Senescence is in full swing! Her leaves are yellowing and shriveling at a surprising speed.
Her buds are still relatively skinny, but we still have two-three weeks to go. So we'll see. In any case, there's less risk of botrytis with less chonky buds.
We're on the homestretch, and all I do is to give her water. She is now drinking less, which makes sense as she is losing biomass and transpiring less.
She smells sweet citrus and fuel. If you want to be poetic about it, it's like a small diesel spill in the middle of an Orange orchard. There's also some pear smell, way in the background.
@BarneyRumble420, Right?! The sixth week of flower ends tomorrow, and It's about time to start checking the trichomes.
I'll let the trichomes tell me when it's time for the chop, but based on how she is senescing so far, I'd say another couple of weeks.