Week 8
This week was all about staying vigilant. I thoroughly inspected every plant daily for signs of botrytis, working to keep the humidity as low as possible. I also reduced the light intensity to 60%, aiming for a PPFD of around 800–900.
Day 52: I harvested FullGas #2 and #3. Despite my efforts, I found small spots of botrytis on both plants. To avoid further losses, I decided to harvest immediately. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to take pictures in the rush. The trichomes were still milky, with no amber visible, but it was better to harvest early than risk losing them entirely.
Day 56: I harvested FullGas #1 after spotting a tiny bud where botrytis was just starting. I caught it very early, minimizing any loss. The trichomes on this plant were closer to my preference, with a slight amber hue beginning to show.
The remaining plants are thriving, showing no signs of botrytis and looking incredibly healthy.
@NAS_Garden, thats not how it works my friend.
If you have feminized seeds there is no male Genetik inside if you cross females or hermaphrodite the children will have hermaphrodite genetiks. You can be lucky and have great weed but usually its not good genetiks coming out.
Wish you
@Pi_growing, Thanks, I got 2 Moweeto herms and I selected my best and polinated two of my FullGas. I only took seeds from them, the seeds from the Moweeto i get rid of them. I hope they are clean feminised seeds but we will see. 😊
@nonick123, Gracias! Si ... todavia no se la causa, la humedad estava bien. estuve un poco de frio pero no se si es eso lo problema, solo tuve en dos plantas y ya estan secando