MONDAY - Day 32 21 October 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 61.7 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.41 PH at 63 PPM Runoff - N/A - Unfortunately the tweaked branch from a few days ago doesn’t look so great so I just snipped it off. - Removed the lowest fan leaves as they’ve been getting in the way. - re adjusted the LST staples. TUESDAY - Day 33 22 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Growing well. WEDNESDAY - Day 34 23 October 24 - An other day under the lights. - Just letting her do the thing. THURSDAY - Day 35 24 October 24 - Adjusted LST staples. - Took a few of the lowest leaves. - Really happy with progression this week. Well this marks the end of week five. This week has been great for growth. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week six.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
4 months ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
57 %
23 °C
4 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Welcome back friends to the beginning of week 6. Week 5 went well, let’s see how we get along this week. FRIDAY - Day 36 25 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Letting her do her thing and be unbothered. SATURDAY - Day 37 26 October 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 60.5 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal- Max - 235 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.66 PH at 235 PPM Runoff - N/A - Adjusted a few LST staples. - Removed few leaves. SUNDAY - Day 38 27 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - First day at 12/12 light schedule. - Will consider the beginning of the new week a flowering week. MONDAY - Day 39 28 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - I just let her be. - No stress, just growth. TUESDAY - Day 40 29 October 24 - Stretched a little bit. - Raised the light back up to 26 inches distance. - Intensity at 500-530 PAR/ PPFD across the canopy. - Up to 9 inches tall. - Overall looking super happy and healthy. WEDNESDAY - Day 41 30 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. THURSDAY - Day 42 31 October 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 61.2 PPM - Add 15 ml Miicrobial Mass - 164 PPM - Add 10 ml Chitosal - 209 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.59 PH at 209 PPM Runoff- N/A Took a few bottom leaves to make watering easier. Well this is the end of week six. Growing well. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week seven.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 months ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
57 %
23 °C
4 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Welcome back amigos for the beginning of week seven. We’re going to consider this the first week of flowering. FRIDAY - Day 43 1 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Things are rolling along quite nicely. SATURDAY - Day 44 2 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Moving along quite nicely. SUNDAY - Day 45 3 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 61.1 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 222 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.66 PH at 223 PPM Runoff - N/A - Took a few leaves that were blocking bud sites. MONDAY - Day 46 4 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Loving life and doing her thing. TUESDAY - Day 47 5 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. WEDNESDAY - Day 48 6 November 24 Made a top dressing today. - 4 scoops of pre amended soil from the up potting. - Add 2 1/2 Tbsp of Gaia Green All Purpose - Add 2 1/2 Tbsp Gaia Green Power Bloom - Add 1 Tbsp of Diatomaceous Earth - Add 1 Tbsp of Gaia Green Insect Frass Mix it all up and top dress then a watering. - Base water 5 litres - 61 PPM - Add 2.5 ml Supermax - 81 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.68 PH at 82 PPM Runoff - N/A THURSDAY- Day 49 7 November 24 - Finally upgraded homes today. - Now she can take up more space in the 4x4 tent under the HLG Scorpion Diablo. - Light Distance about 30 inches away. - Light intensity at around 550-700 PAR across different spots in the canopy. This marks the end of week seven. Things are rolling along nicely. Vamos Amigos!!!
