Another week has passed in the tent.
Earlier in the week, I brewed and fed her a compost tea from worm castings, insect frass, basalt, lime, kelp, dolomite, molasses, epsom salt, fulvic acid, and malted barley.
She looks happy, and her pompoms are incredibly white. However, there is discoloration on a few leaves and leaf tips. It doesn't look too bad, so I'm not concerned about it now.
I applied additional LST and removed a few leaves to increase light penetration and airflow.
"Puke"? Is a wild one .. have yet to experience a grow with that one.. But got my curiosity up. Think I might have to try this one, thanks for sharing it!
@StarLorr, Right?! It Taaaaaaaaaaakes fooooooooooooorrrreeeeevvvvveeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr...
(I can hardly wait until they are done to start the next photo grow.)
El pH es siempre importante que esté en un rango de 6-7 en suelo
Aunque el suelo puede "amortiguar" pHs fuera de ese rango, estarás haciendo que tu suelo trabaje "contra" un pH alto o bajo de forma innecesaria...
@nonick123, I completely agree that it's better to pH your water despite growing in soil. There's no need to make the plants work harder than necessary.