This week was more eventful, but unfortunately it was the bad kind of events.
I spotted a weird-looking leaf on the main cola a few days ago. I removed it and immediately saw signs of budrot. Opening up the cola further showed extensive mold. I feared this might happen due to how compact the plant is, with large, chunky colas.
The overall environment in my tent is pretty solid, but I need to improve the micro-climates within the tent by adding more circulation fans. It will always be a risk for budrot with chunky colas, but improved circulation should help.
I trimmed off all the moldy buds and directed one of the fans to blow directly into the plant. I also added another fan to improve the general circulation. I've also ordered a couple more fans, and they should arrive next week.
The trichomes are mostly milky, so chop day is getting closer, but I'll hold off until I see some amber. I'd guess a week or two.
@StarLorr, Right?! It Taaaaaaaaaaakes fooooooooooooorrrreeeeevvvvveeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr...
(I can hardly wait until they are done to start the next photo grow.)
El pH es siempre importante que esté en un rango de 6-7 en suelo
Aunque el suelo puede "amortiguar" pHs fuera de ese rango, estarás haciendo que tu suelo trabaje "contra" un pH alto o bajo de forma innecesaria...
@nonick123, I completely agree that it's better to pH your water despite growing in soil. There's no need to make the plants work harder than necessary.
"Puke"? Is a wild one .. have yet to experience a grow with that one.. But got my curiosity up. Think I might have to try this one, thanks for sharing it!