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 months ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
57 %
23 °C
4 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
OYE!! Amigos!! Bienvenida en la semana ocho. Vamos a ver y gacias para leer mi diario!! Vamos!! FRIDAY - Day 50 8 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 60.3 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 198 PPM - Add 1 Tsp seaweed extract - 329 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.84 PH at 342 PPM Runoff - N/A - Took a few leaves and removed a few small branches that aren’t going to amount to much. - Noticed some stigmas for the first time today. SATURDAY - Day 51 9 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Doesn’t seem too affected by the defoliation and branch removal. - Definitely on the cusp of starting to stack flower. SUNDAY - Day 52 10 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 60.5 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 286 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.79 PH at 288 PPM Runoff - N/A - Decided to give her an other shot of cal/mag because she’s looking like she could use the extra magnesium. MONDAY - Day 53 11 November 24 A moment to take the time to remember all service members past and present who served their country for the freedoms we enjoy today. Thank you my brothers and sisters for your service. Lest we forget. - Just a day under the lights. TUESDAY - Day 54 12 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 60.6 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.75 PH at 62 PPM WEDNESDAY - Day 55 13 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Hasn’t started stacking flower just yet. - It’s coming soon though. BATTLE SCORE UPDATE 🇨🇦 - 1 🇳🇱 - 4 THURSDAY - Day 56 14 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 60.1 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 242 PPM - Add 10 ml Chitosal - 282 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 321 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.52 PH at 321 PPM Runoff - N/A - Added 1 Tbsp of Dynomyco as a top dressing and then irrigated. - Took a few more smaller branches that won’t amount to much. - Also took a few leaves. Here we are at the end of week eight. She’s a little behind Helena in terms of flowering but she’s doing well and looking happy. Let’s see tomorrow for the beginning of week nine.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 months ago
30.48 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Welcome back amigos. The beginning of week nine is upon us. Let’s see how this week goes eh?! FRIDAY - Day 57 15 November 24 - Just a day of hanging out under the lights. - I’m thinking she’ll start stacking some flower this week. SATURDAY - Day 58 16 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 59.4 PPM - Add 15 ml Miicrobial Mass - 180 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.55 PH at 181 PPM Runoff - N/A - Took away three more small branches that won’t do much. SUNDAY - Day 59 17 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Buds are starting to become more prominent. MONDAY - Day 60 18 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.7 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 226 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.52 PH at 227 PPM Runoff - N/A TUESDAY - Day 61 19 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. WEDNESDAY - Day 62 20 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.4 PPM - Add 1 tsp soluble seaweed - 253 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.53 PH at 262 PPM Runoff - N/A THURSDAY - Day 63 21 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Decreased the light intensity down to 750 PAR near the top of the canopy. 600-640 PAR at the lower parts on the canopy. - She’s also starting to show signs of defs but again I’m not going to deviate much from my plan. - Her last top dressing was 14 days ago, I planned my next top dressing for 21 days after. We’ll see what I decide to do. - Flowers are well under way and she’s definitely going to stack more next week. This is the end of week nine. Thank you all for checking out the grow, I appreciate you all for the support and kind words. So please join me tomorrow for the beginning of week ten. VAMOSSSSSS!!!
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 months ago
30.48 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Bienvenidos todos los amigos en la semana diez!! Vamos a ver que haces en este semana!! Gracias para leér mi diario!! FRIDAY - Day 64 22 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.3 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 249 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 289 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.64 PH at 289 PPM Runoff - N/A - She’s getting on very nicely and developing right where she should be. SATURDAY - Day 65 23 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Buds continuing to for nicely. - She’s developing a nice piney/floral smell. - Slightly different to Helena. SUNDAY - Day 66 24 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.2 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 98.8 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.68 PH at 98.8 PPM Runoff - N/A - Removed all the LST staples. They weren’t really doing anything anymore and the plant is pretty set in her shape now. MONDAY - Day 67 25 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Loving life and developing well. TUESDAY - Day 68 26 November 24 Top dressing and irrigation day. TOP DRESSING - 2 scoops pre amended soil from before - 1 scoop of Worm Castings - 1 scoop of Perlite - Add 1.25 Tbsp of All Purpose - Add 3.75 Tbsp of Power Bloom - Add 1 Tbsp of Insect Frass - Add 1 Tbsp of Diatomaceous Earth Mix it all up, top dress and irrigate. - Base water 5 litres - 58.2 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 237 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.73 PH at 238 PPM Runoff - N/A - We’ll see how she gets on these next few weeks. - Gotta trust the process. WEDNESDAY - Day 69 27 November 24 - Just a day under the lights. - She’s stacking buds nicely and looking really good. THURSDAY - Day 70 28 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.7 PPM - Add 10 ml Chitosal - 103 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.61 PH at 103 PPM Runoff - N/ A - She’s looking really happy overall. - Buds continue to form nicely. Well this is the end of week 10. It’s been a productive week. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week eleven. Thank you all for checking out my grow and all the kind words. Graçias amigos.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
3 months ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Bienvenidos todo los amigos. Somos en la semana onze. Vamos a ver que pasa en este semana!! Graçias para leér mi diario y los palabras mucho lindo!! FRIDAY - Day 71 29 November 24 - Just a day under the lights listening to some tunes. - Absolutely looking great. - She’s not showing as much defs as Helena is at the moment. - We stick to el plan. SATURDAY - Day 72 30 November 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 59.0 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 243 PPM - Add 15 ml Miicrobial Mass - 374 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.52 PH at 376 PPM Runoff - N/A - She has also started to consume the oldest biggest fan leaves. - All good though as it is not spreading very fast. - The top dressing should start kicking in soon. - Other than that, all is looking great. SUNDAY - Day 73 1 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Not much more to say. MONDAY - Day 74 2 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 59.1 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 105 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.54 PH at 106 PPM Runoff - N/A - Starting to get frostier. - Looking great. TUESDAY - Day 75 3 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. WEDNESDAY - Day 76 4 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 59.1 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 260 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.57 PH at 261 PPM Runoff - N/A - A few pistils started turning orange. - Stacking buds nicely. THURSDAY - Day 77 5 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Buds look like they got a bit fatter today. This is the end of week eleven. Things have gone well this week. Let’s see what next week brings. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week twelve. Let’s gooooooooo!!!
