
First Coco Run - LIT: ABZ | Zamnesia: Black Orchid | Zamnesia: Biscotti

4 days ago
2-in-1 Air Carbon Filter 4 inch with built-in 14cm Fan
6-inch Clip-on
Air Filters
Room Type
weeks 4
weeks 4-6
Coco Coir
Grow medium
11.4 l
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Alchemical_Wizard Alchemical_Wizard
21 days ago
Week 4 is starting off excellent. Day 22 - Decided to top ABZ#1, so I can compare it to ABZ#2 which won't be topped. I still want to mostly go for natural growth with these plants, but I can't promise I won't be able to restrain myself from playing around a bit and doing some LST again. After removing the top and rolling it in my fingers to really expose the terpenes, I mainly get the earthy green smell, but ever so lightly does it smell like a red delicious. Day 23 - Raised the light again from 22" above the canopy to 27". Increased power on the light to 25%. Photone was reading ~300 in the back and ~280+ in the front by the semi-open door. They all look a bit hungry still, so next feed I'm going up to the 850 PPM. Day 24 - Great growth on the plants all around still. Going to do some light defoliation before my next feed. I used a skewer and poked about 4 holes in a diamond-like pattern around each plant, reaching as far down as it would go. This was an attempt to add air back to the roots. I swapped places of the pots for Biscotti and Black Orchid. The Biscotti always looked like it was getting a bit too much light, and the Black Orchid looked like it wanted slightly more. So I switched them. Looks to have helped a bit. Still seeing the clawing, and the pots have dried out a bit more overnight. May reduce my feedback to 750 ppm on a couple that show more clawing than the others. Day 25 - Having VPD issues. I did raise the fan since possible wind burn. The plants have been growing about 3/4 of an inch a day. New growth looks great and I will be feeding tomorrow. Pots have weight and moisture, so I'm going to let it dry back more. Day 26 - This is a few hours before lights off. Fed again last night after lights on and doing a light defoliation to remove the cotyledons and first fan leaves. Each plant got ~ 2L each. Mixed two gallons, first gal was 234 ppm CalMag to 805 ppm and the 2nd was 240 ppm CalMag to 801 ppm. Stabbed a bigger skewer into the pots a few times after watering to help add air back to the roots. I have done fairly well at keeping it at 65% and 75F (with dropping during the tent being opened, etc) Day 28 - Raised the light to ~30-31" (picture was before) and bumped power up to 30% reading at 310-320 (front-rear) on photone. Stabbed each pot a couple/few more times with a skewer to try and introduce more oxygen as roots are still popping out of the top. I love the structure on the Black Orchid and both Apple Banana Zoap plants, preferring ABZ1. Biscotti's structure is alright, but it doesn't seem to have the nodes stretch as much as the others. Lots of weird leaf growth too.
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Zammi_officialweek 1
Have fun growing 🌱💙!
@Zammi_official, Thank You. I look forward to seeing how everything turns out 💚!!