AmtrGanJaFarmercommentedweek 86 years ago
I'll take some photos under white light tomorrow, I checked under the leaves no trace of mites. I just replaced my filter now I'm at about 76 degrees and 45 humidity. my water sched is right around every 3 days before it's almost dried out. had an issue where the stand I had the plant on collapsed and the bottom was in water with roots that had grown into the pan. I'm hoping no root rot. my nutes I have kept really minimal at about a quarter to recommended then upped it to half, I did add some that was a bit higher with the N and instantly regretted it. I do have a fan running but thought might be wind burn, but that's not the case so I have 8t back on now. just watered today with water I PhD to 6.8. I tested the ro and cane out at 6.0 I might have to up it a little more?