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
3 months ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Welcome back amigos, here’s the beginning of week twelve. Let’s just get right into it. Vamos! FRIDAY - Day 78 6 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.8 PPM - Add 1 tsp Soluble Seaweed - 233 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.57 PH at 243 PPM Runoff - N/A SATURDAY - Day 79 7 December 24 - Just a day under the lights loving life. - She’s getting frostier. SUNDAY - Day 80 8 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.6 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 247 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 280 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.45 PH at 281 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed a handful of fan leaves today. - The senescence seems to be doing its thing. - Buds continue to form well. MONDAY - Day 81 9 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Buds are noticeably getting bigger and frostier. - Starting to become a little more fragrant. TUESDAY - Day 82 10 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.5 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.50 PH at 59.8 PPM Runoff - N/A WEDNESDAY- Day 83 11 December 24 - Just a day under the lights loving life and listening to some tunes. THURSDAY - Day 84 12 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.6 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 243 PPM - Add 10 ml Chitosal - 287 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.59 PH at 287 PPM Runoff N/A - Still slowly consuming the lowest biggest fan leaves. - Trundling along quite nicely. This is the end of week twelve. Things have gone well this week. Thanks for all the nice comments and taking the time to stop by and check out the grow. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week thirteen. Vamos amigos!!
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
3 months ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Welcome back friends. Here we are at the beginning of week thirteen. Thanks for stopping by and showing some love. Let’s get into it!! Vamos!! FRIDAY- Day 85 13 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Not much more to say for today. SATURDAY - Day 86 14 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.5 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 106 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.58 PH at 106 PPM Runoff - N/A TOP DRESSING - 2 scoops of pre amended soil from the up potting - 1 Scoop of worm castings - 1 Scoop of perlite - 1.25 Tbsp of All Purpose - 3.75 Tbsp of Power Bloom - 1 Tbsp of Insect Frass - 1 Tbsp of Diatomaceous Earth - Mixed that all up worked it into the soil and irrigated. - Took away a few leaves that fell off to the touch. SUNDAY - Day 87 15 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. MONDAY - Day 88 16 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.4 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 264 PPM - Add 15 ml Miicrobial Mass - 373 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.52 PH at 374 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed a handful of leaves today. TUESDAY - Day 89 17 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Buds looking great and getting frostier. - Still consuming some lower fan leaves. WEDNESDAY - Day 90 18 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.4 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.52 PH at 59.9 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other handful of leaves. - Flowers are pushing on. THURSDAY - Day 91 19 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. - A few more pistils turning orange. - She’s fading a bit but at this rate she’ll be just right until the end. Well this marks the end of week thirteen. Things have progressed well this week. Thank you to everyone who’s dropped by to check out the grow. I appreciate you all. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week fourteen. Vamos!!
Used techniques
Top Dressing
Week 14. Flowering
3 months ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Welcome back amigos. Here we are at the beginning of week fourteen. Thank you all for stopping by checking out the grow and dropping some kind words. Vamos!! FRIDAY - Day 92 20 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.8 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 246 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.52 PH at 247 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other handful of leaves. - Buds are looking great. SATURDAY - Day 93 21 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. SUNDAY - Day 94 22 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.8 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 100 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.61 PH at 100 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other few leaves. - Starting to get a bit more odours. MONDAY - Day 95 23 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. TUESDAY - Day 96 24 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 59.0 PPM - Add 5 ml Cal-Max - 249 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.59 PH at 250 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other few leaves. WEDNESDAY - Day 97 25 December 24 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Wishing you all a great holiday season. THURSDAY - Day 98 26 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 58.3 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.56 PH at 59.2 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed a few more leaves. - So the breeder recommends a 9-11 week flowering cycle. - So I don’t think we’ll be doing an other top dressing. - Just going to let her consume what’s in the pot and let her fade out until the end. We’ve reached the end of week fourteen. Things have gone well this week. Thank you all again for stopping by taking a look and sharing kind words. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week fifteen. Vamos!!
