Week 2 of flower
She is growing nicely. She got a good dose of microbes yesterday.
2k ml she got cal/mag 5ml per gal, Drops 1ml, dusting of yucca, Kelp 1/16th tsp, EM 1 1 ounce per gallon and 1/2 tsp recharge.
Top dress is soon. She will only get water x2 waterings.
Cheesecake pictures tomorrow.
I think I even may have, underwatered Cheese HAHAHAHA No way! Me ..... Underwater.... Thats a first! Now I have it marked. LOL 😬
J/s EM1 is kinda lol Icky. And the bottle almost exploded on me 😂 Good stuff.
Good ol plain water ph 6.2
Watered around 2.5 liters took it well.
Roots are coming out the bottoms of both bags. 💪 Almost looks like worms 🤣
I must be doin ok, I haven't had them jump out before. 💪 And on both. Not the other 2 🤣 yet?
The buds on 3x are tiny. They need top dressed, but i dont think thats it. May be a slow budder?? Idk, we shall see. But I do see signs of hunger. Top dress next water 💪
Removed all leafs pointing in. Or most at least.
Very happy with progress. Still no signs of over water/feeding yet. 😁🤘
Top dress both 2 tbs buildaflower, 1 tbs craftblend, 1/4 cup poo.
Just growin tall.
Looking great here 👌 time to swell girls. Going to be nice looking nuggets. First polyploid was really interesting but what I have seen those they have been pretty shitty if compared to normal nuggets in the end. Enjoy it. those are nice looking nuggets 🙏
@Sour_D, Ive never had a under feeding problem before. 😂 This is a different pace.
I know we all say we can't wait for a run to be done. But geeze Louise 😁🤘