Day 1
Sprouted is some tiny thing my wife got.
Tap showing, moved her to. 6 inch pot, mykos da hole.
Day 5
Shes startin!
Not amending my soil, only mykos. Of course castings
Gonna water feed the craft blend when hungry.
Day 6
Should need water tomorrow or the next and then transplant the following day.
Amazing people over at Teraganix sent me a bottle of EM-1. Some pretty gnarly stuff!
Omg I can't even begin to express my excitement for this microbial inoculant! 💪
Matt recommended to brew a batch ( or let it set ) for a week. So thats what I did. 🤘
Ty Teraganix 💚💪🤘
@nonick123, He is an edible kinda kitty. He hates the smoke, he walks off annoyed. 😂🤘 Im trying to figure out how, but he runs to the tent at time. Its adorable. I gotta film it. 😻🤘
@Sour_D, 😂 I'm sorry, Guava! We had an ancient seed picking ceremony. It was great! I laid him beside the seeds and its what he smelled! 😂 So Guy has spoken! 😂😻😻😻🤘
@Sour_D, My first of her kind, I'm really looking forward to her. I absolutely love, the way she has turned out.
🤞 On my dry 🤣 Goofed a little my last one. 😱😂