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
2 months ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Welcome back amigos!! This the beginning of week fifteen. Thank you all for stopping by and checking out the grow. So let’s get into it!! Vamos! FRIDAY - Day 99 27 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. - The breeder recommends 9-11 weeks for flowering cycle. - So we’re not going to top dress any more nutrients from here out. - Just going to let her use up whatever is left and let her naturally fade for the next few weeks to reach the end. SATURDAY - Day 100 28 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.7 PPM - Add 3.75 ml Cal-Max - 198 PPM - Add 10 ml Chitosal - 244 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.48 PH at 245 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other few leaves again. SUNDAY - Day 101 29 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Getting frostier day by day. - Still not overly stinky though. - Still have about 3-4 weeks to go. MONDAY - Day 102 30 December 24 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.8 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.52 PH at 59.1 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other few leaves. - Definitely started fading earlier than I would have liked but it is what it is and we ride this out until the end. TUESDAY - Day 103 31 December 24 - Just a day under the lights. WEDNESDAY - Day 104 1 January 25 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Wishing everyone a great 2025!! Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.7 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.48 PH at 59.3 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed a few more leaves. THURSDAY - Day 105 2 January 25 - Just a day under the lights. Well this marks the end of week fifteen. Things are going well. She’s definitely fading. It is what it is. Only a few weeks left so let’s push on. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week sixteen. Vamos amigos!!!
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
2 months ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Welcome back amigos!! Thank you for stopping by and checking out the grow. Let’s get into week sixteen. Vamos!! FRIDAY - Day 106 3 January 25 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.6 PPM - Add 3.75 ml Cal-Max - 182 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 224 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.57 PH at 224 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other few leaves. SATURDAY - Day 107 4 January 25 - Just a day under the lights. SUNDAY - Day 108 5 January 25 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.6 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.53 PH at 58.6 PPM Runoff - N/A - Shed an other few leaves. - QCS recommends a 9 to 11 week flowering period. - I want to go the full 11 weeks but she’s fading pretty hard. - So harvest may happen sooner. We’ll see how she gets on these next few days. - Buds are looking great so no stress. - Let her fade. MONDAY - Day 109 6 January 25 - Just a day under the lights. - She’s all by herself in the 4x4 to take up all the space and soak up all the light. TUESDAY - Day 110 7 January 25 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.6 PPM - Add 2.5 ml Cal-Max - 160 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.59 PH at 161 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other few leaves. - Buds are getting frostier. WEDNESDAY - Day 111 8 January 25 - Just a day under the lights. THURSDAY - Day 112 9 January 25 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.9 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.53 PH at 59.3 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed an other few leaves. Here we are at the end of week sixteen. Thank you for stopping by and checking out the grow. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week 17. Vamos amigos!!
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
2 months ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
23 °C
19 L
66.04 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.91 mll
Welcome back amigos, here we are at the beginning of week seventeen. Thank you all for stopping by checking out the grow and dropping some comments. So let’s just get into it. Vamos!! FRIDAY - Day 113 10 January 25 - Just a day under the lights. SATURDAY - Day 114 11 January 25 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.7 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.59 PH at 59.3 PPM Runoff - N/A - She shed and other few leaves. SUNDAY - Day 115 12 January 25 - Just a day under the lights. MONDAY - Day 116 13 January 25 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.8 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.56 PH at 59.6 PPM Runoff - N/A - Again shed a few leaves. TUESDAY - Day 117 14 January 25 - Just a day under the lights. WEDNESDAY - Day 118 15 January 25 Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 57.5 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.49 PH at 59.7 PPM Runoff - N/A - Shed an other few leaves. THURSDAY - Day 119 16 January 25 - Just a day under the lights. So here we are we’ve reached the end of week seventeen. Join me tomorrow for the day of the chopping!!! I’ve decided we’re at the end of the road and time for harvest. Thank you all for stopping by and dropping comments. Vamos amigos!!!
