@NastyYeti! Yep this sounds like a serious deficiency, but in my opinion it's not a lack of nutrients, it's the opposite: a lockout. Indeed, I think you overfed that baby for quite a long time. In soil, you shouldn't feed everytime you water, nutrients just can't be flushed that easily and they tend to accumulate (salt buildups). Now that your rootzone is flooded with salts / old nutrients, roots are unable to manage N/P/K/Cal/Mag intakes... In this situation I would flush the medium for a few days with plain pH'd water (but no RO water, tap water will be good to restablish a good cal / mag balance), then see how it goes after a few days. If she still needs to fatten up / produce resin, then go back to a very light nutrient regime. Hope this will help, keep us up-to-date and happy growing 👊