Day 29 - All plants look excellent. The Biscotti is still growing new variegated leaves and has some giant fan leaves. ABZ1 took the topping well and both have some chunky ass middle fingers. Black Orchids leaves are a good in-between of the Biscotti and ABZs leaf structure. Defol on next feed coming up.
Day 30 - Removed the lower sets of fan leaves to open the plants up a bit more on the bottom. All of these leaves were pretty damn fat and had nice thick stems.
Day 31 - No update
Day 32 - No update
Day 33 - Going to flip when this week is over. I could go a little longer, but I'm happy with their size. Defol again tomorrow before feed to get rid of those giant solar panels touching everything and clean up a little more.
Day 34 - All plants fed 2L again at 800 PPM @ 6.0pH. My VPD has been all over the place, and I'm going to be getting more equipment really soon to help with that.
@Oyziphar, It's growing some buds on the stems of the fan leaves. I just noticed one of the Apple Banana Zoap doing it as well. The first time I've seen it myself out of all the mutations. Posting an update soon