Used techniques
Week 18. Harvest
2 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
First off I want to give a big thank you to Katrine and Quebec Cannabis seeds offering me the opportunity to run some of their genetics. Merci Beaucoup!! Ophelia was a pleasure to grow. She performed well at all stages of life. However I need to make a few adjustments in the future because she had some yellowing leaves near the end. However the senescence happened at a pretty slow rate all the way to the end. At the end of the day flower is the prize not fan leaves. She also took a fair bit of abuse and still never skipped a beat. All in all I’m very happy with my results and can’t wait to give it a proper taste. Thank you for being in my life and providing me with this beautiful harvest Ophelia. RIP 20 September 2024 to 17 January 2025
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Spent 114 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Welcome back amigos, here we are we’ve been through eleven weeks of flower and I think we’re ready to harvest!! Thank you all who’ve come checked out the grow. I appreciate you all!! Let’s get in it!! Vamos a ver!! FRIDAY - Day 120 17 January 25 - Harvest day WOOT WOOT!! - I had a hard time getting drying conditions right for Helena. - So for Ophelia I’m going to use my flower room and hang to dry in the flower tent. - I bought a new humidifier to control the lung room and blocked the heat in that room. - Currently it’s about 19.5 degrees C at 56% humidity. - I also decided to not strip the plant too much of her fan leaves for the drying process. Hopefully it will help slow down the rate of drying. - However for now she’s hung to dry and like they say in the military now hurry up and wait for it to dry. - Will come back to update the trimming and packaging process. * Put one gram as wet weight. Not a metric I care for so I don’t do it. Dry weight is all that matters. FRIDAY - Trim Day 24 January 25 - She’s been hanging for seven days and is ready for trimming and jarring. - Conditions were in a much better range for this drying process. WEIGHT - Small buds - 58.4 grams - Medium buds - 37.1 grams - Larger buds - 35.2 grams - 7 main colas - 73.1 grams Total = 203.8 grams I’m impressed. I definitely didn’t think she would weigh this much. SATURDAY 25 January 25 - I waited until today to have a preliminary smoke. - It’s really smooth with a nice woody fruity aroma and leaves fine white ash behind. - While smoking it’s very nice and it’s more of a creeper. - It definitely hits. - So that is it for now as we still have to go through curing now. - Will update the smoke report after it’s properly cured to give a fair shake review. *


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Krisiscommentedweek 133 months ago
Lookin good. Fuck that tard hater. He obviously dunno shit huh
Hempface86commented2 months ago
@Krisis, who's hating? They must be upset with themselves because those plants look
Papa_Tcommented3 months ago
@Krisis, haha right. I showed the breeder some pictures yesterday and they loved the progress.
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Hempface86commentedweek 123 months ago
She's a bushy girl .. both are gonna be good yielders
Papa_Tcommented3 months ago
@Hempface86, thanks bro. Ophelia has smaller buds than Helena but she’s getting on quite nicely.
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Hempface86commentedweek 103 months ago
Man you are doing a great job with these girls the organics that you have chosen are definitely doing their job... Both of the ghost train Haze look really good very interested to see how they differ from each other.. bravo 👏😎 those are some healthy plants.. I wish my plans look like that right now.. Maxi Bloom will bring me there again 😂💪
Papa_Tcommented3 months ago
@Hempface86, yeah at the moment Ophelia is definitely looking pretty good. Helena has started showing some signs of deficiencies in the oldest lower leaves. But yeah for the most part things definitely have gone well. I’m just loosely following what mr Canuckgrows does. I’m still definitely learning as I go along. But I have my plan and I’m not going to deviate much from it and we’ll see how they look in the end.
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BarneyRumble420commentedweek 94 months ago
She's coming along beautifully mate 😎🌱
Papa_Tcommented4 months ago
@BarneyRumble420, thanks brother. Yeah she’s a bit behind Helena in terms of flowering but she’s also coming along quite well.
Hempface86commentedweek 84 months ago
Looking good bro your diaries are always excellent.. bravo 👏
Papa_Tcommented4 months ago
@Hempface86, thanks bro. I try.
BEACHBUDZ757commentedweek 64 months ago
Looking good! I’ve been thinking about grabbing a hlg B spec for veg. Do you notice any differences? Is it worth the money? Or just stick with Diablo for the full
Papa_Tcommented4 months ago
@BEACHBUDZ757, thanks for the kind words and checking out my grow man. Yeah I always start my seedlings off under the B spec light for the first three or four weeks then I switch to the HLG 350R in my 2x4 tent for more veg time. I’ll start flowering in my 2x4 and then after two to three weeks I transition them into my 4x4 under the scorpion diablo to finish them off. Honestly I’ve seen Dr Bruce Bugbee talk about lighting and he says there’s not much evidence that blue light does or doesn’t do anything extra. I mean light is light and as long as the plant is getting the proper PAR and DLI for the stage of lifecycle that plants will grow. I do find that the blue light does keep them a bit shorter and bushier with tighter internodal spacing. I wouldn’t say it’s necessary to have B spec, but I use it anyway.
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Hempface86commentedweek 64 months ago
Very healthy looking.. I take it you're like an organics they seem to be working out great for you
Papa_Tcommented4 months ago
@Hempface86, yeah this grow is working out fairly well. I had thoughts of aborting this grow entirely the other day just so I would have one less thing to deal with. As you know my dog isn’t well and I’m struggling to keep shit together in my home life at the moment.
ApothecAriescommentedweek 45 months ago
Beautiful start! happy growing and ill be following along! Im loving genetics QCS is suppyling !
Papa_Tcommented5 months ago
@ApothecAries, Thanks for the kind words man. I’m really happy about how she’s progressing.
Hempface86commentedweek 45 months ago
They look awfully similar which is a good thing it's nice when you get the same strain from different breeders and they grow identical... I'm sure their personalities will come out soon enough to separate the two of them.. good job brother
Papa_Tcommented5 months ago
@Hempface86, yeah I’ve been shaping and training both plants the exact same way. They both have grown at the same rate except Helena is just a little bit bigger than Ophelia. They already show their own uniqueness, I can tell them apart from each other. Even if you were to try to swip swap them around I’d be able to tell you who is who. They’re my babies.
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 35 months ago
Looking great brother 🙌 love ya work😎
Papa_Tcommented5 months ago
@BarneyRumble420, thanks bro. Appreciate it. Similar to you this one is being out performed by her Dutch sister. But still both look great.
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Krisiscommentedweek 182 months ago
Yay the site finally let you update. Congratulations on the harvest. Looks like it should be a good one 😺
Papa_Tcommented2 months ago
@Krisis, awwww thanks girl!! Yeah things finally started working for again.
Oims_Finestcommentedweek 182 months ago
Nice fruits Mate👏👏enjoy your efforts👍
Papa_Tcommented2 months ago
@Oims_Finest, thanks man I appreciate you stopping by and dropping some kind words.
luvurgardencommentedweek 182 months ago
Looks delightful. Great job
Papa_Tcommented2 months ago
@luvurgarden, thank you for the kind words I really appreciate it. My drying conditions look on point at the moment so we’ll se how she goes once she’s dry.
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Papablobcommentedweek 123 months ago
beau bébé . 😁👍
Papa_Tcommented3 months ago
@Papablob, merci. Merci beaucoup.
DutchFarmercommentedweek 123 months ago
Wow, those buds are looking frosty and dense that’s top shelf quality! ❄️💎 Don’t forget to leave a like and comment on my diaries!
Papa_Tcommented3 months ago
@DutchFarmer, thanks man.
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 25 months ago
Coming along nicely mate all the best with your grow 🔥
Papa_Tcommented5 months ago
@BarneyRumble420, hey man!! I appreciate you stopping by, checking out my grow and dropping some kind words. Thank you very much. I have some high hopes for this run.
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Hempface86commentedweek 06 months ago
Good luck bro hope she grows big and strong for you very interested to see which of the two genetics Fair better than the other
Papa_Tcommented6 months ago
@Hempface86, I think it’s going to be fun. It’s not really about who will be best but to see the differences between both strains that are the same from two different breeders.
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Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 45 months ago
Amazing buddy! Nice journal, I like what I see! I just started 3 new diaries, come by if you have time. Happy growing and smoking! /LST 🌱🌬️
Hempface86commentedweek 182 months ago
Looking fire
Papa_Tcommented2 months ago
@Hempface86, thanks brother.
RadicalKushcommentedweek 152 months ago
Looks good 💪 💪 💪
Papa_Tcommented2 months ago
@RadicalKush, thanks man, I appreciate the kind words.
the end.
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